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But the only thing fans and administrators truly care about is whether you have more points on the scoreboard than the other team.

not our administrator. doing it the right way is the be all to end all! hiring coaches with impeccable characters, avoiding recruits with even the hint of rabble rousing, kicking kids off the team even when local authorities don't charge them with crimes, paying embarrassing low COA amount to players as compared to the rest of the conference & even friggin UL.
I didn't think it was possible to feel any worse - that article did it. We've been talking about it, but seeing it validated so concisely is nauseating. Just win, baby. That's it. Missing out on Petrino is going to be up there with Rupp's Cadillac and missing out on Schnellenberger.

COT. DAMN. IT. This sucks. For the first time since college, I may be drinking bourbon by 9am tomorrow. This just sucks.
That article is nauseating. In large part, because you can't really argue with it. Send it to Mitch - oops, way too late.

While we're in the dumps . . .

Last weekend was probably the most humiliated I've felt as a UK football fan. I've felt sorrow, despair, but not really downright embarrassment, until then.

I've already described the UF fans' attitude toward us. But this exchange with a waitress at BW3 in the ATL airport on the way down on Friday was probably even worse:

-My son's friend is wearing a Gators sweatshirt. Waitress says, "Gators - ha! You'll alright but no match for the Tide. I'm a Bama girl.

-She looks at us and says "where you from?" "Kentucky. Not much to cheer for in football these days."

-Without missing a beat, she matter-of-factly says, "Kentucky, that's not even SEC".
The way she said it, it sounded like she actually thought UK was not an SEC school. I laughed and say "technically, yes they are" - she scoffed and said "technically - yeah, that's about all - but not really."

Quite disheartening to be completely dismissed by an airport BW3 waitress / Bama fan, who essentially told me that the SEC doesn't claim Kentucky.

I didn't even bother to bring up basketball, because really, what's the point?
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I will say this - for years I've kind of taken it for granite [sic] that we're going to roll the rest of the SEC in basketball, and haven't taken too much pleasure in the beatdowns - except to the extent that they show us what kind of shot we have at a national title each year.

After last weekend, my fire is reignited. I want to beat the living shit out of every SEC school this winter. And I'm going savor every second of their humiliation.

How I picture Century in that exchange.
It is good to see that GYERO is *pumped* for the UK v. NMSU Battle of the Hal Mumme Eskimo Buddies Epic Showdown tomorrow.
First laughs of the day. Thanks.

Texted with a friend who's at the Training Center every day (all I'll say) and asked what the mood was like this week.

"Pretty mute. Not much to say."

'Til the battle is won...
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After last weekend, my fire is reignited. I want to beat the living shit out of every SEC school this winter. And I'm going savor every second of their humiliation.

I mean, I'm with ya man. But the problem is Bama fan doesn't care about basketball, but we do care about football.
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I've been wearing my Fitbit lately. Probably getting more steps than you these days, Gimp.

You realize I've averaged 45/miles a week of running this year, have done 3 100-milers, and just completed one of the toughest ultramarathons in the country 3 weeks ago?

Great job on the steps, though.

When your Achilles tendon finally snaps, I'll send you pizzas to plump you back up.
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Hard to take too much pride in dominating the SEC in a sport when fans of other schools don't even know said sport exists.

If Georgia beat Kentucky every year in women's foosball, can't say I'd get too worked up about it.

Damn, that is right up there with Pti dogging LegalBeagle for treadmill running.

Funny about that...

1> legalbeagle claiming to have run x number of half marathons, and including his treadmill-bound training at the gym --> still COMPLETELY absurd. that's like a UK player bragging about his KBA stats.

2> he's also a much, much faster runner than me :flushed::flushed:
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