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The boxing club at UK was just a sorry ass excuse for a bunch of scrawny white suburban kids to hop in the ring and flail their arms at each other, wasn't it??
Not really, it took more coordination than trying to be the best at exercising, and you had to punch people in the face while trying to avoid getting punched in the face so it was pretty fun.

It's a club sport (since a kid died in the ring) so we actually trained and sparred with amateur boxers as well, not just fellow students.

Next time you're in Lex, you should drop by and show them what scrawny pussies they all are. I'm sure you'll mop up.
One of my pledge brothers was on the boxing team at UK. Dude had a wicked left hand, think he actually placed at Nationals in '95.

Should have looked into club sports, Chad. May have been a nice break from the north campus dorm shenanigans and student center mixers.

College life sucked when you couldn't get a bid, that's for sure. :thumbsdown:
I remember when Ole School Vanhorn stepped up in class to fight John "The Beast" Mugabe. I am just not too sure ole School Boy does. Mugabe knocked his ass senseless.
Alaska Randos:

- Love it so far. Very unique. Obviously beautiful, but the people are all interesting. Almost no one is native here, all have a different story of why they said "f*** it" to their home states and came up here.

- Fairbanks is definitely a blue collar town, but I really dig it so far. Only took about a day to get to know the roads/highways, bar scene is good.

- Weather has been perfect, mid 50's-low 60's everyday.

- Still getting used to the time change. It's easier for me to go from west-to-east than vice versa. I'm up at 5AM every morning get tired in the afternoon, but don't nap because I went to get on local time. So, I'll probably crash hard in a week.

- Really throws my sports watching too. I like it though. College ball starts at 8AM and is on all day. You don't have to be up until 2AM for west coast games. MNF starts at 4, also awesome.

- Weird getting snaps at 10PM local of all my friends going home from the bar and I'm just getting started.

- The apartment they set me up in is awesome. On a resort in a nature sanctuary, all kinds of hiking trails on site.

- Looking forward to getting to Denali in the next couple weeks before it gets too cold.

- Wish I had more time in Anchorage, seems like a place I could live, have a couple friends there too.

- Everything is expensive here. As a single dude on the road, you kind of live off McDonald's and Taco Bell...$9.00 for a Big Mac combo and no dollar menu at Taco Bell. Weak.

- Every time the Northern Lights have been out, there has been cloud cover, tonight it's supposed to be clear. Here's hoping.

- Work is awesome, have a great group and the candidate is great. She has a lot of moxy.
Oh...and work failed to tell me they set up a cleaning service for my apartment every Monday morning. I was on the couch with my laptop yesterday morning, porn blaring, getting ready to start the comes an older native dude who quickly runs out.

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I don't know for a fact but the word around Lex, when I still went out around 4 years ago, was that Van Horn had turned into a psycho.
Unfortunately, did happen. Worst part was asking what the deal was and taking his card. Couldn't look the poor dude in the eye. Was going to make a joke to ease the situation...but decided that would make it worse.
County Fair Tough Man Contests >>>>>>>> Everything else.

Those things are the pinnacle of "sports entertainment."

If you've ever won - hell, if you've ever competed - in one of those things, you'll never have to prove your bravery to me in any other manner.
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I admire Tommy's positivity. Every place is awesome. That's a genuinely good life perspective.

Of course, I give it less than 5 years before existential dread sets in. In the meantime, I'm enjoying his love of life.
Seems like someone on my FB timeline is traveling to Iceland every month. Lassies best friend just took off for a week there...

Looks like a budding hotspot, or maybe it always has been? Read a little about it after MCF's trip, seems like it blew up after that, at least in my circle of social media. #trendsetter -- Anyways, sounds pretty awesome and different than I had "imagined" a place called Iceland being.

Wondered if their futbol run has had anything to do with it, in Malcolm Gladwell type of way.
The thing that I remember from watching some of GYEROs own work the political game...

a> they were ALWAYS hopping from one gig to the next
b> they always found another great gig in about 10 seconds

Seems like it's just a young man's game. Lots of pressure/stress for a short period of time, then onto the next assignment. But if you're good, you'll never worry about finding a job.

And I sincerely applaud tommyg for having the balls to take the leap. Particularly if you don't have kids/spouses tying you down, why NOT get out there and see the country? Try something new? Live in an igloo?
I admire Tommy's positivity. Every place is awesome. That's a genuinely good life perspective.

Of course, I give it less than 5 years before existential dread sets in. In the meantime, I'm enjoying his love of life.

To be fair, Arkansas sucked. Hot Springs was cool for two days...but I was pretty miserable in Texarkana and Little Rock.
Iceland has otherwordly natural beauty, and is routinely at the top of every "good" list possible -- healthiest, happiest, etc.

The exlass was always dying to go. Honestly, I was completely ignorant about all it had to offer, and now I regret not going. Have a friend that just won a work trip there in a couple weeks, courtesy of some Icelandic brand of vodka.
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Seems like someone on my FB timeline is traveling to Iceland every month. Lassies best friend just took off for a week there...

Looks like a budding hotspot, or maybe it always has been? Read a little about it after MCF's trip, seems like it blew up after that, at least in my circle of social media. #trendsetter -- Anyways, sounds pretty awesome and different than I had "imagined" a place called Iceland being.

Wondered if their futbol run has had anything to do with it, in Malcolm Gladwell type of way.

1. Asheville
Eh, those numbers are inflated because there are a shitload of men working in the oil fields in the middle of nowhere. I've been pleasantly surprised at the females.

I'm hiring my door-to-door people through a temp agency up recruiting coordinator is pure smoke. Been hinting that I want someone to show me the town to her. Almost had her join me for Monday Night (Afternoon) Football yesterday.

Work in progress.
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