we must control penetration and Richards can't play soft tonight.

Here’s to hoping for a strong Richard in the penetration game.
we must control penetration and Richards can't play soft tonight.
Well played.we must control penetration and Richards can't play soft tonight.
Cal always forgets hurts names gosh 73!Quade still on the team or nah?
That’s some good bait there, McCracken
Here’s to hoping for a strong Richard in the penetration game.
hes a MASTER BAITER lol wowwwThat’s some good bait there, McCracken
I mean, when a team that has scored 64, 62, 71, and 68 points in its last 4 games is on pace to drop 100....Feels like we are down by a thousand.
Has anyone here ever "@" you?Don't @ me.