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Duke has gotten 8 top 5 guys since 2015 and “ZERO” Final Fours!!!
So which screams louder???
Your Houston Rockets are 11-12, and currently sitting in 13th (of 15) in the Western Conference. Couldn't happen to a better bunch of bitches.
My favorite thing about Houston is that seemingly every time they're on TV they get killed.

Chris Paul must be my least favorite basketball player because I love this post, and I'd be ambivalent towards it if Chris Paul wasn't with Houston. Such a prick.
* Other than arrogance and sheer stupidity, is there a valid reason the TImberwolves didn't take the Rockets up on their offer of four 1st-rounders for Jimmy Butler??

That franchise taking a huge step backwards was a 100% mortal lock.

* Hate to be "that guy," but today is my last day of work until January 12th. I mean, I don't have that much PTO built up, it's just because I'm getting fired.

* I take absolutely ZERO pride in running a so called "clean program." We're Kentucky. We cheat. Always have. Just suck it up, admit your flaws and move along.

Save the compliance nonsense for the golf team and women's volleyball.

* The Lakers are 15-9, and the Cavaliers are 5-19. Raise your hand if you didn't see that coming.

* Watched some dude via my Ring doorbell yesterday knock on the door......wait a minute....ring the doorbell.......knock again.....look around..........then take off with a can of Wal Mart brand bug spray. :joy:

I'm sure that comes in handy in 50-degree weather.

* Vegan soul food restaurant for lunch today. Mercy. Stuffed green peppers, greens, some kind of curry situation, and lots of real cool ass black people in there. My kind of place.

* Mom is absolutely wearing me out about this Christmas Wish List. Cot damn, I don't have time right now to flip thru every single page of the Sears catalog and circle my shit, let alone categorize it neatly on a separate sheet of paper. Hold the f on, woman.
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Minnesota, at the time, probably correctly thought that the picks would be late first round picks. That would also be 8 guaranteed contracts over 4 years if they didn't move any of those picks. Think they should have done it but understand why they didn't.
Ran into Amy McGrath at the Bud’s range today. She’s actually not a bad shot, was hitting center mass pretty well at 10m. Of course my Army buddy and I were filling up two inch squares at 10m, but not everyone qualifies expert marksman with small arms.

Sahara for lunch, always a pleasure.

Prefer white lights on my tree, but don’t hate a multicolored tree.

Pro wreath.

Welcome to BBN Jared Casey.
No tree for me. Just bought a festivus pole. Hosting Festivus dinner tonight with some buddies. First crack at a meat loaf. But that's what Estelle Costanza went with so there we go.

Robert Covington. What an undrafted stud. Twolves best defensive team in the league since the trade.

Towns has officially made The Leap. Dudes gonna get first team All NBA this year barring injury.

Speaking of enjoying demise. Seeing Popvivch's whiny little ass while his teams getting slaughtered by 30+ every other game is great.

Eminem's verse on Nicki Minaj's track Majesty is :fire::fire::fire:
Does Amy shoot 1911 or Glock?

She should challenge Bevin to a shooting competition, make him look really stupid.
Does Amy shoot 1911 or Glock?

She should challenge Bevin to a shooting competition, make him look really stupid.

Looked like she had a revolver. Kind of a wide stance, and arms fully extended. But yeah, Bevin better know what he’s doing or she’d make him look silly.

My buddy was using a Glock .40.

My Sig 226 was on fire today.
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The Iowa-Iowa State game on FS1 has been really good so far.......if you are jouncing for some college ball tonight.
Actually I think Meyer leaving hurts our Ohio recruiting. We are never going to overtake OSU as the first choice for 95% of Ohio kids who are playing football anymore than an out of state school would come into Kentucky and take basketball recruits away that UK wanted. Meyer recruited nationally and left a lot of leftovers for us to be a second choice. We've been beating out other Big 10 schools, not OSU. Tressel hardly left Ohio for players and if the next OSU coach recruits that way, it's bad for us.
Never said anything about leaving Ohio. It's just math. Meyer signing 7-10 Ohio kids vs. a Tressel-type signing 16-18 kids isn't a positive.
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Yesterday I watched a couple of YouTube’s of Tony Dorsett’s 99-yard TD (primarily because Adrian Peterson’s 90-yarder on Sunday. No wait, it was because I was bored at work). Nonetheless, I assumed it wouldn’t be matched any time soon unless a back with the right mix of speed and power got the perfect opportunity.

Nope! Just took a broke dick Jax D that didn’t give a shit about tackling to let Derrick Henry tie a record of one of my first childhood heroes. Sad!
I hope to someday jounce in all 50 states. Then, and only then, can I die a happy man.

So I guess "jounce" means run grueling yet meaningless 100 mile races all over the US, but endlessly chasing self-acceptance.

Please give us an update on your third tour of Leadville.

I don't think you're ever gonna win the race to like yourself, so you might as well save the airfare.
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