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jesus h christ. the final blurb really takes it not a whole NOTHER (that's a word) level.

when was sports "pure competition," and blocked out the so called ills of society? pre integration baseball? the nba cocaine scandal of the 80s? the century of nhl hockey, a sport largely based on bashing each other's faces in? the bareknuckle era of boxing? the countless drug and gambling scandals in horse racing? an infinite number of steroid suspensions in various Olympic sports?

yeah. sports used to be pure. so sad what's happened.
Have a few buddies that swear this will be like BG/UK where stories come out for along time about things at UL. Honestly think the media will have a part in running both Pitino and Jurich out of here with all the "disrespect" and then even more stories will begin to flow from what's been going on.
Stories have been coming out of there for years already. TWill, Jones, Chane, Ware, etc. This is nothing new. Just the icing.

Also, I certainly care and hope the get hammered.
Jared Lorenzen CRUSHES in that dramatic reading video...



It would be magic if Mags could get the Louisville media on the show to talk about their takes from the Cady interview. I'm talking scorched earth here.
It's pretty obvious the text messages were fabricated. This is scorned lover/employee stuff, and nothing else.
I would say that these guys are setting themselves up for a fan backlash for failing to manage expectations, but even if Louisville cooperates and admits to half this shit, they'll just shift gears to "it happens everywhere and the NCAA along with IU were on a witch hunt because they were jealous of the world's greatest athletic department."

They will continue to look like complete f'n morons to the outside world, but man will it play with their base. There's absolutely no incentive for them to have even a modicum of objectivity because their fanbase will just get pissed off at them for suggesting anything negative. The Chinese government is envious of how well the message is controlled and the masses manipulated over there.
So the ATO's at Indiana with a nice little video...goodbye chapter. Sorry you guys are stupid.
Deener with an attorney on now trying to shoot down the text messages.

The attorney should smarten him up to "standard of proof". The NCAA doesn't have to meet the standard of a criminal prosecution. Hell, I don't even know if they have ever even set out exactly what standard they do have to meet. Basically if they think you're guilty, you're guilty and they can generally point to whatever evidence they deem credible.
Yeah, the vocal Louisville fans seem to think the NCAA needs proof beyond a reasonable doubt. They're somehow missing the difference in legal punishment and NCAA punishment.
The vocal Louisville fans also seem to think this chick getting brought up on criminal charges would be good for them. They are Grade-A Moh-rons.

As I believe '73 said, they all acknowledge she's a whore...yet don't see why this acknowledgement is really bad news for them.

They also claim she'll STOP AT NOTHING to take their program down...yet exonerates many of their players including the biggest stars.
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Wire transfer receipts, verified text messages, eye witness testimony...all things that could convict them beyond a reasonable doubt, which obviously isn't even needed.

They seem to think if she didn't have them on video banging the whores and accepting the money on camera then that isn't enough. They are laughably mistaken.
Wire transfer receipts, verified text messages, eye witness testimony...all things that could convict them beyond a reasonable doubt, which obviously isn't even needed.

They seem to think if she didn't have them on video banging the whores and accepting the money on camera then that isn't enough. They are laughably mistaken.
It's basically the Dave Chappelle O.J./R. Kelly courtroom sketch come to life.
yet exonerates many of their players including the biggest stars.

Whoever pointed out that her naming Goode is a pretty solid indicator that she just didn't pull names out of her ass nailed it. Even half their fans don't remember that guy.
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ULsheriff is going to be Kevin Bacon at the end of Animal House whenever UL takes their medicine. Personally I can't wait.
Even the small tiny percentage of UL fans who are rational, and say this probably happened think it was all done by McGee. everyone else around the program was completely just a light slap on the wrist will be all that results.

Banners? Safe!
Future NCAA tourney participation? Secure!
Pitino's legacy? Still HOF!!
Jurich? Maintains master of the universe status!!!
#ulgenics needs to happen. Come on, gang - who will join me in the fight to forcibly sterilize an undesirable portion of our population?

- UK fans get to talk actual basketball and the potential of the upcoming season right now. Louisville fans have to deal with this bullshit. Win for us no matter what happens in the end.

- Plus, it cripples Louisville's already meager recruiting appeal. Would it shock anyone if VJ King reopened his recruitment? And if Big Bro- with its #1 SF prospect off the board- took him in? (I know Gabriel CAN be a SF)

- Still not sure what to make of Julius Randle: NBA Player. I'm certain he'll be good. I just don't know how good. Could he become an AS? Sure. Could he just be an average starter a la Terrence Jones? Sure. All comes down to how well he develops his perimeter skills- ballhandling and shooting.

- There can't be a comfortable Bengals fan around right now. You just get that uneasy feeling in your belly as soon as the national media starts noticing and hyping the Who Deys. I think we're really good but we're just an Andy Dalton 3-pick day from crushing that.

- With that said- I have been enjoying the NFL more and I think that has to do with playing Fantasy FB the last two years and the Bengals being good, potentially really good.
I don't get the vibe that their fans are nervous. Their fanbase has seemed to go all in trying to discredit the author, publisher and the whore. But Floyd Street has to be worried sick about Crady being on KSR today though. They cannot control that message like Tan Man and dork tried to.
The crime itself doesn't rise to Penn State's issues but the delusion, denial, the misplaced anger, the "our coach is a HOF/Saint and above reproach" is like nothing I've seen since the PSU scandal.
About standard of proof . . .

I read some UL clown's FB post last night saying that the standard of proof in a criminal case is "beyond the shadow of a doubt" and the standard of proof in a civil case is "beyond reasonable doubt".

So, U of L won't get in trouble because nothing in this case can be proven "beyond the shadow of a doubt".


Seriously, this guy thought he was educating everyone else. He was certain of it.

Chase, it was a FB thread that you posted in, the one you told Harris not to waste his time with. Anyway, their ignorance is astonishing.
The crime itself doesn't rise to Penn State's issues but the delusion, denial, the misplaced anger, the "our coach is a HOF/Saint and above reproach" is like nothing I've seen since the PSU scandal.

Actually this is a good point. It does have that vibe. Penn Staters were doing all they could to discredit everything published at that time and were in pure attack mode.
He's not above reproach. He bent a skank (not his wife) over a restaurant table while one of his assistants was watching. And then paid for the abortion when she got pregnant.
it's hysterical how baffled card fan is that there's no video evidence. have these morons never been to a strip club??

cynnamon = hey baby you want a private dance?
patron = yeah, how much?
cynnamon = $20. and never mind the dj. he'll be over in the corner with a spotlight and a camcorder.

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