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I must have a ton of people ignored compared to most.

Have only understood about half of the last two pages. New format completely leaves out the post of someone on ignore.

Silicon Valley and Veep absolutely kill me.
Steph's mom has certainly aged well. In fact, probably looks better now than she did when she was younger based on pictures I've seen.
Umm...What's not to get?

Traditional wedding invitations go out 6 weeks prior to the event. People usually like more than 6 weeks notice to get off work, make travel plans, etc.
Don't think you can do a final show better than Letterman did last night. Big names dropping in for the top 10, clips from the past, heartfelt thanks from Dave and of course the Foo Fighters to send him out.

Well done Dave.
- Cousins sliding to 5 is one of the more ridiculous things I've ever seen. I get Curry sliding a bit just based on his stature. Cousins was a surefire star. The biggest red flag on him- he's a big man with a mean streak. Umm, isn't that what you want? It's not like he ever got in trouble with the law.

- This time of year always cracks me up- kids "graduating" from preschool and kindergarten and 5th grade. Are you F'ing kidding me? Sorry- none of those are accomplishments.

- Generally speaking, taking all brands and restaurants into account, what's your favorite specialty pizza? BBQ chicken? Chicken bacon ranch? Mexican?

- I went through a Letterman phase in high school. Have always enjoyed his humor. It's just, who besides high school and college students stay up that late during the week?

- Saw Pitch Perfect 2 last night. Decent. Not as good as the first one. I've thought long and hard about this, give me Brittany Snow over Anna Kendrick.

Not huge on specialty pies, but have a few exceptions.

Chicken/Beef Mariachi from Donatos [jumpingsmile]

I don't like BBQ Chicken pizza in general -- too sweet -- but *worship* Wick's version. It's different than any other I've had, and pretty incredible.

If I had to pick one specialty pizza across all brands, guess it would be some type of Southwest/Mexican Chicken deal.
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Finally got around to watching that "Man of Steel" movie last night. It was OK. So in case anyone was interested in my thoughts about a 2-year-old superhero movie, there you go.
Can't picture your dad eating chicken bacon ranch for some reason. Seems like a "keep it simple" no nonsense type of dude from how you've described him over the years.

What about you?

No, man, I'm actually talking about myself. I like to go third person and refer to myself as "dad" when stating a preference. It's something I came up with years ago to spice up my takes.
Oh. Get like me.

-Played with a dude last night at Men's night who's caddied at Valhalla for 17 years. He has an actual good professional gig, but still does that 2-3 days per week just b/c he loves it, and it's some nice extra cash. That would just be awesome, imo.

Richie looped there, right? Seems weird they'd hire someone who knows/cares Nathan about golf. I'd think people spending $300+ for a day of golf would have a certain expectation at a course like that when it comes to their caddy. Don't the caddies typically get tipped $100++ per round out there? Assuming he had a good connection. The fact he worked there though makes it even more bizarre that he never picked up the game, growing up working on a course of that stature, and being around it in that type of setting.

Out of anyone I know, Richie seems like the kinda dude who'd flat EAT UP the country club/social/networking aspect that the game provides, plus it fits in with his yuppie lifestyle, and the image he works so hard to maintain. Makes no sense.
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-Give me the Waverly from Coals for the best specialty. The mariachi pizzas are ok. Jaime makes a good buffalo chicken pizza. 99% of the time I'm going traditional meat and cheese.

-Beans are in Vegas, which reminds me... I won't be going to Vegas. :cry: Damnit.

-Possum killed literally 6 inches in front of my diveway, couldn't even pull out without hitting it again. I hate those little rascals.

-Bet I've watched Letterman 5 times my entire life, probably less.

-Work weekend + work Monday. [poop]

-Seriously. Yummy Pollo in Louisville is ridiculous. I have no doubt I could crush 2 whole birds. The chickpea side, FTW. If you're stumped on dinner or lunch ideas, quick/cheap/good. Let's keep that dude in business because he's like a 3i from our shop.
Give me all the meats, extra cheese, onions and shrooms.

A good pesto veggie pizza is killer if done correctly. Bad ones are beyond horrible, though. Same way with BBQ Chicken pies.

Speaking of specialty pizza, hitting up a tavola Saturday night. You taken your lass yet, Chadwick? I haven't been to the one in OTR, but the one in Madeira is awesome.

Might be too classy for a Wilder redass like yourself, but if you want the woman to be happy, you might want to try it.
-Give me the Waverly from Coals for the best specialty. The mariachi pizzas are ok.

