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Fumble returned for TD, penalty that wipes out INT, and a dropped INT that hits our guy right in the hands......KY Football, ya'll
Wildcat has been about as successful as Cal's dribble out the shot clock for 20 seconds and take a bad shot when you have a 12 point lead strategy.
.....and how are they going to explain the no call on that one??

Defenseless player
Helmet to helmet
Leading with crown

You could literally use that hit as a way to teach refs what to look for when calling a personal foul. :joy:
94 has been getting away with stuff after the whistle all game.

Replay shows GT center crawling on grass to knock players over. Gilmore: Great effort. Fvck this team.
That hit on Meyers #69 was pretty blatant. Dude was out of the play and just dove right into the back of his knees.
Cats have no shot in this game. Zero ability to get a stop and not going to what's working of offense.
They score here and it may be ballgame. Not sure how many times we get the ball and they get it to start the half.
I'm getting pretty fat! over the holidays I think I could play OL for Tech, I can crawl on my knees forward and roll around on the ground...seems to be their technique.
You can't get much more Kentucky Football than that.

We both go for it on 4th and 1, essentially from the same spot. They get it facing the long end of the field, we get stopped going short.
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