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For $40-70 you can get a propane torch and just slowly meander around letting said torch melt everything. Really pisses the neighbors off that are shoveling.
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So Chad’s boy Chris Harrison is the latest cancel culture drop.

Really used to enjoy Wcc’s breakdowns of the show. Maybe there’s a chance he could be the new host?!?!
So Chad’s boy Chris Harrison is the latest cancel culture drop.

Really used to enjoy Wcc’s breakdowns of the show. Maybe there’s a chance he could be the new host?!?!

As happy as I am that instagram models, aspiring social media influencers, bartenders and personal trainers have a TV show to hook them up, I can no longer support it with good conscience.

get one.
Did a drive around of my properties this morning... city is gridlocked. Front end loaders and tri-axle dumps clearing Main St. Lexington got an unannounced 3 inches of snow this morning and it messed up everything.

Going to clean my sidewalks this afternoon. While I was out doing my drive around I helped a handicapped man get his wheelchair out of a snow drift in front of city hall.
I think Chevy Chase Hardware still has some snow supplies.

Jeff is out clearing our driveway right now. Thanks for the rec, BRax!
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Had two bags of salt sitting in my garage last few years. Sprinkle a little on the steps as needed, shovel/scrape the rest, profit.
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Anyone else think that Max is acting just a little too smug today with all this snow/ice removal talk?

It's subtle, but it's definitely there.
What is he supposed to have done? A quick google search is just a bunch of word salad.
Basically, he elected not to crucify a current contestant for attending a plantation/old South themed frat party while in college a few years ago. Said he wanted to hear her side of things before labeling her a racist, and said people on social media are too quick to condemn. So, basically he defended racism, obviously.
Anyone else think that Max is acting just a little too smug today with all this snow/ice removal talk?

It's subtle, but it's definitely there.
Actually, the opposite of Smuglife, which is having your grounds crew pretreat and then clear all impacted areas before your first cup of coffee.

Guess even the upper-crust in here have had to tighten their belt.
-I clear the deck, patio, and a path to the garage. Typically my neighbor is up before me and does the sidewalks, so I either clear any that came after or hit my other neighbors sidewalks. No chance I'm doing the entire drive.

-Props to Huber for selling me the biggest damn generator I've ever seen. Freaked out a bit yesterday when it was pissing rain and 20 degrees. WS has kindly threatened my life since I own an electrical company and have yet to install a whole home generator. Thankfully, didn't lose power and I woke up alive... so what's the return policy? I kid.


-We closed an entire world for a virus, yet everyone in Lexington decided to be out driving this morning in an absolute shit show. Go home.

-New Meateater episodes start tomorrow. LEGGO.

-Man, CFA sounds good. Been doing pretty well so I'm sure I'll just get the regular chicken salad from 'potle.

-I appreciate KL trying to talk college ball but I just don't have it in me.
What generator did you get Anth?

I have one of those we put on a dolly rather than a backpack. Good multi-use tool for everything from roofing to weed killing.

They aren't great for clearing large areas of ice/snow though, they'll go through a $20 bottle of propane in no time. However, if you need to thaw something out, they are invaluable.
I have one of those we put on a dolly rather than a backpack. Good multi-use tool for everything from roofing to weed killing.

They aren't great for clearing large areas of ice/snow though, they'll go through a $20 bottle of propane in no time. However, if you need to thaw something out, they are invaluable.
Searing a steak or lighting a fire/grill.
I have one of those we put on a dolly rather than a backpack. Good multi-use tool for everything from roofing to weed killing.

They aren't great for clearing large areas of ice/snow though, they'll go through a $20 bottle of propane in no time. However, if you need to thaw something out, they are invaluable.

They may not be practice or economical but I bet they are fun as hell to use. Not to mention you get to enjoy all of the jealous/condescending looks from the neighbors.
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