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-Went to Anchorage in March of 2012. I really enjoyed it but I cannot imagine those winter months. But the 21 hours of summer sun would be :100points:.
Might change your tone if you can't get in the ocean or pool(there aren't any) because the water temperature is never above 50 degrees. What's the point of summer sun if you can't soak up some water time?

Also, it's never warm enough for anyone to get tan. I was just there in SOUTHERN Alaska in August(so basically their summer was ending) and people there were scary white. Like, I can't imagine getting naked with one of those people white and I'm a ginger.
UK at LSU in 2010. Cal's first year.

Knew somebody that flew with the team for that game and got to eat dinner with Cal & the assistants the night before the game. Cal, Robic, Antigua and this person walk into the hotel restaurant looking for a table. Cal sees Barnhart eating dinner at table with some open seats...

Sighs.. " I don't want sit near Milquetoast."
Really think UK should combat the ALI remembrance with one of our own. Maybe paint a portrait of Steve Zahn at midfield- Zachary Taylor, maybe. Lots of options for us and I think we really need to celebrate someone that really wasnt involved with the university at any level.
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In the 80's Louisville was so close to giving up football and you could also get free tickets at times when you filled up at your local Convenient Store, then they hired Howard, they start beating up on cupcakes, we start playing them, they benefit from a MLK day protest going to a Fiesta Bowl that no Top 20 teams would go to that year, to John. L, Petrino, etc. And we helped them every step of the way.

Not hiring Howard in 1981 but hiring a capable but in his twilight, Claiborne. Hiring Curry, keeping Curry 3 years too long. Not hiring Petrino. The other thing is we are losing a generation of fans. 25 years ago in E'town, a Louisville fan was a distinct minority, a step above a novelty and now it's 50/50 if not a slight majority of UofL fans. A lot of you complain about local Steelers or Cowboy fans but this is what you're going to get more and more across the state is kids embracing UofL because they win and we don't.
And that person was? You guessed it... Frank Stallone.

There is no comparison with the checkerboard pattern to UL's exploitation of a deceased Ali, which they are only continuing to do in a year where they have had nothing but PR nightmares.

The checkerboard uni's are kind of meh design by Nike. Trying to reign in continued sympathy for your university via a world icon that passed away is desperate and disgusting.
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If I ever run across someone that is a Kentucky basketball fan and a Louisville football fan, I'm whipping their ass. Not really, but I'm going to think it in my head and walk off in disgust.
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UL may be exploiting Ali, but it's going to work like a charm. They're shameless, but effective.
- Thing is, ol' Milk&Toast's job is to make hires that are best for Kentucky, NOT himself. Yeah, he would've taken a lot of shit for bringing in Petrino and he wouldn't have wanted to work with the slimy prick, but his job is to hire the best for UK football.

- I hate self-righteous Christians. They're the worst. I guarantee a Cathoic would've hired the best damn coach.

- All right- the bitching has gone on long enough. Kentucky is KNOWN for horses. UK is the University OF Kentucky. It's not the tightest connection but it's not the disaster you little bitches make it out to be.
Has anyone been to pasta garage? We are considering that for dinner tonight for Anth's carb loading. Recs?
Kentucky is also KNOWN for basketball. That's why trying to make some convoluted association with a racehorse looks cheesy and gimmicky. If the football team wants it on their sleeves, fine, God knows they need some sort of association with a winner. But we're UK basketball. We're our own brand. Keep it simple and let our play do the talking.
Kentucky is also KNOWN for basketball. That's why trying to make some convoluted association with a racehorse looks cheesy and gimmicky. If the football team wants it on their sleeves, fine, God knows they need some sort of association with a winner. But we're UK basketball. We're our own brand. Keep it simple and let our play do the talking.

I guarantee no one has noticed the cheesiness and gimmickry but us. Opposing fans will just see it as an ode to the great horseracing culture in this fine state and/or just another design, a la North Carolina's argyle.

As I have to tell my girlfriend daily, you guys need to RELAX.
I appreciate 73's effort to redeem himself today. [thumb2]

Yeah, watching them host GameDay and the surroundling hoopla makes me want to vomit. I didn't just drive to places to Fayetteville to clean up CoolCat's vomit....I believed strongly that the football program was on it's way. And in the past 10 years it has slowly disintegrated...and it pisses me off. Not that there was much there, but for a 5 year period, we put a lot of players in the NFL, and we watched good football around here. We beat Georgia (twice), Auburn, Arkansas...the ridiculous LSU game...and of course Louisville.
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No matter what Louisville does in football, nothing can take away the pain we've inflicted on them in the tournament recently. Nothing. Ever.

Doesn't matter what they say, in their hearts they know basketball is what truly matters. (That sounds like sour grapes, and it is, but it's also true)
^ wow that sums up the last 15 pages or so on the topic quite nicely.

Because, in the end, college football is about one thing: Winning. High character and grade-point averages are nice. Sure. But the only thing fans and administrators truly care about is whether you have more points on the scoreboard than the other team. That’s it.
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