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Pretty impressive UK club sport resumes here in GYERO. Boxing, rugby... any lacrosse or hockey players lurking?
-AGS was a pretty big guy, more lean like a BB player but last time I saw him he had been lifting a lot. 6'4. Baby faced though. Sucks he went straight on us, top 5 GYERO poster.

-New melatonin brand doing the trick. Excellent dream last night. Crew was out partying and I got hammered to the point I lose 2 pair of shoes. Was really tore up about this and spent the rest of the dream trying to remember what happened and locate the shoes. I managed to find 1 flip flop before I woke up.

-9:30a too early to start boozing?
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- AGS is a good dude and a helluva poster.

- More on how good of friends Jones and Anth have become, please.

- Is Madison Bumgarner the biggest redass in sports? Seems that dude is into with someone every week.

- Rewatching "The Office." Season 2 was brilliant, absolutely brilliant. Miss the ol' Office/Parks&Rec 1-2 punch every Thursday.

- I hate that we're still getting upper 80s temps, but it's still not all that humid and the evenings are perfect. September is the most consistently pleasant weather month we have around here- all due respect to May.

- Need to get this class started. PJ Washington would be a helluva first add. Versatile offensively and can guard multiple positions.
New melatonin brand doing the trick

Took your advice and tried melatonin last night. Took it, waited a little while, didn't really notice anything. Was getting ready to grab my laptop and bitch about it on GYERO. Next thing I knew it was 7:30a, I'd slept through my alarm, and I felt fabulous. [thumb2]
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While overall I thought "Vice Principles" was pretty meh, the second to last episode "gin" was pretty damn funny.
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It says something about Kentucky and racial progressiveness that our black backup QBs have been the most popular players on the team since Randall Cobb. MLK would be proud - Kentucky Proud!
perfect timing with the clumsy Thurs night (???) unveiling of the statues of the 1st 4 black SEC football players

I mean god forbid they wait 2 days & do the moment for the benefit of the SECN tv cameras, because planning & marketing has always been our strong points
Our offensive standouts have been guys named Stephen and Benny. That doesnt give me much long term confidence, but its whatever.

So USC, Notre Dame and Oklahoma all come into the year with lofty expectations, and 3 games in their seasons are basically over with as far as any playoff aspirations. Thats probably a worse feeling for a fan base than what we go through.

The worst part about not being able to sleep, or waking up in the middle of the night, is having a phone next to the bed. If i pick up the phone in the middle of the night, may as well just go ahead and get the coffee going.

My cousin let me know a few days ago he and some buds were coming down for the UK/Bama game... "We need 9 more tickets" [laughing]

I had asked around for a "tree guy" to take down a dead tree by the rental house, and a buddy gave me his guy and said his company had done some work for him in the past. I called him and set it all up- and just before he was going to start cutting- i asked him for his insurance and license information that I had to give to my insurance agent. "Oh i dont have either." Well my bad for not asking sooner or assuming you were legit, but no you cant cut down a 35 foot dead tree 10 feet away from my house and powerlines. "Well can you at least pay me the gas money for driving all the way out here?!" Gave him $10 for the 12 mile drive he made.

My wife who has gone from Zumba to Kickboxing to Pure Barre to every other womens workout fad- recently got into Orange Theory. I'm all about supporting anyone that works out- but my lord that is expensive. My program of running outside and using minimal free weights at the work gym cost me $0 a month.
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My wife who has gone from Zumba to Kickboxing to Pure Barre to every other womens workout fad- recently got into Orange Theory. I'm all about supporting anyone that works out- but my lord that is expensive. My program of running outside and using minimal free weights at the work gym cost me $0 a month.

[laughing] You got to love the million different ways people make $$$ off women these days. These expensive workout classes- often on top of the $40-50/month they're spending on gym memberships- crack me up. "Well, I had a Group-on so it was only $120 for 3 classes this week."

Right up there with organic food and all the $$$ they spend on pets. I've grown up with golden retrievers. We've raised about 10 of them. They all lived full and healthy lives. My puppy Blue, though, has to have expensive organic food...that we also have to mix with expensive wet food, so he'll eat it. I can't wait til she puts him on Prozac like her cat. :(
Tuesday Randos:

-DR trip was pretty awesome. Got upgraded to the Presidential Suite upon arrival which was a pretty nice surprise...probably the nicest room we've ever stayed in -- at 1700 sq feet, it was bigger than our current house. Personal Butler, etc. The works.

