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Still irate. These bitches have lucked out against us so many times. Unbelievable if I hadn’t seen it a dozen times.
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I have a lot of UK football scar tissue...I couldn’t watch that FG, just waited to hear the groan of the group I was with.

We have come a long, long way as a program and Stoops has as a HC. BUT, he cannot seem to shake the underdog mentality of coaching.

He’s built a program that is flat out better in the trenches than Florida, yet we are still running gimmicks like the wildcat and falling into soft zones because we are afraid of a backup QB burning is deep.
To me, shitty playcalling and bad officiating aside, last night was extremely disheartening because I thought our program had finally turned the corner and would now be able ways to win games like this -- not give them away (like before).

With the talent gap closed and our team being equal if not more talented than a lot of our opponents, I fear Stoops will *really* rely on the conservative game plan. Last night doesn't appear to be exception and might be more of the rule.

Could you imagine us running it the eff up on the Gators last night, provided we get one stupid yard and drive down and to go up 28-10 in the 4th? My God the buzz would have been off the charts. Yeah -- this one will hurt an effing while. Sick.

- Bowden needs to get his shit together. Quitting on routes, dropping balls, putting the ball on the ground, etc... you want to be *the* guy? He hasn't lived up to expectations, IMO.

- I really like our QB. I was most impressed with him running down that bad pick and making that tackle. If the staff can continue to put us in good yardage situations and stay away from the stupid wildcat, he's gonna win some games. He spreads the ball around will keep the D from loading up the box.
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We have come a long, long way as a program and Stoops has as a HC. BUT, he cannot seem to shake the underdog mentality of coaching.

He’s built a program that is flat out better in the trenches than Florida, yet we are still running gimmicks like the wildcat and falling into soft zones because we are afraid of a backup QB burning is deep.
And we're still trying to bleed a lead to death to hopefully, somehow make it to 00:00 on the clock with our 7-10 point lead from the 2nd quarter intact instead of beating our opponent to death and trying to run it up. We were good enough to win by 21 last night if Stoops had that mentality. Until he learns that, every game we play, even against lesser competition (like Florida was.) is going to be a coin flip

If Stoops wants the respect of a top-tier program from writers, rankers, fans, other programs, etc. He needs to first give himself and his players the respect of thinking about ourselves like a top-tier program that can absolutely beat the sh*t out of you if you're not ready.
Even the Panthers tried it the other night in the final play against the Bucs. It didn't work. Gimmick play that is 10 years past it's prime.
Pretty much agree with everything that's been said here. I saw Frank's leg get rolled up and knew he was done...and that the back up was going to torch us. That's when the game changed.

Missing a 35yd kick just sucks. Kid should at least change his name. Chance Good.

Other than the incredibly disappointing result, yesterday was otherwise a blast. Got started with Adrian and Tommy playing HORSE and the football throws for hours. Don't recall ever having to pay Tommy anything, but he did take $200 off Adrian late night.

80's jambalaya was :fire:.

Thanks again to the Schems for running the show. Fun watching Sloot shoot baskets late night.

Bounced around the green and blue lot tailgates. Just a great energy and vibe. One spot had this massive smoker they grilled a gator on...good for show, but I liked the fried nugget version with aoili better. Booker did a great job on that by the way.

The ice luge was a nice party addition. Maybe somebody should score one for Homecoming.

Ugh, just a gut punch.
Even the Panthers tried it the other night in the final play against the Bucs. It didn't work. Gimmick play that is 10 years past it's prime.

Meanwhile Mullen ran the option against us for a TD.

I can understand why you run the wildcat with a guy like Bowden since he can also throw, I guess. But unless Jojo Kemp still has eligibility left, I'd rather not see the wildcat again until we've got a Randall Cobb type where you almost have to run some wildcat snaps to make use of his skills.
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We physically manhandled Florida. Again. Then our coaches basically told our badass big time SEC players “we don’t trust you to finish this game, so we’re going take the ball out of your hands and try not to lose this, k?”. It’s insulting to the fans and players.

