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-Hard for me to listen to podcasts but I have an inexplicable and irrational desire to host one of my own. UK sports, restaurants, current affairs; the works, really. I got A LOT to say. I don't think I could do it alone FTR (or at all, really), and I have a buddy I've approached but he correctly thinks I'm an idiot. It's whatever at this point. Life's boring. I'm F'n bored.

-Speaking of lumber costs, I've got a beautiful mature pin oak in my back yard the lumber of which I've been told I'd receive nothing for should I ever have a tree company remove it (which I never would). Makes no GD sense to me.

-Have done some writing for gyero lurker's neighborhood magazine business. 3rd installment due in the March edition. That's been fun, although the topics have to be light and airy, which makes it a little challenging. I did manage to sneak in a veiled shot at the light polluting neighboring church which was gratifying.

-2nd week in the gym going well. Sustained average HR of 150 for 30 min on the elliptical. HIIT with some machines/free weights after. Considering I was doing nothing but making rich soups and drinking before this *should* help.

-Skip the bread. Salad. Fish special. Espresso. I'm usually ready to hit the streets if I stick to that, which is difficult.

-Anth, I need an electrician soon for my back deck. Need to replace some lighting, wiring, and install a fixture in my gazebo (was already here). Are you all already doing that ish in Louisville?

-The green is just a hue greener every day if you're paying attention, folks.
* I'm batting, whatever Adam Dunn's career batting average is on podcasts. Guess I'm just bad at the ole search function.

But a real gem = Welcome To Your Fantasy.

It's the story of The Chippendales. There aren't very many things that are more positively 80's than those dudes. Hilarious.


Having arguably created one of the best podcasts of all time, I speaking from a position of knowledge to say that podcasting is really fun and super easy.

Record something and throw it up on Libsyn for $5/mo. They’ve got it all figured out. It’s easier than checking out a conference room in Outlook.

Have a very specific voice on a very specific topic and set up an outline to hang segments on and you’re off to the races.
Company A's budget isn't always the safe route though once you realize they plan to change order you to death on the final.

-i think you a has the job covered. Company b is the lowball.

-re: change orders. End users dont like to let the joey/kooks of the world *completely* design the project...they put 90% drawings out to bid thinking they've saved the last 10% of design fees...well if it isnt detailed on the drawings it isnt getting built. The second thing is running work "out of sequence"...or eating time on the front end and paying for ot to meet schedule.

^manage those things and change orders are few/far between.
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Company B is the trunk slammer, they dont provide bids. They just help keep company A in line 😁

My brain doesn't function properly for podcasts, it's too spastic. If I put one on while I'm working, I either listen to it and get nothing done or do my work and miss half the podcast. I'd rather watch a documentary than listen to one if I'm dedicating my time to such an endeavor.
I will say I’m batting about .740 on podcasts I start due to a GYERO recommendation, which should surprise no one
Willy, I'd like to apologize for the comment about your eyebrow. I've realized that saying things like that can be hurtful, and that we need to celebrate our differences!


*Looks like I'm team Moderna. One down one to go. Numbers are plummeting...getting close to time for these governors to roll back some of their mandates and emergency powers.

*Doctor's visit for the knee, she says it feels structurally stable and does not believe it will require surgery. Hoping the MRI says the same. If that's the case, bullet dodged and lesson learned!

*I admire wcc's appetite for UK basketball but my joy for this season died a while back, I'll passively watch but in no way do I worry about the end of this train wreck. If anything. we need a break from Cal and visa versa. Go recruit your own guys back, lose a few lbs, get tan, hire an offensive wiz assistant that you respect and lets see each other again in the fall.

*Speaking of losing weight, I have not found a successful diet and it's getting go time. Started the low carb thing a week ago. I think I can stick to it. 15 lbs by the end of April is the goal (I'll take 10).

*Now...we golf.
*I had to be one of the 1st to use the Bryant electrical service. Been well over a year, I'd estimate.

*Speaking of Gyero Lurker, need to have him over again soon. Perfect example of two people from extreme opposite sides of the political spectrum that can get along over brews and UK. Hell, one of my more vaguely memorable nights since I went east side was when him and Tommy came over and we went out

*Having a connecting eyebrow isn't anything to be ashamed of. One of my coaches would make fun of me all the time. Cro Magnon was his go-to. He'd also like to tell me he would like to introduce my eyebrows but he sees they've already met. I liked that one...still use it.
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This has me really worried. I was out with a couple of people I love but as soon as dinner was over I was ready to be in sweat pants on my couch, high ball in hand, watching John Wick. That used to not be my style, at all. 2 hours for dinner, ordered and delivered in a sufficient manner, 1 after dinner cocktail at most, quick ride home, sweat pants and comfy couch.
I can't even get myself fired up about eating out again. Maybe on vacation, but man I agree about just wanting to be immediately back in my home.

