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Screw it. I'm just gonna blast N****s In Paris until we lose with a coke and a magazine. Marcus Welby.

Let the good times roll.
Welp Saturday morning 3 year old soccer begins this week. I have read the warning signs for years on this thread. Being around shit bag parents will almost certainly raise my anxiety levels.

Maybe the best way to cope is a sixer of strawberry piss.
Sierra Nevada Tropical Torpedo IPA or Sweetwater Coastal IPA

That's about the extent of a fruity beer for this lush.

- What's the word on the GD foot?
I can get behind Avenatti being Duke's Rex Chapman this year. Also really apprehensive to believe a single word out of that creep's mouth.
Summer and grapefruit shandy are great summer drinks, as is fatheads bumbleberry beer.

So we find out Friday the day of the game? Does he not at least need to get a practice in today or tomorrow? Amazing how ridiculous this season became with this injury, how damn frustrating.
I hope I never get to the point in my life when watered down beer taste is just far too strong for me, and feel the need to cut it with strawberries and lemonade. Good lord, America.
I hope I never get to the point in my life when watered down beer taste is just far too strong for me, and feel the need to cut it with strawberries and lemonade. Good lord, America.

So, people put lemon in their water because the water is too strong for them? Or do they just like the taste of lemons?
Germans call it Radler.

“The story originates with a drink called Radlermass (literally “cyclist liter”) that was originally created by Innkeeper Franz Kugler in a small town named Deisenhofen, just outside Munich. During the great cycling boom of the Roaring Twenties, Kugler created a bicycle trail from Munich, through the woods, which led directly to his drinking establishment. On a beautiful June day in 1922, a reported “13,000 cyclists” crashed Kugler’s party. Fast running out of beer, he blended it 50/50 with a lemon soda he could never seem to get rid of, and the rest is history.”
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Yeah, you’re right, he’s probably just making stuff up...NCAA cleaned up college b-ball last year with the Rice commission.

I didn't imply he's making anything up. I'm just not going to blindly trust that this is the guy to bring the whole thing down based off his word.

I'm more than happy to eat a giant pile of shit-covered crow if he brings Duke down. In fact, I will be one of the first to donate to his legal defense team.
Got a bottle of Casa Dragones Joven tequila yesterday as a gift. A fine 100% blue agave sipping tequila.

Saving that for first trip to the lake. Anybody had before?
-actually, pti...the shandy is a british/irish thing. They are pretty good at drinking beer you America hating c***sucker, imo.

Wife (non beer drinker) discovered & worships the Rekorderlig Ciders over there, pretty standard in all her something to drink alongside me. Not my jam, but harbor no ill will. Pretty sure Joshie would love, Total Wine has them.

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