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If a ref can't get a ball back into play quick enough, which can happen if a player goes far enough out of bounds, the ref will stop the clock for a 25 second play clock.

I guess that's the new rule you're talking about.
Jay get compared to that, there's nothing I can do..

Now, Smokin' Jay Cutler is ****ing funny.

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Was more drunk/angry during last nights game than any game I can recall in recent memory. That Auburn team was absolutely terrible.
Until Baker catches some balls that mean a GD thing in a big game I could really do without his hotdogging on a 5 yard out route in with 10 min to go in the first half. :chairshot:

And anyone defending the GD draw play on 2 and 5 with no timeouts with 45 seconds can GFY.
Just beat Charlotte, Vandy and Louisville. That's getting near the ceiling of "good" Kentucky football.

At least we have the Matthew Mitchell Variety Hour tonight to help put this loss behind us.

Yard work today. Having a little neighborhood party on our cul-de-sac tonight right in front of the house so it can't look like shit. It currently looks like shit.

Also, whores.
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- Stupidly bet the Cats and the under last night...missing both by a point. This is a lesson I have now learned about a dozen times.

- Baker. The kid is good, but dammit, he's dropped at least 3 that I can think of SUREFIRE in-the-numbers TDs. Big ones, too.

- Towles made some stupid/bad throws for sure, but I thought overall, he was all right.

- Kentucky football.
I'm going to take some heat for this, and I'm not a college football X's and O's guy, so I won't be able to defend myself well...but I actually really like Dawson overall.

The draw was obviously dumb as shit, but his overall playcalling I like. He has his issues, some of which may be due to this being the first year he's ever called plays on his own, but I'm glad we have him, and I think he's significantly better than Neal Brown.
Stoops put 8 guys in for punt return team on purpose because he knew we were getting mad exposure and he wanted to show recruits "hey guys, check it out. We don't even have enough guys for a team. Come on down to kebtucky and I promise I will get you out there. What size tee shirt do you wear
Oh don't kill the messenger here but UL will beat FSU this weekend too.

They've successfully pushed their whore problems on to Lamar Odom and now they will knock off a decent FSU team. The devil holds up to his end of the bargain when you make a deal with him. He may tease it a bit and make you sweat- but ultimately once you hop into bed with him, the deal is done.
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I'm going to take some heat for this, and I'm not a college football X's and O's guy, so I won't be able to defend myself well...but I actually really like Dawson overall.

The draw was obviously dumb as shit, but his overall playcalling I like. He has his issues, some of which may be due to this being the first year he's ever called plays on his own, but I'm glad we have him, and I think he's significantly better than Neal Brown.

He's 75% good. It's the 25% that is infuriating. He seems hellbent on showing everyone how much of a genius he is when common sense play calling should prevail. He also seemingly gives no F's about time of possession, which drives me nuts.
Just want to thank Anth and WS again for the invite yesterday. Adrian, Tyler, and Boat, You're all good people, thanks for having me. The beef sandwiches and wings were on point. It was nice to finally shake hands with some people I've been talking with and being called a gaf by for the last decade plus.
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I wasn't a huge fan of our gameplan being "Wing the ball all over the place" when we were playing the worst run defense in the SEC. I thought that first drive was a sign that we were going to pound the ball but, well. Dawson gets too cute sometimes when he should be conservative and too conservative when he should be creative. I don't know if that's him or Stoops.
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We sort of had them corralled until they figured out they could run Barber right up the gut after Lewis went down. That injury was as much of a factor as anything. Once they began to exploit it, they started moving the ball at will again.
Seems like UK is pretty much blowing Alkins off. Cal must be pretty confident in Monk.
That Lewis injury could be huge going forward. I don't like it. No sir. Not one bit.

Still- we're 4-2. Steal one of the next two, beat Vandy and Charlotte, and then end the season beating UL and you're 8-4, going to a nice bowl, and brining back the vast majority of your starters next year. Beats Smokin' Joker.
That Lewis injury could be huge going forward. I don't like it. No sir. Not one bit.

It likely cost us the game last night. Our D-line was ragdolled up the middle after he went out. After basically being perfect through the third quarter and the first part of the 4th.
You think we're ever going to get such chances to beat Florida and Auburn again? That's what sucks.

With that said, you'd expect our young playmakers to finally MAKE those plays by the time they're upperclassmen. The future's bright, but dammit, you hate missing these opportunities.
What's that all about? Why doesn't Clifton like Cal and vice versa?
If I recall correctly, didn't Clifton try to get Wall to go elsewhere and basically got ignored on it? I don't know if it stems from that or if Clifton already had problems with Cal. If it's the latter, I don't see why he wouldn't get vetoed again.
Clifton made the Wall recruitment a shady deal, as evidenced by Wall having to sit out a couple games.

Clifton knows when he sends a player to Cal he loses a lot of influence over that kid...which is why he sends most his guys to NC State.
I honestly think that Clifton is trying to make Cal look bad by saying no one from UK has contacted him to confirm BBM.

I mean, does that sound like Cal? Even if he doesn't like Clifton, Cal is savvy enough to not blow off a top 15 player two days before madness.
You think we're ever going to get such chances to beat Florida and Auburn again? That's what sucks.

Yes. We've almost beaten Florida 5-6 times in the past 20 years. Hell, Lorenzen came closer than this team. As to Auburn, we just beat them in 2009.

We've beaten LSU, Auburn, Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas, Mississippi State, Missouri, Vanderbilt, and Ole Miss in the last ten years. The only SEC programs we do not have wins over from 2006 to present are Bama, Florida, and Texas A&M.
Yes. We've almost beaten Florida 5-6 times in the past 20 years. Hell, Lorenzen came closer than this team. As to Auburn, we just beat them in 2009.

We've beaten LSU, Auburn, Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas, Mississippi State, Missouri, Vanderbilt, and Ole Miss in the last ten years. The only SEC programs we do not have wins over from 2006 to present are Bama, Florida, and Texas A&M.

I meant both in the same season. We had them in Commonwealth. We could've won. AND WE LET'M OFF THE HOOK!
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Here's where our (myself included) inexperience as a football school really shows. We're 4-2 with a TON of football left and a lot of winnable games in front of us. I am not saying we can't be disappointed about any missed opportunities so far, but it's a really long season and we're just halfway through at this point. There are TONS of opportunities in front of us and this team can still write one helluva script.

And that starts this week IMO. If you think @ Mississippi State is unwinnable then you're smoking crack. They're 4-2 (1-2 in SEC). We've pretty much gone toe-to-toe with them the last two seasons. Unlikely? Granted. But we should most definitely still be excited about what we've got and the schedule ahead.
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