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Extremely cunty move to tease information and act like it's too important to share with anyone. Just a total Rafters move, especially if you've told a select few people and are acting like you can't tell anyone because the source will get out --> bullshit.

If you're that worried about the source then tell another poster and let them share it, because that source is totally following GYERO waiting to bust someone for releasing their super secret info.
After none of those came true, I called him out on it. He denied ever stating any of them.

Bret Bearup? More like Bret STFU, amirite hahahlol


Goddam would you look at the forearms on that monster? Surprised he's choosing that rather than going with the "crossed arms biceps push up" that's an instant panty dropper regardless of age. I bet Larry swims in poon*. The pursed lips let us know he's serious.

*future legal fees for trying to **** underage girls.
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The coy sports blogging game is a lot like academia, the politics are very, very intense because the stakes are so, so small.

It is right on the level of HENBOOK prayer requests.

I need all my prayer warriors. I'm going through some tough things right now that I can't say in public but I'm really hurting.
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-What to make of this 2018 PG recruiting class... Grimes or Quickley? Guess we can calm down about Zion a bit, dude's hero is John Wall.

-The media is dumb. Hill, as awful as she is, and Mayfield having to apologize this week sucks. Goddamn, let people be people.

-Mundane house hold chores and yard work really suck but I'm finding myself intrigued by woodwork projects. May need to explore this one.

-Weather forecast [banana]:cool2: One last hurrah for summer.

-Can't decide on those Columbia PFG shirts. Those things... leaning no but some dudes pull them off.
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I can't decide if Zion is the best first name ever or dumb.

He's certainly a candidate for the BBN Name Hall of Fame, though. It will be tough to beat Shipwreck Kelly but there is a chance.
* Those Columbia shirts are a solid look, but if you don't fish, you're kind of a poser. And it's also the ultimate piece of apparel for the 30/40-something dad bod.

Not opposed, but proceed with caution.

* Heading to Cincy tonight via Allegiant. Louisville tomorrow. Lexington Saturday. Fun action packed weekend.

* Wu Tang Clan radio on Pandora the last few weeks, so it's pretty much all Wu Tang, Biggie, and Nas for this guy.

Pretty sure I've blown out all the speakers in my Civic.

* The last 3 seasons, Joey Votto post All Star Break is basically getting on base half the time. Best Red of all time, imo.

* There's a guy at the airport in a Minions onsesie and a Mickey Mouse backpack.

He also has gold teeth and several face tattoos. Possibly Hispanic. I'm so confused, but keeping my mouth shut.
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<---- sits back, grabs a Coke and a magazine (#noLindy) and waits to see who's injured

-Was way out in front on this.

-Think Grimes and Garland, while both excellent players, are also just ways to press Quickley into an earlier decision. Can't imagine that Cal would take IQ(calling dibs on that nickname) AND one of the two others if it seems like this year's guards are all coming back.

-Sucks to wait five days for college football to roll back around, only to have a weak ESPN Thursday night game like tonight's epic New Mexico-Boise State matchup. Though with Bob Davie being investigated for player mistreatment, it will be somewhat interesting to see how he reacts the first time a Lobo fumbles or blows a coverage assignment.

That's a sweet mascot right there....Lobo. And a cool old barn they play in. Love The Pit.
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I'm a poser, but I don't really care because the shirts are comfortable and it feels good when the breeze blows up your shirt. Amazon has a bunch of short sleeve ones for $17.50 right now.
Hank, you're trying way too hard to be clever man, you can't make people hit the like button... take a few plays off and regroup, let the game come to you.

more like 'I'm so Sensitive', you wrote all that out and it fell flat, all you had to do was WynnDuffy it and say 'suck a dick, k-gar', profit.

you guys need to get with Richie, take notes, and come back better, this is GYERO damnit, be better.
Hank, you're trying way too hard to be clever man, you can't make people hit the like button... take a few plays off and regroup, let the game come to you.

more like 'I'm so Sensitive', you wrote all that out and it fell flat, all you had to do was WynnDuffy it and say 'suck a dick, k-gar', profit.

you guys need to get with Richie, take notes, and come back better, this is GYERO damnit, be better.

Prayers sent.
Guess Hank realized PFG isn't Professional Fishing Gear.

Yeah, well, I'm still not sure what PFG actually is, whether Magic Johnson played power forward in college, or what PUPPY SCENT SCENT OFF THE BUS actually means.

My bad.
I'll be in Orlando all next week for work. Company dime and all that. Never been less excited about a junket in my life. I'm not a fag or a ridiculous daydreaming female, so Disney does nothing for me.
Not gonna lie I'm a big Epcot fan. Me and the wife did a "drink around the world" and were pretty much blacked out by the time France rolled around.
Not gonna lie I'm a big Epcot fan. Me and the wife did a "drink around the world" and were pretty much blacked out by the time France rolled around.
I thought about trying that but my kids were with me and we paid $14 for a slice of pizza so it was warm local crafties by the pool later that night for ol' MaxPowerrr
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