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To be fair, this bears repeating.
***Long post warning***

Back from a 3 week hiatus (I know....I'll make the next one longer lol)

*Took the Monday of eclipse 2017 off and drove the girls to Glasgow, then an hour south to be in totality. It was covered in here at the time, but totally worth it. Coolest thing I've ever seen, and it isn't close. Recommend making plans for 2024.

*Grand Tetons trip was really something else. I didn't expect to enjoy it as much as I did. John Muir was on to something...."the woods are calling, and I must go". I'm not hugging trees or anything, and I don't think I can make this a yearly thing, but I sure want to. I woke up a few days after the trip and wanted to go back.

-After the first day of absolutely zero service, and realizing that I wasn't going to be able to answer emails or check in at all, it became more enjoyable to just completely disconnect from everything.

-Walked about 60 miles over six days. Started on the south side of the park, walked past the Grand, MIddle, and South Teton peaks. Breathtaking stuff. Altitude is tough to adjust. Muscles are just asking for oxygen/blood, and you can't give it to them. Pictures are on IG/FB. If you're interested in that sort of thing, and want an album with 400+, I can forward.

-Very little dangerous wildlife sightings. No bears, but did wake up next to a couple bull moose one morning. Little pucker factor there. Marmots/deer/ground mice/hawks and one elk far off in the distance.

-Last day we got to our campsite around lunchtime. Had four miles to go to get to the car....decided to get out a day early. Ran into a couple from Houston on a day hike on the way out. They caught us up to speed on Harvey (they evacuated and were enjoying a few days in Wyoming). Had no idea.

-Anth's rec to take nail clippers was clutch. Didn't have them packed, but needed them day 2.

-Really enjoyed Jackson Hole. Cool town. First shower was magic. Massage, chicken wings, beer, a nice steak, and some window shopping. Will go back in the winter to ski. Really like it there.

*For the money, give me Weller Special Reserve for an everyday bourbon. A little harder to find, and Buffalo Trace is as good and available every day, but WSR for dad when possible.

*Anybody remember a baseball player at UK named Scott Green? Went to Male. Played early 2000s I think. He's in the same line of work, and we golfed together yesterday.

Anyway, he's an impressive physical specimen. 6'8", and massive. Hits the golf ball further than anyone I've ever seen or played with. Consistently drove the ball 340, and can control it. Unbelievable, really. Last hole at Champions is a long par 4, water right. Called his shot with a draw and hit it 360. Wedge to 3 feet and made birdie. Bottles the mind.

Doesn't hold a candle to Pope, though.
If he hits it consistently 340 with control, then he must be a horrendous iron player and/or putter.
He's actually quite good. Not a great putter, but there are no glaring holes in his game. He's a 5 handicap. Could seriously be in long drive competitions. Truly unbelievable.
Do we *really* have to go thru this nonsense again???

Here's the top 5 in driving distance, and their corresponding accuracy....

1> mcilroy = 316 (54)
2> johnson = 314 (56)
3> hagy = 312 (52)
4> brehm = 311 (51)
5> loupe = 311 (45)

So, if this dude goes 340 with accuracy on a regular basis, he's like 3 standard deviations better than anyone on the PGA Tour.

Must be some kind of a f'ing hoss with the 1 in his hand. [eyeroll][eyeroll][eyeroll]
My buddy is a pretty solid baseball player. He mostly just plays in rec leagues, but he would easily hit 90-100 homers a year in The Show.

You jackwagons see how ridiculous that ^^ sounds?
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Do we *really* have to go thru this nonsense again???

Here's the top 5 in driving distance, and their corresponding accuracy....

1> mcilroy = 316 (54)
2> johnson = 314 (56)
3> hagy = 312 (52)
4> brehm = 311 (51)
5> loupe = 311 (45)

So, if this dude goes 340 with accuracy on a regular basis, he's like 3 standard deviations better than anyone on the PGA Tour.

Must be some kind of a f'ing hoss with the 1 in his hand. [eyeroll][eyeroll][eyeroll]
My best drives were still 50-60 yards short of his.

I don't care if you believe it or not. I saw it with my own eyes. He murders the ball like nothing I've ever seen. He outdrove me with a 3wood on two holes.
Pti fails to acknowledge the long drive athlete. A species of powerful ballstrikers that can crush with some consistency (at least one out of 8 in play.)

It's on tv and everything.
Maybe he hits it 340 on a random course with wide fairways, limited bunkers, and not much spin needed, but on a PGA course he would only be hitting it around 300?
Still no power but finally have data coverage.

And, dodged a bullet last night. Hope all the other FL folks came out unscathed. Still have ammo so going to shoot at JEA to fix my power.

I did drive a couple balls in the backyard with the tailwind. Conservative guess, 503 and 523 but off the toe a bit.
Do we *really* have to go thru this nonsense again???

Here's the top 5 in driving distance, and their corresponding accuracy....

1> mcilroy = 316 (54)
2> johnson = 314 (56)
3> hagy = 312 (52)
4> brehm = 311 (51)
5> loupe = 311 (45)

. [eyeroll][eyeroll][eyeroll]

I'm assuming Loupe is supposed to be Pope?
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My buddy, who I play the most with, hits on average a few yards more than me. But, I routinely beat him and pretty easily because he gets more and more frustrated before he starts blasting golf balls OB.

Anyway, he tells me he's redoing his swing, going to commit to playing more and that it's all for doing long drive championships.

Not sure if anyone's ever posted this here, but I found it interesting, and moving.

PASS devices are on every firefighter's uniform. Someone on twitter posted a story about this link, and I immediately remembered them. My dad was a volunteer firefighter for years, and for about six months I trained with his department, mainly just to spend time with him. We got to do cool shit like use the "jaws of life" to cut open cars, and climb huge ladders, and I even was able to enter a training fire and watch a flashover in a room. They chirp loudly after about 30 seconds of inactivity to indicate a firefighter's position if he becomes incapacitated or unable to move. The PASS devices are mostly annoying. You see a lot of firefighters standing around talking and shaking them when they go off to reset their timer and shut them up. I can tell you what you're hearing here is multiple devices in each shot. Can't say how many, but obviously, each one represents a fallen hero.

Damn, I had always heard that noise but just assumed it was alarms from the buildings/cars/etc...

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