- I have done golf stuff 4 of the last 5 days. So glad the weather is changing

- mom and dad got their first vaccine last Monday, it will be really nice to send time with them again as they have been really nervous about Covid
Read an article the other day completely freaking out over the variants that are now going to kill us all. I was admittedly depressed as hell as I read on. That is until the last two lines of the article which shared that they weren't any more deadly and there's real confidence that the vaccines will be effective against them. FFS.
I like Simmons’ catalogue overall and The Rewatchables depending on who the co-hosts are.

Part of me likes Russillo but dude lighten up some. I know it’s a podcast requisite if you’re sports journo from the Northeast to come across as super edgy and drop gratuitous f bombs but you talk sports and pop culture for a living.
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Our c-word mayor, who insists on speaking to the community as if we're all 3 years old, and has been considerably more heavy handed than even King Andy, just took off today for a "leadership seminar" in the British Virgin Islands.

I swear, how people put so much faith in any of these hypocritical losers is beyond me.
*I had to be one of the 1st to use the Bryant electrical service. Been well over a year, I'd estimate.
Have had them out three times now. Put in a brand new electrical box for me, (The one from the previous owner was old and rusted out.) and installed an electrical line and box back to my new hot tub. Every bit of the work they did was top notch. Highly recommend.
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Read an article the other day completely freaking out over the variants that are now going to kill us all. I was admittedly depressed as hell as I read on. That is until the last two lines of the article which shared that they weren't any more deadly and there's real confidence that the vaccines will be effective against them. FFS.

-its as if the folks putting these articles out thrive/profit from clicks generated by fear/confusion...and arent really serving the public interest. Weird.
I can't even get myself fired up about eating out again. Maybe on vacation, but man I agree about just wanting to be immediately back in my home.

- I have done golf stuff 4 of the last 5 days. So glad the weather is changing

- mom and dad got their first vaccine last Monday, it will be really nice to send time with them again as they have been really nervous about Covid
Oh, I love going out. No problems there. But as soon as I've stuffed my face and killed half a bottle of wine... I'm ready to hit "request a ride".
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- This pandemic sure has provided us with a lot of "Emperor is wearing no clothes" moments. Whole lotta powerful folks being exposed for who they really are and who/what they really care about. IN SUMMARY: Most of them think all of us are stupid.

- Just saw that 80's kid dressed up as a Seuss character for school today. Well guess what, 80? You're CANCELED.

- Seems like Iowa has played on TV every other night for the past two months.

- What's the best fish sandwich in Lexington? I know Charlie's gets a lot of nostalgic love, but that monstrosity does nothing for me.

- I've been to maybe five games in the past 15 years, but I'm still glad to see that the Lexington Legends are sticking around. Nice family evening out, and much cheaper than a trip up to GABP (especially for a family where 3/4 of the gang doesn't care about the on-field product). No MLB affiliation is weird, but ultimately who cared, other than World Wide Harris and the other four Royals fans in Lexington?

- Sounds like Richard Jr. is on his way out in Minnesota. Wonder if that's already floating around so that they can make a last-ditch appeal to CHET. Sounds like he's gonna be a Zag though, along with Sallis. WE JUST CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS PLAYERS.
Rudd’s out here talking like my whole role isn’t the simulate the logistics and schedule of prototypical construction processes ahead of time, saving everyone time and money.

That’s why I’ve earned the nickname:
“Mr. Positive Swings.”

...And, yes, that nickname reads much differently outside of construction budget context, I get it.
Anth, whats the going rate for running a 240 for a hot tub? Getting it done in the next couple weeks and want to make sure its fair. New construction with crawl space so pretty easy logistics.
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Oh, I love going out. No problems there. But as soon as I've stuffed my face and killed half a bottle of wine... I'm ready to hit "request a ride".

Anth used to be the bar star, then he transitioned to a midnight cutoff, and now this.

Let’s be honest, it’s gonna be the early bird special soon for our Eyetalian friend so he can be in bed before Matlock.
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