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Notice Jurich only mentioned Pitino not stepping down. He didn't say anything about not dismissing him. Maybe just an oversight, but I found that interesting.
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Please keep in mind that Rick was the victim in the sypher case. Banging a cougar in a public restaurant and jizzing all over your own leg and admitting that in court is NOT an NCAA issue and should not be considered in all this
Also, 9/11.

and also whores
He can say what he wants, but TOMMA has to be shifting his focus to "how do we keep that banner from coming down". The most obvious answer is to throw HOFCRP, kicking and screaming, on the sword.

You really underestimate their/his arrogance. The banner potentially coming down hasn't even crossed Jurich's mind. I guarantee that.
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Who is Coach Mike? That's who she said knew.
Mike Balado. Current UofL assistant coach. He just got an extension on his contract Sept. 10th, btw.

That's the next step here. When a coach or McGee crack and start talking, then shit will really hit the fan.
Today's out of context quote:

"'Some things happen for a reason,' Pitino told Balado...

Then he pulled out a trio of $100 bills from his wallet and handed them to Balado"

How Balado got on the UL staff.

Balado is probably pretty loyal to Pitino after that. He might be the fall guy
Mike Balado. Current UofL assistant coach. He just got an extension on his contract Sept. 10th, btw.

That's the next step here. When a coach or McGee crack and start talking, then shit will really hit the fan.
Jeremy_CSZ: Mike Balado was only added to the staff April 26th 2013. Almost at the end of the alleged time frame

Is this true?
Chase, are you listening to ESPN radio right now?

In response to "where do you think Andre McGee got the money?

"Andre talked about going to the ATM, but I don't know of any ATMs that give out big stacks of cash with bands on it... Andre talked about Coach Mike a lot. Everything went back to Coach Mike."

No, I wasn't listening, but here's a theory:

Balado is handling Blakeney's visit. He sets up quite a bit of stuff for the weekend, rolls out the red carpet, etc. Attempts to seal the deal by having someone go to an ATM, get cash, purchase a burner phone, and then he texts/calls McGee to set up the whores for Blakeney and his Guardian.


I wonder what Ramsey's position will be if the media connects that both Petrino and Pitino have the highest listed salary as a state employee of Kentucky?

Search using terms between $2M and $10M. There are only two names on the list.

Wonder where that money comes from and if it is connected to the general fund and not connected to the athletic department revenue.
No, I wasn't listening, but here's a theory:

Balado is handling Blakeney's visit. He sets up quite a bit of stuff for the weekend, rolls out the red carpet, etc. Attempts to seal the deal by having someone go to an ATM, get cash, purchase a burner phone, and then he texts/calls McGee to set up the whores for Blakeney and his Guardian.


Pretty reasonable in light of what we know imo
If you haven't read the Lance Armstrong stuff, you should. It really lines out how people with ego's that size think. It's not rational. How they attempt to bully people. How they think they're too big to be busted. How they think they're smarter than everyone in the room and too big to be brought to justice.

I just keep thinking about them(Jurich and his Cronies) in 2014 in a little side private room at St Elmos right around the corner from our table. You could hear them at our table. HAd to pass them on the way to the bathroom. Boozing, schmoozing, being loud and obnoxious the night before the game like it was Derby evening, so confident, full of themselves, sure they were going to beat UK the next day, fresh off the year of the Card...

Knowing I saw that scene literally the night before the rug being pulled started gives me such an amazing feeling.
7th time the story has run, currently [laughing] on ESPN. Tune it.

Cards were sure that she would sound awful, story would be shot down, she's a liar, she's a whore, etc. She couldn't have come off any better given that she's a whore.
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Rick Pitino and the Louisville basketball program received some great news on Thursday night. Just a few days after taking a visit to the University of Louisville campus, five star shooting guard Antonio Blakeney announced via his Twitter account that he has committed to the Cardinal program.

Rick Pitino and his staff did an incredible job in pursuing the five star prospect. While the entire staff deserves credit, it was Pitino and asst. coach Mike Balado who established a very strong relationship with Blakeney.
Pitino - and I'm guessing Jurich is no different - has encased himself in a sycophantic bubble for years. You just lose perspective in that situation.
I'll guarantee you this - this story is only going to get worse. God only knows what Blakeney told the NCAA. If he links McGee with the current coaching regime with this crap, they are even more beyond effed.
When a person holds himself up as a beacon of righteousness, character, and professionalism and is, in fact, quite the opposite in private, shit like today happens.

When a person goes around like the pillar of the community, yet surrounds himself with business associates who are of questionable integrity, shit like today happens.

When a person acts like the greatest boss in the world to you and acts like he'd do anything in the world for you if you needed it, yet turns his back on you after 17 years for defending a woman's honor, shit like today happens.

Karma, MFers!
I mean the *best case* scenario for UL is "hey, a rogue assistant brought strippers on campus, snuck them in the dorms and gave them cash to get their boners on". That's the BEST CASE.

Disagree. The McGee wire transfer after he left the program kills this scenario. Someone else had to be involved, otherwise how the hell would McGee know the workings of Louisville recruiting months after he left?
In fairness to Louisville, there is this...


“The NCAA has asked me not to comment on this matter and I will abide by it. But I will say one thing… There’s only one person who can speak on this matter, and that’s Andre McGee. He owes it to his teammates, coaches and the university to tell the truth. The truth has got to come out, and it can’t just be to the NCAA.”

Be careful what you wish for, bud.
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Hope some people are taking a look at McGee's finances now, and his finances after he falls on the sword. My guess is he will have a large increase in income. Hopefully someone follows him around a bit and sees if he buys an expensive car or house after being terminated and blackballed from coaching.

There is virtually no doubt that McGee will be paid handsomely to take all the blame. And if he's not paid, UofL's rape will be inevitable, so they should relax and enjoy it.
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