I saw this the other day and immediately thought of wildcatchad. Uncanny, IMO.
You’re a bunch of whiny little spoiled bitches
That’s funny- I saw you today actually having culture arguments on news articles on Facebook. Same loud Jesusfreak bullshit.
Religion/current events spook you, I know.
Let's meet up at my mega church soon and we'll have a cup of coffee over it. Free WiFi. Frosted tips. Percussion. The works.
I just wish ksr would do a list on their show of Cals ELITE ELITE level players, then those who are maybe a notch below that and then the ones who are sorta below that.
Mack is unreal if anyone is actually considering. Go Cards.
Fine. Keep shitting on our coach’s 20 year old son. It’s HILARIOUS.
It is, actually, hilarious.
Dude has "EARNED NOT GIVEN" tattooed on his chest after earning absolutely nothing. If that isn't hilarious, maybe it is time to go find a good sanctimonious LOUISVILLE MAN to root for.
As for me and my house, we shall continue to make fun of Brad Calipari until he learns some self-depricating humor and smiles.
My mom is going to see Seger in 2 weeks, before that I haven't heard that name mentioned in 20 yrs. The tickets $$ were. I honestly would have guessed he would play 500 seat places for like $15 a pop. Had no clue he had the fanbase he does.
Move a little further south into the moisture and it’s “need yer house power wa(r)shed?”Underrated junky ----> NEED ANY TREE WORK? guy
I've encountered 3 of em this late fall, lordy. They work "hard" and are persistent. One of em convinced a neighbor to let him ruin his entire yard of trees. It was hilarious.
-Seger is the best white soul singer of all time.
Van Morrison disagrees.-Seger is the best white soul singer of all time.
Elvis Presley
Mick Jagger
Roy Orbison
Van Morrison
Neil Young
To name a few.
Don't get me wrong; I worship Seger. But, let's keep some perspective.