Never preferred All Inclusive over traditional, but it's definitely a more 'stress free' way to travel, which fit the bill this time around. Don't like the idea of essentially being confined to a resort for a week, but if this place was about as perfect as it gets for me. Food was marginal, but the Vegas Style Casino & Sportsbook was pretty unreal for dad to play in for a week. Really nice and clean.

Halfway through "Thirty One" showed up for their annual Incentive Trip. Good lord. 1200 psycho multi-level marketing hens running around made for interesting eaves dropping for sure. Those companies are so damn creepy. Thankfully, the resort is absolutely huge and had 13 pools, so we could avoid for the most part.

-How depressing must it be for Bears fan to have Jay Cutler as a lifetime QB? Always found that to be a weird situation...why has he been allowed to be the QB there for 20 years, with no end in sight? Ugh

-Every time I see D. Fox in pictures I can't get over how long/lanky he is. If I didn't know any better, I'd assume he was a 6'7 swingman or something.

-Basement being waterproofed today...full interior drainage system and sump being installed. $$$ Fun times. The sellers on our new home have actually been letting us move stuff in, despite us not even having a closing date; pretty wodie. Took a full UHaul over on Sunday. Plan is to get all the little stuff in to where we only have to hire movers for the main furniture, which would only take a couple hours. Cannot WAIT for this shit to be over.

-Mikeal Horton is such a disappointment -- what a boring ass runner. He's up there with Beach, Bwenge, and Logan in that regard. Thankfully he's not the primary as those were.

-Knocked out 'Slaying The Tiger' last week. Man, what a great read and inside look at the tour and many of it's players. Fascinating. Especially loved his accurate descriptions of the miserable Kentucky August Heat, he probably mentioned it 15x.

-When does Chad make his girl do something HE wants to go to a football game and hang with friends? Or maybe he doesn't want to do that, which would also make sense.

-Do invisible fences really work? Don't think I could ever trust them, at least w/ a Stubborn JRT. There is zero doubt in my mind Gillie would run through that thing at the first deer (or whatever) sighting, no matter what torture it brought him.

-Anyone else lay some $$$ on the 'Cocks? Can't believe the line is still UK -2.5. No way in hell that doesn't move by kickoff.
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Is there anything better than airport drinking?

Phoenix has a nice airport....spread out as a mofo.

Also, SW has a free premium drink to celebrate their RR program. Two on the plane because Granny didn't want one.

Looks like another freebie on they elway to San Diego.
Thats probably a worse feeling for a fan base than what we go through.


The worst part about not being able to sleep, or waking up in the middle of the night, is having a phone next to the bed. If i pick up the phone in the middle of the night, may as well just go ahead and get the coffee going.

I'm terrible about this. I don't know what I'm expecting to see at 3am, but I'll sure as hell check if I happen to wake up. Next thing I know it's an hour later and I've read all through Facebook, GYERO, Twitter, listened to some music, checked work email, checked personal email, checked the forecast, etc. It's a sickness.
- Dreaming all night is awful, if melatonin makes me dream (even more) I want no part of it. I'm looking for a drug that, preferably but not necessarily, isn't an opioid that just knocks me out cold. I can be "asleep" for 10 hours and wake up feeling like shit because I had vivid ass dreams the whole time

- All women are crazy, but how the hell do some of you put up with the ridiculous lengths they go to keep up appearances and the thousands of dollars they waste? Again, all women are crazy and mine is no exception, but I guess the particular brand of crazy that permeates this thread is an anathema to me. *shoulder shrug smiley*
My brother, who has been a stay at home parent since 29, also attends Orange Theory.

We are clearly very different.
She did get a sticker to put on her car- so I guess its all worth it.

I joke about within GYERO but if the worst my wife does is spend a little too much on her gym, occasionally making a unnecessary furniture purchase and buy awful organic food- I can handle that. She's always on board for trips, absolutely loves hanging out with my friends back home, understands the UK/Cubs fandom rules and guidelines, etc... So while I exaggerate (not by much) her expensive tastes, its really nothing life altering- plus factoring in ridiculous bonuses that pharma reps can earn- she makes more than me.