-Seriously. Yummy Pollo in Louisville is ridiculous. I have no doubt I could crush 2 whole birds. The chickpea side, FTW. If you're stumped on dinner or lunch ideas, quick/cheap/good. Let's keep that dude in business because he's like a 3i from our shop.

Told ya, bub. Knew you'd be all over that place with the location. We still need to hit up Lee's Korean one day...that place is money.

-I've never watched a full late-night show in my entire life, and I bet I've watched less than 10 segments of all of them combined, ever -- if you don't count YouTube clips or whatever.
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Normally don't like sausage on pizza, unless it's deep dish. Typically give me pep, mushroom, and tomato. A nice garlicky crust is nice. Helenback crushes that down here.

Headed to Nola in a few. I know people who live there. Drago's for lunch, Galatoire for dinner.:sunglasses::100points::cool2:
- Yeah, I've been to A Tavola in OTR a few times. It's okay. Don't see what makes it any different than other wood-fired pizza places, THOUGH. Checking out Senate tomorrow night. I love Bakersfield. Love the atmosphere at Kaze, although I'm no sushi connoisseur. I really want to hit up Washington Platform (love their Taste of Cincinnati fried oysters & dirty rice dish) and Anchor. The Eagle is probably my favorite overall combination of food and atmosphere. Krueger is a cool place but haven't eaten there. Taste of Belgium is really good but all I've had there is chicken & waffles.

- Who does GYERO take first- Mudiay or Russell? That's a much tougher call than Towns/Okafor, IMO. Mudiay may be another Wall/Rose type and Russell has a little Harden in him. I love both. In fact, I'd take both over Okafor in today's NBA...although barely.

- As has been discussed ad nauseum, Non-golfer Richie is the biggest upset in GYERO history. Everything about the dude including athletic ability and body type screams golfer.

- Let's just FF through to the Warriors/Cavs.

- I just know I'm going to hate the Entourage movie. I'm going to hate the plot. I'm going to hate the main characters (besides Ari). I'm going to hate the lame cameos. But I have to see it.
-I'm going Russell manly b/c I saw him a lot last year.

-Samesy on Entourage movie.

-Jett's is almost uneatable b/c of how bad it makes you feel after. It's seriously hangover level dehydration.
Sir Pizza Royal Feast dipped in thousand island dressing ftwinplaceandshow. But the beef mariachi from Donato's dipped in sour cream is also ridic. The key is dipping it in the sour cream. That cool and hot combo from the cream and jalepeno makes it.

For the Lexington folks who go to Starbuck's in the morning on Nicholasville Rd, what's up with the heavy set bearded dude that sits right outside the door for apparently hours a day/everday?

Bet all your money on Rory McIlroy winning the British.

Have to get Murray. Prediction: We will love Briscoe and he will be a quote machine but Cal will have to reign him in some. I think he will be a tad frustrating at times.

American Pharoah wins the triple crown.
Grey Goose Chicken Pesto & Papa Murphy's Chicken artichoke thin crust for both.

I am always fascinated by the group of early to mid 30s that run around tin roof etc. through the week chasing college trim. I mean I totally get it, but it just fascinates me is there a terminology for it? Do they have 9-5s? How does it all work?

Sat behind Pitino last week on a flight to ATL he was very pleasant to everyone around looked to really be relaxed and enjoying himself but banging out some text messages. Keep this in GYERO.
I can't even tell you how excited the prospect of getting Murray gets me. Not just for how good I think he is, but because of how fun a lineup of Ulis, Briscoe, Murray, Poy/Lee and Skal sounds. We won't be as good as last year but it will be the most FUN UK team since the 2011 tourney run.
I'm sure. He *lives* there....pathetic little slug.

-April - June is kind of a weird time for dad...feel really disconnected from most of my friends. After the whirlwind March, typically go a few months without seeing pretty much anyone. Thank Goodness for The GYERO. Miss you guys. :cry:
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We won't be as good as last year but it will be the most FUN UK team since the 2011 tourney run.


But really though --- I haven't been this excited about a backcourt (figuring in Murray) since that year, frankly. If this team doesn't get out and GO with the way the personnel situation seems to be playing out, I may give up sports.
Seems Larry Legend is BIG on WCS. Does that make you feel better about his NBA prospects? After watching him for 3 years, I have no clue if he'll be a good pro or not.
Anyone ever been to Raleigh? Seems like it's always topping those "easiest places to get a job" and "best places for young people" to live lists.
I'm very excited about this upcoming team. It's the type of squad I thought Cal's teams would become after a while here. Solid veteran core (5 juniors), great connecting piece with Ulis, and another top rated class including arguably the best player. I also believe Willis will make a Padgett-esque leap this year. He's ready.... I hope.
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