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Equifax hack:

-What a bunch of BS. A company to which nobody directly and voluntarily gives their financial information, but which unilaterally collects it from numerous sources and centralizes it all in one place.

If there's any company that should put cybersecurity first, it's them.

Plus the fact that they waited 6 weeks to disclose the breach? What a bunch of PsOS. And some of their executives sold stock within the interim.

Chief, can you confirm, and do you know how their stock is doing today?

As Jackie Chiles would say, egregious, outrageous, preposterous. Almost unfathomable.

Hope they are taught a lesson.
Badet left Kentucky with no landing spot. He starting courting Oklahoma after he found out Mayfield was coming back. (This was *After* he'd already said peace out UK)

He was likely to land at West Virginia until OU became an option. Bottom line is Badet was out the door without a home, which is mind bottling
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Hope TommyG didn't go to watch the game last night at the wrong place:

All good. Happened a couple miles from where I'm staying.

Waiting on word whether I'll be staying in the Dallas area for the next year and a half. Interviewed with a Senate candidate on Friday about managing the campaign...will be the biggest state race in Texas next year.

If not, still have options in Alabama and NJ.
These overly proud meatheads who are hunkered down in the path of a Cat 5 and refuse to evacuate arecall selfish assholes.

We all on the same page here?
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Friend of a friend stayed up until last night... in a trailer... less than a mile from the beach... in Naples. o_O:rolleyes:

Finally, at the urging of family and friends, he went inland to stay with some people about 20 miles inland.
I damn sure would have fired off some .22 at that stupid hurricane. Probably went around shooting poisonous (venomous) snakes that were displaced by the storm. Stuff like that. Hurricane time is probably a great time to shoot stuff. Some people loot, some people shoot.

Badet left Kentucky with no landing spot. He starting courting Oklahoma after he found out Mayfield was coming back. (This was *After* he'd already said peace out UK)

He was likely to land at West Virginia until OU became an option. Bottom line is Badet was out the door without a home, which is mind bottling

I admire that. Wise kid. Idk wtf I'm doing but I ain't staying here with you idiots. Peace.
On a conference call. 4 minutes in, we've already discussed "ideating," and we will "parking lot" any additional discussions that don't fall under the purview of this call.

Strong start, corporate america.
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IMO, there are few better testaments to the hope and ingenuity of the American Spirit than firing bullets at wind and rain. You never know, man. Pretty sure the space program started with someone yelling at the Moon.
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Fictional is a good one, Anth. A guy tells classic stories from literature with a humorous spin (better than it sounds and none of the episodes are that long).
IMO, there are few better testaments to the hope and ingenuity of the American Spirit than firing bullets at wind and rain. You never know, man. Pretty sure the space program started with someone yelling at the Moon.

Our true manifest destiny.
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