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This season has validated my (and many others') take that "if it wasn't for Kentucky, I wouldn't watch college basketball, because it's a shit product". I have no clue what is going on with the field and won't watch a second of covid-Madness.

I will give you the Cliffs Notes: Everyone is terrible.
-the #2 team was just crushed by the 4th ranked team in the nation. The 4th ranked team in the nation has 6 losses. That team has lost 24% of their games. They lost to Rutgers.
-the #1 team is undefeated. They could be awesome. But they have also been dining on cupcakes since Christmas. They could be good but they could also have diabetes.
-Loyola-Chicago is a top 20 team. They are 21-4. They have also played 8 teams twice. As in back to back games one day after another. They could be good but they probably aren't.

There is probably a pretty good chance that no #1 seed makes the final four.
Thanks. I'll be sure not to place a single wager on CBB for the remainder. This will also be the first time in like 30 years that I won't be filling out a bracket.
I think about that kid at Mississippi State, unconsciously pulling from deep, dribble fakes, head fakes, coming off double screens...Cal has developed him so nicely. Really done a service to him and this team. No business in basketball for that hot shot tomfoolery and I’m glad we put a stop to it.

Luckily, lockdown defenders like Boston and Askew have saved our bacon this season!
Last night was the first game all season when Devin Askew didn’t play 20+ minutes. He must be in the dog house fuh real. He only played 18, or 6x as many as Dontaie Allen.

Makes sense.
Allen and his family are a stand up crew. There have been several others that would have been loud by now.

I can’t imagine how they feel going through this.

I can’t imagine how I’d act if I was going through this with my son at the school I’ve loved my whole life.

Seriously it would be a challenge to ever cheer that school on again!
Bat Cats are off to a decent start, maybe they can keep that up and give us something to be proud of.

BJ Boston still working on his documentary? I wonder who he gets to carry the screen, because his weak ass certainly isn't strong enough to do so.
I fell asleep on the couch with 11 minutes left when we were up 5, woke up at 1:30, checked the score, and went to bed.

Highly recommend way to take in a 9pm SEC loss.

Not watching the end of what you know will be a UK loss and just turning the TV off has done wonders on my overall attitude the following day. Not actually having to witness another mind boggling defeat almost makes it feel like it never happened. It's one thing to hear about a horrific car accident, it's another to be an up close witness.

Sorry not sorry.
- I try to be a reasonable fella but my confidence in Cal rebounding from this debacle will be tried if we lose guys we absolutely shouldn’t this year. That starts with Allen but also includes Brooks, Toppin, Askew and Ware. We need continuity. We need to retain and develop. These Top 10 kids are too enigmatic to rely upon these days.

- In a normal program, Boston comes back, works on his strength, handle and shot, and works his way back to his hype.

- Cal better get to tampering with some of these transfer candidates.

- All that said, I refuse to let UK completely ruin the opening weekend of the tournament. Damper it- yes. Ruin it- no way. Looking forward to rooting against our enemies.

- I understand some “racial insensitivity” but have never understood things like Asian people taking offense to things like rice and chopsticks. Perhaps I’m ignorant, and I’m certainly willing to hear people out. Likewise, besides extreme examples being “annoying” I don’t much get the fuss over cultural appropriation - with the US supposedly priding itself on being a melting pot and all. You don’t see people bringing up the fact basketball was invented by a white guy. Why? Because who cares. It’s silly.

- Great news on vaccines yesterday. Time for the media to pump out some optimism. It’s there. Some just love the mud.

- Can’t wait to take the little lady for a stroller ride this evening then come home and have a bourbon. Maybe sit outside and let Blue chew some sticks.
Why would you expect them to look like world beaters?

That’s ridiculous.
Because the ultimate nut punch to conclude the season would be for us to look like a good basketball team for a few moments, get everyone’s hopes up for the finals and a potential tournament bid, and then shit in our faces after our hopes are up.
-Before we deliver the good news we need to be sure and shame Texas first. They're recklessly killing old people and all.

-Didn't put 2 and 2 together until I got home before realizing we had a 9p game. Thought about it for 2 minutes and decided to bomb a double dose of the 'tonin and crash at 8:30. Great decision and first time I've actively avoided a UK game in my life. Great night of sleep though. Spry and chipper this beautiful morning.

-We'll know in about 2-3 weeks if Cal learned anything from this mess. My guess is no. Can't wait to lose 7 or 8 available return players from a 8-18 team. Go get that Euro/DLeague contract young man.

-This isn't a nut punch season. We're not on the brink, catching bad breaks, getting screwed by refs. We f*cking suck and it's our Coach's fault. From lineups to continuity. IMO, the players are over it as much as we are and I don't blame them a bit.

