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If chad played i bet he'd be a helluva golfer and may be able to clear his mind out there instead of on the pavement at nights on his runs. I picture a Corey Pavin like game. Solid ball striker, can move the ball both ways, great putter, great course management, great mustache.

Just have never gotten into the game. My sports love comes directly from my dad. His favorite sports were always baseball and basketball, which he taught me to play, and he also really liked football. He never cared much for golf. I just never got the fever.

I understand why people love golf. I respect the game. I imagine if I grew up playing or took some lessons, I'd be all right, but it just doesn't appeal to me.
You've never really tried, though.

It's not for everyone I guess (but it should be, at differing levels of interest)...but someone your age who's entire friend base at least plays casually, that seems pretty closed minded imo. Epsecially as much as you love being outdoors, drinking beers, and hanging out with dudes.
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The one thing i can say for anyone who wants to try golf is....i have played with many, many guys who are 95-120 range golfers. As long as they keep up (which they always did,do) i have never had a problem with playing with them and even maybe giving a pointer or two. Obviously, its hard and can be very frustrating and will make you want to quit at times. But if you put in a little time every week, you can get to a point where you are reasonably good/decent after a few years and have actually seen a few guys get to the high 70's and 80's golfers because they kept at it. It's never too late.
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^ Correct.

Even Ursch is fine to play with until he gets zombie drunk and has no regard for human life.

Plays fast & knows the rules/etiquette, and doesn't try to pretend he's anything other than he is: You do those three things, you can play comfortably and not annoy anyone.
The most interesting thing about this draft is the potential trade of Boogie. The rumored trade would be crazy if the Lakers could pull it off. That is why it won't happen.
So Minnesota will pick KAT #1 and Murray will decide to take his game and chances to Oregon. Good family but risky move, imo. It certainly could lose him a lot of $$$$. #kentuckyeffect
So Minnesota will pick KAT #1 and Murray will decide to take his game and chances to Oregon. Good family but risky move, imo. It certainly could lose him a lot of $$$$. #kentuckyeffect
You can look at it that way or from the angle he can go to Oregon and be 'the man' and still be a potential top pick.

The only thing that is going to cost him $$$$ is if he ends up not being very good.
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Even Ursch is fine to play with until he gets zombie drunk and has no regard for human life.

* [laughing]

guilty. :(

* i love the game, and love to watch it. but for me, golf....

- is extremely time consuming
- is extemely difficult
- takes too much time/patience to improve

i love it. would love to be a bogey golfer (sidenote = i feel like the bogey golfer is the happiest golfer around. just happy not being great, but not being bad). just dont want to invest the resources to get there. :confused:
the one thing that scares me about the lakers --> kobe is, like 84 years old, and his body is completely broken down. yet the organization and team are completely built around him and his contract. he is/will NOT age and exit gracefully. guarantee he wants to be "the man" from now until he hangs them up. just seems like a lot of michael jordan-with-the-wizards going on here. everything they're doing is built around kobe's last hurrah.

id be infinitely more excited about boogie to la if they had 1 young stud and a shot to land a free agent.
* [laughing]

guilty. :(

* i love the game, and love to watch it. but for me, golf....

- is extremely time consuming
- is extemely difficult
- takes too much time/patience to improve

i love it. would love to be a bogey golfer (sidenote = i feel like the bogey golfer is the happiest golfer around. just happy not being great, but not being bad). just dont want to invest the resources to get there. :confused:
You apparently went out and became a great runner in a short time it seems. A little time on the golf course could have you a bogey golfer. Try to hit balls once a week and play once a week, or hit balls twice a week, or play twice a week. It just takes a little bit of dedication and determination.

For 2 summers I put the time in and played a ton, lessons, range, etc. Got better then worse then better then worse. Then just had my fill. For 5 hours commitment I can go on a long bike ride for no cost, get in a great workout, not eat a hot dog at the turn and drink 5 beers, and be home by like 10:30.

I just decided to go with cycling over golf. No regrets. Been wanting to mix in a round or two but still haven't. Oh well, I enjoy riding more than golfing.

That being said, I love watching golf. I also know how to play as a hack with a group of much better players. That's all you really need. You can accomplish that in about 1 summer. Learn the rules. Learn the etiquette.
I don't know the exact details of the possible trade but I think they'd end up with Cousins, Randle and the #6 pick. That would be a pretty good start for post Kobe, and I think he knows he is about done. They have positioned themselves well unlike the Knicks.
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the idea that "just a little time on the range/course" would turn a hack (like me) into a bogey golfer is absolutely false.

even then, an 18-hole round is pretty well an all day affair. get there 30 minutes before tee time, 4-5 hour round, have some lunch and brews is a serious time committment. no two ways about it. i have plenty of free time, im just not taking away from it to invest the time into golf that id need to get decent/good.
Romey is just a must-listen Monday after a huge sporting event like the US Open. Great stuff. Also had Elk on who is always classic.
I don't know the exact details of the possible trade but I think they'd end up with Cousins, Randle and the #6 pick. That would be a pretty good start for post Kobe, and I think he knows he is about done. They have positioned themselves well unlike the Knicks.
I'm pretty certain that the return package for Cousins would include Randle.

