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Peroxide, baking soda, dawn soap.Google for exact recipe measurements.

Your doggy will be fresh in minutes and not stink up your house.

I’ve been through this 3 times. Skunks are fn idiots. Or maybe my dog is. I always think she will learn, but she has not.
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Thanks for the recs. And yes, the entire house smells like a skunk’s asshole now. He actually had the skunk juice still dripping off his snout and made it into the mud room before I realized what was going on.

Mashburned, that potion you described does in fact work wonders. Doggy smells halfway decent now. But the ambient air in my home is totally fu**ed. Tomorrow I will either rent an ozone machine or get high on crank and just burn the house down. Haven’t decided which direction to go.
I vote high on crank and burn the house down.

Record it. Youtube. Embed. Profit. If you get 100k views youtube will pay you.
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Valentines Day fast approaching boys. You guys typically buy gifts or get dinner reservations? We pretty much never exchange gifts for anything, always together gifts or honey I bought golf clubs thank you for my birthday gift, but I have always stocked her up on a couple items for the year on Valentine’s Day.
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B/c Valentine's Day was *also* her Birthday, which made for an awful super double whammy. College BBdK didn't have time for that nonsense.

My current girl doesn't give AF about holidays/birthdays, so we get along great on that front. Sometimes we go out to dinner if it falls on a reasonable day, sometimes we don't.
-trips=the "big" gifts for mr and mrs rudd now. She is very selective about jewelry...and also isnt deeply educated about haberdashery and quality american made footwear, so irs a win-win.
B/c Valentine's Day was *also* her Birthday, which made for an awful super double whammy.
Currently in same situation and she hates it so we do nothing on Valentine’s Day because we both know it’s dumb anyway. Celebrate later on, heading to Vegas the beginning of March.
Not trying to go all bobcat after my CNN cuckolding story and this one but anyway...

So when the missile alert in Hawaii went off YouPorn ran the analytics and it immediately dropped 77% below normal usage, seems normal except WTF were the other 23% doing?

Just see a missile is coming for you and say screw it I'm not being interrupted right now, the kids get home in 35 minutes.
Quite the statistical oddity that the 4 or 5 women in the country who give no shits about Valentines Day are married to someone in the same message board. Including my wife, who doesn’t care until she does. (i.e. Scoring points in argument).
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