-Busy ass week at work for me. Ready for those Thursday cocktails.

-Fine getting a little rain the late forecast, we don't want to burn up all the sun in this month. Save some of that for April and May.

-Work Grandma made hummingbird cupcakes, no bakes, and bourbon balls for the team. Damnit. Weigh in day as well. This is testing everything in my soul not to house like 3-4 of these with my morning joe. She even makes me my own little private batch because I'm a special boy.
I think what this year ultimately means for Cal - You better get your ass in gear and hang #9. A Final Four is mandatory in the next couple years. Fans are not going to be pacified by more losing to Bruce Pearl and Bruce Weber type bs. You have to completely overhaul your recruiting and start landing all the big fish again.

None of that is necessary to keep his job or anything, but he's got a very short window to "win" back the fans. I don't personally see that happening, and ultimately it doesn't matter. It's just going to very awkward during his last few+ years.

Hope he says something smart to Mark Stoops and gets a Youngstown knuckle sandwich. Take your Moon Town Ship ass back to PA, jagoff.
The good thing is that if Cal just stays a little longer and continues to ruin a once proud program and fan base- we are going to pay him a $1M a year to be an "Ambassador for the program"

I think its a great move to keep a coach around that most dont want anything else to do with just so we can get the occasional sound byte about how ignorant we all are.
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Barnhart should have called his bluff on the UCLA bullshit. Oh fuhreal you may go to UCLA, but if not you, it's Mick F'n Cronin? Let us know what you decide.

I mean how in TF did we get fleeced so badly? It's not even healthy for Cal. If he actually does want to move on, which Tucker's Athletic mailbag all but assured, he almost can't because of what he'd be walking away from financially.

That contract is #2 on Barnhart's biggest miscues, IMO.

1. BCG
2. Cal's Lifetime Contract
3. Joker

I mean, we'll see how this goes. Monetarily speaking and sustained self-inflicted pain-wise, this could usurp the BCG catastrophe. Easy. We're just getting started, bro.
Having the game on as simple background noise whilst hanging out with some friends is the best way to watch this University of Kentucky men's varsity basketball team.
Yea, I am thankful for Cal, tbh. Anytime I I start getting cocky about basketball, thinking I know what a 2-3 zone looks like, or if it's a good idea to play our best offensive player or not, Cal is always there to remind me I'm a dumbshit. I need to be humbled every now and then. I am not a HOF basketball coach.
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That Hoops Insight just eviscerates Cal and our offensive scheme and sub patterns. It's not anything most of us don't gripe about but kind of eyepopping seeing it in print, err, Twitter.

I think a coach that actually looks at and trusts the numbers would have had this team in the tournament comfortably.
Here's our numbers guy

The thing about milquetoast is (if I'm not mistaken) he's the longest-tenured AD in the conference. He's also on multiple boards/committees and well thought of apparently. But why?

He hired BCG, wasn't involved in the hiring process with Cal, and didn't Stoops call and pitch himself for the job and (possibly) begged for it?

I guess jump in the pool though lol and celebrate another rifle natty.

---->Also: if Cal dog cussed Mintz at the end of the game... I mean my word: That's it for me.
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Looks like Penei Sewell is likely to be there at 5, but there’s gonna be a temptation to get one of the top WRs assuming they’re available. Really depends on what you’re willing to do in FA. If you aren’t convinced he’s a generational LT AND you’re willing to overpay two top tier OL to come to Cincinnati, then I think you go with Chase. The FA OL crop is stronger than the FA WR crop imo.
Turns out grandpa Rufus was right all along being a ride or die Kentucky football man and a casual basketball watcher.

The game is so putrid, without a legitimate rooting interest/decent's just not worth the watch.
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I understand announcers do it so they have continued access, BUT, it has started to infuriate me listening to announcers suck off college coaches. They do it in every single game. Apparently, every single coach is a genius and world-class humanitarian. And their trite insights into life, which they skimmed in some bullshit self-help book, are treated as though they came from the most advanced philosophers the world has ever known. F*ck off.
One, maybe the only, good thing about this season is listening to the radio announcers bitch about watching the ESPN feed and how much screen time is dedicated to stuff off the court. It’s like they’re getting a taste of what regular fans have to put up with every single game. Nice little reality check for them.
I understand announcers do it so they have continued access, BUT, it has started to infuriate me listening to announcers suck off college coaches. They do it in every single game. Apparently, every single coach is a genius and world-class humanitarian. And their trite insights into life, which they skimmed in some bullshit self-help book, are treated as though they came from the most advanced philosophers the world has ever known. F*ck off.

Also realtors.
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