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Calipari is the best coach we've had since Adolph Rupp but he really needs to get his shit together, commit to running a college basketball program, cut the con job bullshit, and earn his f***ing pay.

If PJ and Herro were returning, this would be awesome. Instead we have to worry about whether Nick f***ing Richards might grace us with his presence next year.

There's nothing like that Green Room excitement in June!

Where/When is the draft?

Combine updates coming soon too!
Nothing was ever going to be different when cal made 0 changes last offseason.

He is done. And im not even sure he cares. Thank God for Anthony Davis.

This loss, to auburn, will last forever. How do we even show our faces next season in conference. How humiliating.
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To be honest...I think they shoot like shit cause they don’t practice it. Yeah they do shooting drills but it’s never pressed by the staff to shoot more threes as a part of the offense.

But all that is moot. If you don’t have an all-time bad showing by your PG you win...period.

It would be nice to - I dunno - have more than one shooter come the tournament.
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For all the success he’s had, it’s amazing how awful John Calipari has been in big games at UK.

2010: WVU. 27 straight missed threes, no adjustments.

2011: UConn. Tight as a drum.

2014: Ditto.

2015: Wisconsin. Take lead with 5 minutes left, stall ball, historic loss.

2016: Crean. [laughing]

2018: Weber. [laughing]

2019: Auburn. Minus their best player. Cal plays his worst player damn near 40 minutes.

It’s amazing.
The mother ****er almost cost us the title in '12 with that stall ball shit.

Fuming. Wife isnt talkin to me. May be a while before she does.
This hobag tries to tell me I need to calm down during games because kids. Told her shes knkwn me over 20 years why in the shit would she think that.

Heffer responds with, maybe I wont matxh games with you anymore. To which I said, I didnt ask you to watch this one.

She went upstairs and I'm in the basement. Stone Cold sober.

This day can bite a rabid dogs asshole.
I don’t understand how Cal’s best 3 point shooting team ever can be so ineffective from that standpoint?

Is there a coach in the country who fears our deep threat? Total BS. He hates shooters, imo.
The WOKE crowd acting like BJW was being silly for bitching about Brad Calipari's stupidity missed the entire point. It was emblematic that Calipari didn't take the kid aside and tell him to smile and dress like a reasonable human being who is grateful to be where he was.

There's waaaay too much unearned bravado in Kentucky basketball now.

If Anthony Davis wants to do the Y in a tutu and claim he's trans or whatever, cool. He's earned it. But watching Brad all year in his stupid ass attention seeking outfits like some kind of runt Hilton sister is indicative of a problem.
It sucks that all this sht talk from other fans about Cal not being able to coach, freshman not being able to win at the highest level, and everyrhing else...they were right.
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Quit blaming the players. This loss was on their overrated coach for not putting them in a better position to win.


We didn’t post PJ once in OT, but we did 7 plays in a row to get to OT.


Going for 2 down 4 with 10 seconds

I get the people that scream E8’s, S16’s, conference titles and championships etc etc but the baffling way we lose the last game of the season almost every time, is body numbing pathetic.

For the money, I expect more.
Auburn scared the hell out of me when I watched them play Duke in Maui.

UK should have won but Auburn is a good team. The loss to Kansas State and Bruce Weber was way more inexcusable.

This was a cobbled together team at the last minute that had some glaring weaknesses (PG, shooting, heady play) that caught up to them.
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