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Crawford with an excellent run down of the interview. After reading that Petrino should be suspended immediately for doing it and for lying. again.

"Our coordinator flipped through it and there was very, very detailed information there," Clawson said. "Formations that we had never run, alignments, even some of it was even some empty sets that we had never run before, but some of it was even sets we had run but we had flipped personnel. Louisville is an excellent football team, and it was a game that we felt, in order to score points, we had to have some wrinkles in. And all of those wrinkles were right in front of us."
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Easily the best part of the Liggins play was he hits that monster 3 then comes down and gets a dagger of a block, runs over Cal who hugs him like a son, he is in tears and a few seconds later he is at the free throw line jawing at the UNC players again like none of the previous events even happened. [laughing]
Look, Rupp Arena's environment gets crapped on quite a bit and rightfully so for 98% of the games there. But man, that 2009 UNC game was just unreal. Would put it up against any Kansas or Duke game. The dude from North Carolina that called it a religious experience was dead-nuts accurate. Everybody there was absolutely losing their shit. Had goosebumps and a lump in my throat during that little run in the first half. What a magical moment.
If anyone is a fan of mob stories and podcasts in a Serial-like format, may want to check out Crimetown. It's really good.
Kentucky has migrated west. I couldn't even get my bags out of the cab last night when a "Go Cats" was yelled. Walking through the casino and there is blue and white at about every turn. You people really are crazy.

+$300 on the first night will do. Little ammunition to free roll on today.

Thus far zero UCLA and OSU fan sightings and a sprinkling of UNC. Tomorrow will be special folks. A well oiled Vegas crowd that feels like a Rupp game. Cat's by 7
*I'm probably the biggest beer simpleton in GYERO. If I drink one, which is rare, it's usually a witbier, which I know is probably frowned upon by the beersnobballs in here. I'll opt for wine/bourbon/cocktails all/air. This hen I'm dating is a big fan of sweet sparkling wine, like prosecco. Despite my initial [eyeroll], I've developed a taste for it. It will never surpass red wine for me, but it's tasty.

*Not sure about Rogue One. On the one hand, the original three films were so much a part of my childhood that I'm wary about any additions to them, especially after shitshows I and II, and the lesser shitshow III, not to mention spin-offs. On the other hand, this one is supposed to be very good. And my understanding is that it's at least related to the original storyline and not some obscure peripheral story that no one cares about. May have to give it a shot.

*It really is astounding what a shitty year it's been for celeb deaths. I'm sure there have been similar years as this, but I can't remember one.

Arnold Palmer
Ed Davender
Pat Summitt
Buddy Ryan
Gordie Howe
John Saunders
Craig Sager

George Kennedy
Garry Shandling
Robert Vaughn
Florence Henderson
Gene Wilder
Alan Thicke
Alan Rickman

David Bowie
Greg Lake
Keith Emerson
Glenn Frey
Merle Haggard
Lonnie Mack
Ralph Stanley
Buckwheat Zydeco
Leonard Cohen

Harper Lee
Umberto Eco

Antonin Scalia
Nancy Reagan
John Glenn
Janet Reno
Fidel Castro

*I'm enjoying the bad press that UofL is getting, but I want to see something tangible happen to them. Lose a banner, lose a Heisman, suspensions, resignations, etc. They seem to get away scot-free every time and it pisses me off.
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I can't stop saying "Tomma Jurich is a titty man" in an old southern black preacher's voice.

And I don't know why.
- I say it in my "Morgan Freeman narrating Shawshank Redemption" voice.

I wish I could tell you that Tomma fought the good fight, and the media let him be. I wish I could tell you that - but being a tittay man is no fairy-tale world. He never said who did it, but we all knew. Things went on like that for awhile - the tittay man life consists of routine, and then more routine. Every so often, Tomma would show up with fresh bruises. The media kept at him - sometimes he was able to fight 'em off, sometimes not. And that's how it went for Tomma - that was his routine. I do believe these last five years were the worst for him, and I also believe that if things had gone on that way, this place would have got the best of him.

- That bridge thing is hilarious. Hope there's a lot of filler reel showing the Louisville bridge lit up blue.
Celebrity deaths are going to nothing but drastically increase over the next _______ years. The amount of people considered "celebrities" for death purposes is astronomical compared to when we were all younger. So while it seems like more and more celebrities die every year, it's really just a product of there being more of them.

I guess what I'm saying is, who cares about Celebrusucka?
I can't stand fruity beers. The wife loves them and good on her for letting me watch her drink from a bottle. Something sexy about that, for sho.

Having said that, there was some cinnamon beer I tried the other night that didn't taste like what I can only imagine what gay tastes like.

Wait....I don't imagine that, just an expression, folks.
Hey @B.B.d.K. any other social media platforms you'd like to rub my face in?

Cannot wait for you to come down from the high of the game tomorrow, throw back a few G&Ts, and lose every cent you brought.
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Already up $200 this morning on blackjack. Sipping an espresso on the strip, have had multiple Cats cheers thrown at me. A big Anth sighting as well.

This is absolutely a nightmare.
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Over seven seasons, Calipari's UK teams have averaged 67.1 (adjusted, per possessions per game. This season, they average 75.9; their mean possession ends in 13.5 seconds, fourth-fastest in the country.
They're flying with Fox-led fast breaks and rebound runouts and Briscoe open-court creativity. The results have been impressive -- even against UCLA, when UK scored 92 points in 83 possessions, only to find themselves outdone by an even better, even faster offensive team.

That is the question posed by Saturday's matchup in Las Vegas: Can Calipari's team, as athletic and talented and fast as it is, sustain this style? Are they so good that it can work against a team like UNC, which is designed from the ground up to do the exact same thing (and which is vastly more experienced than Kentucky)? Can the Wildcats do so while keeping the nation's best offensive rebounding team off the boards? Are they good enough to do so? How good are they, anyway?

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