Then Stoops and media will be crying about lack of fans at our next home game.
I think i'm in the minority but I thought Smith was just ok... 3 bad turnovers, and outside of the one sack the line gave up-- that was the best pass protection he couldve asked for. Maybe it was just the timing of the interceptions that has me thinking hes going to shrink in big situations.
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He was only ok, but I think he showed enough that I am confident going forward that he can run the offense and spread the ball around to playmakers.

His fumble was obviously bad and cost us points, but I chalk it up to nerves so maybe a slight pass on that one, idk. Obviously cant happen again though.

The INT where he ran the guy down was terrible with no excuses - cant throw that ball. We look back at the 4th and 1 as a game changer, but score on that possession and we are firmly in control of the game.

The 2nd INT I'm not going to act like a football expert, Bowden clearly slowed down and ran a different route but I dont know what the correct read is on that one.
I'm not sure grading Sawyer Smith as "OK" actually puts you in the minority, tbh. He started out awesome and then made some huge screw ups as the Florida defense got more comfortable handling him.

All in all, his arm strength and athletic ability were legit surprising in a good way. He also looked like a gamer. Loved the tackle on the interception. That's a pure hustle move.

Most importantly, we have a QB with a mustache and a headband like he's the modern version of Jim McMahon or something.

Rather have Terry Touchdown out there but for a backup, we could do far, far worse.
Agree wholeheartedly with geese, Lynn Bowden screwed our team as much as any coach or Chance Poor. That said man, Chance Poor:mad:

The NFL, is trash! My lord it’s surreal how commercialized it was. Out of 50,000 I guess at Nissan Stadium about 35,000 were wearing jerseys and ringing up beers on credit cards.

Had ex Titan Jevon Kearse visit the suite which was cool. However 3 chicks at one table stuck to the dude like velcro immediately in an embarrassing way.

As we left a bachelorette bus was riding around with a bunch chicks bonging beers and waving inflated dicks at the Titan crowd which was worth the trip once a group of 20 jersey wearing drunks started screaming vulgarities.
Would you prefer they pay cash for the beers? I’m confused.
Someone is no GYEROMAN, is he dropping debit cards on the counter like he’s a boss?

Krazy, you’re preaching to the choir. Everyone here knows the NFL is full of shit fans and abhorrent behavior. It’s been that way for decades.
- My entire life I’ve been able to stomach UK football losses fairly easily because the stakes have never been high. That’s changed, which is a good thing, but with that comes the hangover. Still fuming about Saturday night. We were the better team and could be riding into a tough game in Starksville with a number by our name. Let them off the hook.

- Smith definitely has some moxie but kid needs to take care of the ball. He’ll get better.

- Stoopsy has some work to do with that green defensive backfield but that was expected.

- Pitt returning to their old color scheme was a no brainer. Top 10 jerseys in college football.

- Amazing that UCF may be the best program in Florida - at worst, #2.

- Saturday was just a great day. Saw some buddies I’ve known for 35 years now but have seen maybe once in the last decade. Rode the domesto train, caught up, watched football, my dog ran around like crazy all day, Dad was laughing and carrying on, Mom had fun, wife had a nice evening. All we needed was a FG and a stop for a perfect evening.

- Not a surprise, but Burns’ Country Music doc on PBS is already outstanding.

- Fall’s the best. Even heading into work on a Monday is better than the rest of the year. Bring on Oktoberfest Zinzinnati and Cow Bell U, and let’s do it all over again.
Except today looks to be a record high :uzi:

Loving the College Football 150 series on ESPN, anyone else checking those? Especially enjoyed the one on traditions, tailgates, marching bands, fight songs, & mascots -- the things that really separate college football. Great stuff.
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Extended forecast goes through the end of the month and not a single day with the high in the 70's and multiple days in the 90's.

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