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Let me guess- all the sportswriter geeks were blowing up Twitter all night about the US womens team. I'm betting they provided expert analysis, knew everything about all the players and complained about the officiating.
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The women's World Cup is pretty dope. Perfect summer distraction AND pretty easy to watch with your kids.

That being said I don't think I could just "adopt" an overseas team to follow passionately. Which is too bad because of you care about the game, soccer is pretty fun to watch, actually.

Agree. Wish I could be like '73 and instantly/overnight go bonkers over some Euro squad....b/c like you said when you actually care (USA), it's really fun -watched the entire match last night.

Swaggy P

...that's a squad right there, w/ some nice pieces; Randle, Clarkson, Davis, etc off the bench. Hope it happens.

-Prediction: Briscoe is going to drive people nuts, and have 20% of GYERO (led by SAE) hating him at some point in the season.
The biggest problem with soccer has always been that American Soccer Fan tends to be an annoying geek.

If I let my enjoyment of a sport be dictated by the majority of its fan base then I couldn't watch any sports ever.

Willis would have been a contributor on the '13 squad. Poor timing on his parents part imo. I would love for him to take the step and become a rotation guy but I'll believe it when I see it.
Last week the fighting Booker Noe 9U baseball team played the World Wide Harris'. This weekend it we will be versing the Wildcat 1973's. GYERO meets real life.

That brings me to the use of the word verse. This is some new thing. Kids will ask me "who are we versing?" I never have heard of this until the last couple of years. We always said "Who are we playing?"
As for Soccer, just watch Barcelona, Arsenal, or some team that plays an exciting brand of the Showtime Lakers, etc. If you like Defense and the Bad Boys style, watch Chelsea or Man City. Or a balanced team like Bayern, Real Madrid, etc.

But Barcelona last season was incredible to watch. Best front line ever. And they could score from anywhere, at any time.

As with any sport, watching a team/athlete perform at the highest level is always fun to watch...IMO.
This Puerto Rico mess sounds really bad.

I get the obvious basics, but don't really understand in-depth how this happens (Greece, etc)...pretty crazy. Guess I need to "read" Adam Smith again....(false)
They averaged almost 3 goals per game this season.

This Puerto Rico mess sounds really bad.

I get the obvious basics, but don't really understand in-depth how this happens (Greece, etc)...pretty crazy. Guess I need to "read" Adam Smith again....(false)
Looking forward to reading Michael Lewis' inevitable book on it next summer in my backyard. Maybe have a koi pond by then, who knows, life is full of surprises.
Tired of your very limited chicken chain knowledge. First of all, you don't get biscuits at CFA. They suck. Second, if you get anything other than chicken minis you are a mouth-breathin'-honk-bastard.

Learn Hardee's. Learn Frische's. Learn f'n yourself. :100points:
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Hard to criticize Chick-fil-A. Their biscuits are suspect, though. Besides that and their Jesusfreak ways, I've got nothing.
Speaking of Chains, Louisville getting 4 'Top Round' franchises from Cali.

Sounds like an uppity version of Arby's, although they DO feature a 'Beef on Weck' and Provel Cheese, eek.

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PDQ is my new fast food go-to. So damn good...also they don't have any freezers on site because everything is brought in fresh everyday.
Spent last week in Outer Banks. I picked the wrong end of the island. South end>>>North end. Oh and the traffic on the one main highway was :scream:. Helicopters were buzzing the shorelines and housewives were buzzing the Food Lion all day long as there were two more shark attacks while we were down there as well. Never going to complain about a few days at the beach but I don't think we'll be doing it the same next time.

Got hooked on the serial podcast as I drove through the night with everyone asleep in my vehicle. Was absolutely perfect for the drive. 7AM hit and I was completely entranced. What a great concept. My podcast game is non existent but that is gonna change.
I thought another Serial was coming out in the Spring. Its going to be hard to top the first one. Adnan did it.
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Congrats, Beavis. It's just that most of us are sooooo busy, ya know? Buster has doggy dance at 8:30 and my bitch ass wife Martha can't take him because she has hot yoga then. UHHHH. I like CFA because they use non-bleached, non-gmo ingredients, but I do not agree with their stance on gay marriage, so I will only do the drive thru. #dadlyfe
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