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When we came out in shotgun on 3rd and 1, I knew we would lose the game. The play had yet occurred but I just knew.
Re: climate change. The world will always find a way to correct itself. If things get out of balance, there will be a correction. Thanos wasn't exactly wrong in theory, just in application.
Climate change
Pro’s: Kentucky is typically considered somewhere between a 6b-7a zone for plant hardiness. It’s feasible that in the very near future we will be looking at an 8a-8b situation, which would allow for such plants as sawmill palmetto, slash pine, and for our crape myrtles to really flourish year round. I for one, am excited about this possibility.

Cons: it’s f*cken hot as shit out there and has caused my AC to go out TWICE so far since May. I am seriously furious about this got damn hot ass weather and wish it would just be fall for the love of GOD
* Certainly hope Kash was up to no good. We always need some guys on defense with that "it" factor.

* Climate science is politicized, because of course. But gd, there's 7.5 billion people in the world. I don't care how you label it, just quit being f'ing stupid that we aren't negatively affecting the planet.

* MSU started at -8.5, and it's already down to 6. Just don't get how they are such a big early favorite.

* Poore's miss was awful, but it didn't mean a lot in the grand scheme of things. The Carter ejection, and the failure to pick up a 1st down. That's the game. F.

* 4 year-old opens a lemonade stand to raise money for Willie Taggart's buyout. How cute, he also took time out of his busy entrepreneurial schedule to write this articulate letter...

"I am tired of losing football games and being made fun of at school for being a Seminole fan. At four, I am already starting to gravitate towards the color orange. You don't want that for an innocent kid like me.

By the way -- F him, and F his dad. I hope they both get their ass kicked.

* So, Ahmad Wagner is a star? Damn, that dude had one hell of a weekend.

* Fantasy baseball team is holding onto 3rd place, and fading fast.

* Terry Wilson had to be the least elusive runner I've ever seen a dude with his speed and supposed "athleticism." In fact, he'll probably crush the NFL combine when he makes it there. But he wasn't really a great runner. Add that to the reasons I'm liking Sawyer Brown. He's a much more capable passer, and there's barely a dropoff with his ability to scramble. My big concern with him will be his decision making, as he appears to have a bit of gunslinger mentality. Overall, I like him a lot.
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I have two Yeti cups and put everything I drink in them besides milk. Then after I one I put it in the dishwasher and use the other one. Works out pretty well.
My biggest concern with Sawyer is that he goes down with an injury and we have to replace him with God knows who.

And it almost happened Saturday.
Looking back on Saturday, maybe I had something to do with Anth’s mood, why he snapped on Adrian.

I did flat out abuse him on the basketball court. Normally not too boastful on my shot, but I was in the zone. He just happened to be in the way.

Sorry brah.
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-yeah...when the solution isn't taxing the poop out of the US and few other 1st worlds and sending the cash to the un/g8(or whatever) for the *benefit* of the underdeveloped world(the ones that are actually ignoring the problem...albeit out of some necessity sans Russia/China/India/Brazil)...ill be a bit more comfortable. I mean who is better at managing money than an unaccountable quasi-governmental organazation? Right.

-the reality is that we(the us) and western europe are making strides...but its a losing proposition unless we can get the aforementioned 2nd/3rd world folks on board.

-carry on.
-Night game in Columbia sets up well for human dad. If I'm going to be roasting in the Carolina sun I better be staring off into brown surf and only to be interrupted by something tan wearing a bikini.

-Loge thanks to the schems of course. I honestly am reconsidering my commitment to booze sales (beyond the obvious hypocrisy of it all) as it was easily top 2-3 drunkest nights of my life at Commonwealth. Good grief. Kind of nice that my memory of the 4th quarter is a little hazy... no interest in going back and watching it. Bounced from postgame festivities before doing anything too stupid.

-From what I do recall, we're a physical ass football team that is still figuring some things out. I'm encouraged as hell. Really interested to see what we get out of the team this Saturday following that... let's hope they're pissed. +8.5 is a gift.
-yeah...when the solution isn't taxing the poop out of the US and few other 1st worlds and sending the cash to the un/g8(or whatever) for the *benefit* of the underdeveloped world(the ones that are actually ignoring the problem...albeit out of some necessity sans Russia/China/India/Brazil)...ill be a bit more comfortable. I mean who is better at managing money than an unaccountable quasi-governmental organazation? Right.

-the reality is that we(the us) and western europe are making strides...but its a losing proposition unless we can get the aforementioned 2nd/3rd world folks on board.

-carry on.
You're still talking about tumblers, right?
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is the a less sympathetic demographic than vapers?

Is this what finally brings us together as a nation? Banning vapes?

Do I not have the right to live free or die hard? I'm pretty sure that's verbatim in article one section eleven of the Constitution.
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