Edit: My fault, thought you said #2 pick. Still think Randle would be in the deal.
Anything is better than staying in Sactown. That place is a zoo.

GTFO anyway you can, Boogie. Dude is wasting away out there. You don't want to end up like KG and only then land on a contender in your twilight years.
"Ballers" is really, really dumb. The problem HBO doesn't seem to totally grasp is that to make a really good show, you have to have characters viewers will "like" and/or root for. That doesn't mean they can't be "bad" people. Tony Soprano was bad, but you rooted for him. Same with Walter White.

Who's to like in "Ballers", or Entourage, really, for that matter?
So, unless ol' Kash is completely bullshitting UK fans for no good reason, seems he just let the cat out of the bag on KSR.

“When I got back from Carolina, I knew where I was going to go. I went down there to South Carolina and it was a workout/visit,” Kash said, describing how he picked off South Carolina’s top QB commit, which caused 247 Sports’ Barton Simmons to boost him in the rankings from 226 to 96. “It wasn’t like the Kentucky visit. It was a football-related visit. I didn’t get to see the campus much. They put us on a tour bus and drove us around campus, but everything was so spaced out. When I got back from there, I knew where my heart was leaning to, I knew where I was going to school.”
the idea that "just a little time on the range/course" would turn a hack (like me) into a bogey golfer is absolutely false.

even then, an 18-hole round is pretty well an all day affair. get there 30 minutes before tee time, 4-5 hour round, have some lunch and brews is a serious time committment. no two ways about it. i have plenty of free time, im just not taking away from it to invest the time into golf that id need to get decent/good.
2 summers of actually trying.

I got pretty close to staying low 90's on a consistent basis and my bad rounds were still right at 100. Again, this was by the rules. If I cheated I'd be mid 80's. You could get there.

Just like if BBdk wanted to break bust out a 3:45 marathon he could in 2 years of effort probably.

...but yes the time commitment is what got me. Wake up at 8, course at 9, 4-5 beers and burger or hot dog for lunch, post round beers, get home at 2 tired, fat and buzzed. That's fun a couple times per year but not every weekend.
Anything is better than staying in Sactown. That place is a zoo.

GTFO anyway you can, Boogie. Dude is wasting away out there. You don't want to end up like KG and only then land on a contender in your twilight years.

Plus, George Karl is a doosh- typical Carolina doosh. Piss on him.
If I'm LAL and I can't make a move prior to the Draft... I'm going for D'Angelo Russell. Dude is filthy and has star written all over him, IMO.

He may not mesh too well with Kobe as they both dominate the ball but if it is likely Mamba's last year WGAF? You'd want someone with that kind of star power that will supplant him when he goes. Russell has that ability.

Okafor is an oaf and isn't going to take you anywhere you want to go. You obviously aren't sticking your neck out on sketchy Euro stud. If you aren't ALL IN on Russell and can't get Towns, trade down.
"Ballers" is really, really dumb. The problem HBO doesn't seem to totally grasp is that to make a really good show, you have to have characters viewers will "like" and/or root for. That doesn't mean they can't be "bad" people. Tony Soprano was bad, but you rooted for him. Same with Walter White.

Who's to like in "Ballers", or Entourage, really, for that matter?

umm The Rock. Seems like it will sort of be like ESPN's "Playmakers." I thought it started off ok.

Entourage, you either liked it or you didn't. Ari Gold was by far the best character. I probably liked Drama the second best.

Not saying so, but I'm cautious. Would feel much more excited about it if Kash was an AA.
Anth, I need a new AC and coil, I've already got two estimates and wanted to see what Bryant would say. Should I just go through the website to schedule it?
So a back-to-the-basket scoring big who can't guard. Those guys aren't taking you far these days. He needs to find a time machine and go back to 1987, IMO.

I agree but lets not take it too far. I still think he's the 3rd best prospect- at worst, #6.
HVAC randoms

--I've finally started having to use my ac both at work and home. Sucks. I'm a Jew and hate to turn it on.

--My new best golf buddy that I met 2 weeks ago in crossville is an HVAC baron in hoptown. He wasn't having anything of me trying to pimp carrier. He said it was pure shit and rheem is the only way to go.

--Already making plans to use my yeti cooler that I'm gonna win in this contest I entered today. Sponsor is some shady outfit from lex/lou. Hope a couple of vita coco bottles come with it.
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