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So they're promoting a Pitino and Jurich assistant from within the program for both jobs? Neither have experience anywhere else.

Also can you imagine what Vinny Tatum has seen/heard? He's been with Rick for 30 years. He better hope he never has to go under oath about anything Pitino.
17th anniversary-booked 2 nights at a 5-star resort up in Tucsons foothills of the Catalina mtns

Then got into a hellacious argument with my bride and she refused to come

Brought my daughters anyway and were thinking about possibly going back for miss Georgia peach

Is that horribly wrong?

It's really just a cool down period for her ---
If you ever see my lovely wife MAD - you'd understand why we evacuated the house and have only texted in the last 24

Still reserve the right to tack on another day up here and go get her when she's less .... Luciferian and .... ornery

Until then --there are pools that need my attention and drinks that should be emptied
Think this is my favorite American Golf team ever, just in terms of the guys on there & who I root for out on Tour.

I like, or *really* like, every dude on this team -- usually a few on there that I could do without. If I had to do a personal power ranking, Kuchar would probably be #12, and he's the nicest guy in the world, so...
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Ballsy move leaving. Congrats?

It would have seemed so to an outside observer anth -

But it was more like - a diplomatic withdrawal

To a kick ass mountain resort

That woman is the only human beings (outside of my 4 older brothers) who actually SCARES me

She texting now and sounds more sane - may go get her this evening after all

I totaled my car last week so I also
Have her vehicle up in this joint

She's carless --- kind of funny really
Can she not bring herself?

You definitely don't want the nights at the resort to go to waste, it was her decision to not go so ---> figure it out, toots.

May be why I'm not married but I have zero time for the bullish drama females cultivate. You've gone out of your way to book a five star resort and her hissy fit nearly ruined the trip and she expects YOU to come get her now that she's changed her mind? No way.

What is the deal with doctors? Went in Tuesday for something simple, said the medication he prescribed would be called in at the end of the day, k cool. Tuesday night it's yet to be called in. Call once Wed afternoon to see what was going on. No call back. Rinse and repeat for Thursday and today. Just an odd situation, if it takes a few days I get it, but at least let me know. Or call back(or have someone do it) and let me know what's going on.
What is the deal with doctors? Went in Tuesday for something simple, said the medication he prescribed would be called in at the end of the day, k cool. Tuesday night it's yet to be called in. Call once Wed afternoon to see what was going on. No call back. Rinse and repeat for Thursday and today. Just an odd situation, if it takes a few days I get it, but at least let me know. Or call back(or have someone do it) and let me know what's going on.

Probably rockin' out to guys in werewolf costumes singing about anal or something
Probably rockin' out to guys in werewolves costumes singing about anal or something

That's the funniest shit I've read in a month

Love ya Trannsy cat

PS - there's an 'adult ' swimming pool here with -- thick high rock walls all around it

Gonna drink a few and what not and wander over there
Tonight - they probably have Bingo or some other such diversions
So Coach 1 was actually Jordan Fair who just joined the Louisville Staff in March. He didn't waste any time.
I suppose it depends on your woman, but removing yourself from the argument, fight, or even just an annoyance is the most veteran marriage move I can think of...well done, Wyvern.

Sometimes even 10 minutes will do the trick, although I've found 1-3 hours to be a good amount of time for the truly guilty party to be able to say sorry, and dead it.

Once I (we) learned to do that, it pretty much eliminated any major fights.

Freddie Maggard making EMU seem like the 85' Bears. Shew wee, that dude wears me out.

I can't listen to him anymore.
Wow, seriously?

Seems like this would have been mentioned by now. Smh

I mentioned on here about Jurichs daughter being employed by addidas, two days before the media ran with it. And if I knew, you can't tell me SOMEBODY in the media didn't know. They waited until Tom was done before reporting it. That would be a death sentence to a media member in Louisville if Tom was still employed.
Jordan Fair was probably always a Louisville man before he actually became one

Damn straight Big BB

I really only have two things I'll truly stand and fight her on - one is our girls education - and there have been one or two rows there - but forget about that for now

I've never bought a blazer and had it tailored and all that
YOU know all about that kind of thing

Any advice as I go pick up a couple of coats for work travel?

Do tailors tend to make common mistakes?

One needs to be winter break weight since I'm traveling to MN a lot

Recommended store?

Yeah I know
Most of you
Thought I
Was WAAAY more
Sophisticated than this....

You don't know what you
Don't know
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A damn colored shirt (sans cornflower) was the first giveaway.

Wyvern: You seem like an adventurous bloke. 1) Go to a tailor an ask them to take your measurements down for you 2) Go to A Dong (lol) Silk and pick out something you like, put in your measurements 3) save a few hundo on a good made to measure jacket
Damn straight Big BB

I really only have two things I'll truly stand and fight her on - one is our girls education - and there have been one or two rows there - but forget about that for now

I've never bought a blazer and had it tailored and all that
YOU know all about that kind of thing

Any advice as I go pick up a couple of coats for work travel?

Do tailors tend to make common mistakes?

One needs to be winter break weight since I'm traveling to MN a lot

Recommended store?

Yeah I know
Most of you
Thought I
Was WAAAY more
Sophisticated than this....

You don't know what you
Don't know

Man go to Jos A Bank and you can buy one blazer and get like 5 free. I'm barely kidding. You probably get at least 2 free.
: 6644"]

Wyvern: You seem like an adventurous bloke. 1) Go to a tailor an ask them to take your measurements down for you 2) Go to A Dong (lol) Silk and pick out something you like, put in your measurements 3) save a few hundo on a good made to measure jacket[/QUOTE]

What the living Fk did I do to this post???

I know it's an elementary question but -- hell -- I wore "Dress Blues" as my formal attire in the AF --

Shirt/ties at CDC
Subtly avoided wearing the pergatory-courdarory coat my momma bought during that era
And my last job wAs very casual
So is this one - until it isn't

Team lead wants us all showing up at supplier facilities looking like a team - and that's all good I guess

I just haven't done this before
There could be pitfalls I've never imagined

I kind of want that "aerospace professional meets Bootsie Collins" vibe though ---

Hard for a honkey to Pull off
I got that juice sometimes
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