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County Fair Tough Man Contests >>>>>>>> Everything else.

Those things are the pinnacle of "sports entertainment."

If you've ever won - hell, if you've ever competed - in one of those things, you'll never have to prove your bravery to me in any other manner.
There was a guy where I grew up who actually won the "Toughman" contest for the southeastern United States. Not the brightest guy, but nice enough until you pissed him off. Then - MURDER. He would routinely barge into basketball practice carrying his briefcase of loot that he won and bring all proceedings to a halt. Understandably, no one said a GD word to him about it. He later became a boxer and got knocked the hell out on Showtime. Several people swore that he could kick the rim on a basketball goal, but I never confirmed that.
Former Toughman guy from Madisonville is a UPS driver, nicest guy ever, golfed a lot at MCC.

When the tornado ripped through, he was in front of Frank Ramsey's house in his UPS truck. He got out and bear-hugged the guard rail as the tornado ripped through him and tore Ramsey's brick house to rubble. Brushed himself off, and was on his way, as the story goes...

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One of those can only do 1 job. I'd buy the one that could do 2 jobs until I found out if they wanted Kleenex.
Former Toughman guy from Madisonville is a UPS driver, nicest guy ever, golfed a lot at MCC.

When the tornado ripped through, he was in front of Frank Ramsey's house in his UPS truck. He got out and bear-hugged the guard rail as the tornado ripped through him and tore Ramsey's brick house to rubble.


My understanding is that same guy has also been struck by lightning, twice. Makes sense, tbh.
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There was a guy where I grew up who actually won the "Toughman" contest for the southeastern United States. Not the brightest guy, but nice enough until you pissed him off. Then - MURDER. He would routinely barge into basketball practice carrying his briefcase of loot that he won and bring all proceedings to a halt. Understandably, no one said a GD word to him about it. He later became a boxer and got knocked the hell out on Showtime. Several people swore that he could kick the rim on a basketball goal, but I never confirmed that.
There was a guy from our HS who dropped out of college to start entering those. He was crazy. Kinda lost track of him over the years what with college, law school, profession, family etc. and our lives taking different paths. Saw him at our reunion, he's working for his family business "doing evictions" so we all find ways to apply our God given skillsets I guess.
Had no idea we had so many real housewives in here. Actually, not surprising at all. Wine and sleep drugs, betches!

Just wait, buddy. When you have some actual stress from work or life this tends to happen.

-Stuck with running(free) and biking(expensive start up but primarily free) for years. Then my back flared up and has been an issue my entire life. So I'd been looking for a trainer to help with those issues but 99% of trainers are 25 year old roid heads with no education. Finally got a solid recommendation from a doctor I know and the dude has me feeling better than ever. About to start running again after having to stop because of pain. Probably stick with him even though it's pretty expensive.

Regardless, I'm not going to get upset if someone is spending money on health and wellness. Much worse ways to blow money but I know a ton of people that could certainly afford to blow some money on body maintenance.

-Vitafusion Extra Strength Melatonin

-Iceland has a 3 day bike race during the 24 sun period. Would love to go over during that.
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Are you supposed to be using Melatonin every night? Doc, make yourself useful here.

Tissues are for blowing your nose.

Toilet paper is for wiping your ass.

Tissue paper is for stuffing presents.

As for the melatonin or ambien, see what works best for you. Insomnia and sleep disorders can be complicated. Please consult your primary care physician.
Melatonin definitely works, but when I take enough for it to really work (no will), I have crazy dreams and wake up a little nauseous.

-GeeseFeeder has a hard on for hating Madisonville, which cracks me up considering he posts about Murfeesboro TN at a 5:1 rate.

But yes, SAE would fit in well there actually. He'd worship that weekend. :100points:
Former Toughman guy from Madisonville is a UPS driver, nicest guy ever, golfed a lot at MCC.

When the tornado ripped through, he was in front of Frank Ramsey's house in his UPS truck. He got out and bear-hugged the guard rail as the tornado ripped through him and tore Ramsey's brick house to rubble. Brushed himself off, and was on his way, as the story goes...


He lost part of his ear in said tornado. Frank Ramsey's house was leveled, I was shocked when I went down and drove thru there. I am very surprised there was not a huge death toll in that storm, especially with all those trailer parks near by, luckily it skirted right around them. My aunt lived across the street from the clubhouse, and of course 5 houses down you know what happened to Jeff's house. Hers, just a little broken glass in the kitchen window.
I mean, I don't plan on having a sex doll in the closet. That is weird. I just posed the question.

The most likely in this thread to have a sex doll in the closet is pretty obvious.
I couldn't live there either, which is why I've only been home for Holidays, Eli, funerals, and limited special occasions since I graduated HS 20 years ago.

Sex doll? I mean, I'd give it a shot...but nah. Sounds more SAE or ABH honestly. I've had 2 pocket P -- one in college, and one my wife got me for funsies in NYC. They're fun, but prefer manual.

I'm much more interested in a VR headset.
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And just FTR, Murfreesboro would be Kentucky's 3rd largest city (120K) as it's about twice the size of Bowling Green.

But K. Not much different than effing Madisonville, really.
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Hey I ain't mad, bruh. Just a poor comp - you didn't do your HW.

It's cool tho you're just getting back, got lots of shit going on, etc.

I'll find out if Mel is still doing Member-Guest at Stones River CC and see if he can get you an invite. No Mexican, tho. :mad:
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I think you're thinking of a blowup doll, SAE. Anth clearly has researched or learned about a much higher-tech & realistic device. We can talk about it with him at an upcoming Extrav, I don't want to make a rush to judgement here.
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