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I hope TITY BOI TOMMA has some good stuff lined up for when he is ultimately retained and promises to lead UL into a bright future with the help of Muhammad Ali's corpse and half price domestos at area Hoots locations
People are really confused about the differences of the FBI running a sting that ties your program into it vs an NCAA investigation. I keep hearing that Kentucky's next. Why? Because some sports agency got raided. Unless they buried videos of Marques Teague agree to play for Kentucky in exchange for money then I'm not exactly too worried. It's not like the NCAA, who will look incredibly inept when this is all said and done, are going to suddenly look to investigate Kentucky when there's 7 f'ing programs that have FBI evidence being used against them.

In short, we may have the dumbest rival fans of any rival fans.
Fellow journalists offering the "Proud of the way ________ has handled the news story…" bullshit is nauseating.

What a weird damn profession that I simply don't understand. I am admittedly a small man, but I absolutely HATE when a competitor does something well or is successful. Like, it keeps me up at night/ruins my day. I can't even fathom going Twitter to congratulate someone else in my business. And I certainly don't expect it from them. F that noise.
Even without the death penalty- the financial trickle down will likely be pretty drastic. To go from such a profitable organization a couple years ago, to all of the sudden having to pay back former conference fees, NCAA winnings, the renegotiating of the yum lease (which is based on income projections- which now seem up in the air) and now the relationship with their biggest athletic sponsor being strained at-best.... this will have a pretty large, and pretty bad impact on the university and a lot of the businesses that rely on that programs success. Would be a pretty dark day, if not for it being such a great day.
Fellow journalists offering the "Proud of the way ________ has handled the news story…" bullshit is nauseating.
Which part are they proud of? Ignoring it for years while Matt Jones did their job for them? Apologizing for it and defending the men who did it for years? Minimizing it as something that every program does? Or that part where for the last 24 hours when ALL other options were gone, they begrudgingly admitted that this is on them and Rick should go? That part? That's what they're proud of? Okay. I guess.
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Suntan now says Jurich was let go. He's a lunatic and a yes man, but he's a pretty good source on that. Looks like they're completely cleaning house. The announcement will be fun, but it's over.
I'm certainly enjoying this but I don't want the city of Louisville and state of Kentucky to suffer because of this (ie the Yum Center and such).
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I'm certainly enjoying this but I don't want the city of Louisville and state of Kentucky to suffer because of this (ie the Yum Center and such).

Maybe it should so the taxpayers stand up for themselves instead of letting some con men like Tom and Rick run roughshod over their city.

If only this could just negatively affect Louisville fans but sadly, some BBNers will take a hit too.
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Have to admit- as much as I hate the guy, there is a sliver of melancholy deep inside of me regarding Pitino going out like this. Always been tough to reconcile how much he meant to me in my formative fan years with who he became. Always wanted to beat his brains in but seeing him crash so pathetically, I don't know.

Now, I'm ice cold with Jurich GP to all eternity.
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Maybe it should so the taxpayers stand up for themselves instead of letting some con men like Tom and Rick run roughshod over their city.

If only this could just negatively affect Louisville fans but sadly, some BBNers will take a hit too.
It's almost like publicly funded stadiums are a bad deal who knew
There was footage of Bowen going in to the practice facility while Pitino was in the president's office. Any doubt that he'll absolutely rip Bowen to shreds and blame it on him when he gets back?
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There was footage of Bowen going in to the practice facility while Pitino was in the president's office. Any doubt that he'll absolutely rip Bowen to shreds and blame it on him when he gets back?
You can guarantee this will be everyone's fault but Rick Pitino's.

For years - and I mean, YEARS - many of us (all of us?) in this thread have opined that shady shit was going down on Floyd Street and that they would pay for it one day in a big way. That day is here, folks. Bask in it.
Interesting that Postel gave Jurich a list of things he wanted done when he started and #1 was firing Pitino. Jurich taking Pitino's back and then less than 3 months later this.

Good for UL, the way that place was ingrained with good old boy culture the head had to be eventually cut the head off the and that was not Ramsey.
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