Willy - I think you’re beautiful.
Company A's budget isn't always the safe route though once you realize they plan to change order you to death on the final.
And non-melanatedChris Kolb feels guilty on a daily basis for having been born with male genitals.
I can't even get myself fired up about eating out again. Maybe on vacation, but man I agree about just wanting to be immediately back in my home.This has me really worried. I was out with a couple of people I love but as soon as dinner was over I was ready to be in sweat pants on my couch, high ball in hand, watching John Wick. That used to not be my style, at all. 2 hours for dinner, ordered and delivered in a sufficient manner, 1 after dinner cocktail at most, quick ride home, sweat pants and comfy couch.
Have had them out three times now. Put in a brand new electrical box for me, (The one from the previous owner was old and rusted out.) and installed an electrical line and box back to my new hot tub. Every bit of the work they did was top notch. Highly recommend.*I had to be one of the 1st to use the Bryant electrical service. Been well over a year, I'd estimate.
Read an article the other day completely freaking out over the variants that are now going to kill us all. I was admittedly depressed as hell as I read on. That is until the last two lines of the article which shared that they weren't any more deadly and there's real confidence that the vaccines will be effective against them. FFS.
Now's the time company b lurkers.
F rudd.
Oh, I love going out. No problems there. But as soon as I've stuffed my face and killed half a bottle of wine... I'm ready to hit "request a ride".I can't even get myself fired up about eating out again. Maybe on vacation, but man I agree about just wanting to be immediately back in my home.
- I have done golf stuff 4 of the last 5 days. So glad the weather is changing
- mom and dad got their first vaccine last Monday, it will be really nice to send time with them again as they have been really nervous about Covid
Oh, I love going out. No problems there. But as soon as I've stuffed my face and killed half a bottle of wine... I'm ready to hit "request a ride".