I do have a short memory. He's making 9 million a year. Get it the f*ck together. This season should never happen regardless of circumstance.
Last I checked, Cal recruited our freshman bust, Cal recruited our transfer bust, Cal recruited a guy who very likely opted out, Cal has routinely let marginal talent walk out the door when the program would have been better served by them staying (and it most likely would've been in the players' best interest as well), Cal has refused to change an offensive philosophy that is obviously not working, Cal has trolled the fan base that cares about this program more than he possibly ever could, Cal has surrounded himself with dipshits, Cal has blamed everyone but himself, Cal has completely botched every single aspect of this season.
I don't feel the least bit sorry for him, and I'm definitely not going to sit back and listen to shit-talking about the fanbase when we're not even going to win 10 f*cking games the entire year.
You don't like the fans anymore? You don't like the pressure anymore? You think UK fans are unfair? Guess what------>GTFO. We'll find someone else to pay absurd amounts of money to that actually wants to be here and is willing to make a GD effort to get better.