+1 for underground fences. I have a bird dog that would normally chase disoriented birds, squirrels or any other vermin wherever it runs, but even he understood the limits with the fence. Whats odd is when squirrels grow to understand that your dog cant cross a certain area, so they just stay there all day while he stares at them.
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All those group fitness classes are great, but I don't think they produce the results most women want.

Yoga, Pilates, Orange Theory, Pure Barre.....too much fun and socializing. Not enough ass busting. All that $$ spent, and you still have to supplement your routine with cardio. IMO.
All those group fitness classes are great, but I don't think they produce the results most women want.

Yoga, Pilates, Orange Theory, Pure Barre.....too much fun and socializing. Not enough ass busting. All that $$ spent, and you still have to supplement your routine with cardio. IMO.

They were work if you're dedicated and consistent, like all other workouts. Just cost a ton more.
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-So what is your plan for the dogs and the yard, BBdK? Can you put up one of those aluminum fences like the Schem's had at their old house?

-Bernie getting a little tipsy with granny on the airplane. I like it.

-I go to CycleYou occasionally and it's a tad expensive, but I don't go often enough for it to cost as much as all the other stuff. I prefer running outside over all of it.

-I bought some apples the other day and wanted to make sure Chad knows the organic honeycrisps are $4.99/lb at Whole Foods (they may have been $3.99/lb, all I know is Chad wouldn't like it). I stuck with the Pink Ladies.

-Brangelina no more?
- Watched the 2nd episode of The Case last night. Ramsey's brother, Burke, did it. Only logical explanation.

- This is best month of the year by far weather wise. It's warm but not humid. Cooler nights. You can still wear shorts/polos and be comfortable.

- Ate at Wodie's boy, Fernando's, new joint, Red Barn Kitchen on Friday. Enjoyed. BBQ joint. Lassy had the chicken n' biscuits and of course I went with the pulled pork sambo. Mac n'Cheese appetizer. Stuff was the chronic. Their Carolina vinegar sauce and Western Kentucky spicy vinegar sauce were really good.

Want to back and try the ribs .

- Looking toward to the Extrav this Sat. The first game I didn't have much time to tailgate bc I got back from my San Diego trip at 4:30 and this past Sat I stayed in the Orange Lot bc of the rain.

Really enjoyed sitting in a rainy tent during a monsoon while I look over at tv & see somehow the sun came out in Louisvile and UL was up 45-10 or something ridiculous.

- Thought all along UK was unveiling the statues this Sat a few hours before kickoff? That would be the ideal time to generate some good pub and air some footage on the game broadcast. Guess that makes too much PR sense for ole' Milquetoast. Stupid ass. Go climb another mountain and get lost.
Still trying to figure it out. Just under 2 acres...would love for them to be able to enjoy all, but that's probably not feasible -- no telling what that would cost. It will have to be a nice looking black one similar to what the Schems had considering we border a golf course. Also worried about him going bonkers at all the passing golfers, he's not very well trained in that regard. Also need to figure out where the doggy door can go.

-Lass is currently doing Orange Theory on top of our $170 monthly Milestone Membership. :weary:
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-It's amazing how many different regimens/programs are out there. Sort of overwhelming. That's why I'm starting simply with running. It costs relatively little, no special equipment, etc. Plus I think it will produce the results I want right now - fat loss, weight loss/maintenance, and just overall improved health. I thought about a gym and personal trainer, but that's $$$. That may be the next step. Obviously, divorce sucks, but being able to focus on myself for the first time in years is sort of nice.

-Best month of the year weather-wise is October. I didn't think there was any doubt about that.

-Sloot, I went with the Pink Ladies over Honeycrisps at the grocery last night. They did not disappoint. :100points:

-Where are you moving BBdK?
$10 a month for Planet Fitness. Pretty much everything a fat ass like me needs, and all the other fat asses only go sporadically so it seems pretty empty in the mornings.
-Prospect/east end folks, get out and support Gustavo's Mexican Grill in the Prospect Kroger shopping center. Old Bristol space. Gustavo's the man, and he's done a really nice job with the space.

-My wife's spending isn't bad, it's just her bad timing. End of the month with tuition owed? I NEED TO GO TO TARGET TONIGHT AND GET THIS STUFF. Commission check a week out? I CANT WAIT ANY LONGER FOR THIS PACKAGE DEAL I TOLD HER ID DO IT TOMORROW.

I mean, she gives no Fs about cashflow.
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