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I was getting annoyed with Fox following every damn step Jason Day took. Yeah, he was a great story, but I'm pretty sure the producers were hoping he'd pass out or start freaking out or something. It was pretty Fox.
can't be a more horrible case of vertigo for all involved than this guy
At some point you to have to hit good golf shots to win back-to-back majors, Anth.

Between the ears, resolve, etc is required... but you don't pull off what Spieth has done ALREADY AT AGE TWENTY-ONE without crazy talent.
Players who have won the Masters and US Open in the same year...



He doesn't dominate the game though.
I'm not saying his a slub, dude. I love his game and was cheering for him. I'm saying his top end talent isn't as high as some. In order to Nickalaus, Hagan or Woods dominate he's going to need more.
I think Anth is confusing "top end talent" with "physical impressiveness". No, he doesn't carry it 320 like DJ, hit moon-shot long irons like Rory, or ridiculous flop shots like Phil. But, he's probably the most completely talented player on tour. He's very accurate, long enough to win on any course, incredibly consistent with his irons, has a rock solid short game, and is a very good putter, who is phenomenal on the greens when he really gets it going. Plus, he's got fantastic focus, and maybe the best game planning/course management skills of any player under 30 on the tour.

^That's a package that's going to win a LOT of major championships...
I think you all need to re-read the quote and what I'm addressing because he agrees with me. Except I'm sticking more on the side of history considering Spieth still has to get through the overall #1 player in the world. Rory. You all realize for him to win majors for 25 years that would put him as the greatest golfer to ever live. At least enough to effect Tiger or Phil. Hyperbole.

Thank goodness the players made it work. J. Spieth is Exhibit A why Woods will never win another major, and Phil should be honing his game for the Old Guys Tour.The kid has It. He has so much It, he could be winning majors for the next quarter century. He doesn't have the raw power Tiger had. He's not going to intimidate his peers. But he's mentally adept, and has all the shots. He's 21 and makes double at 17, then gathers himself to birdie 18. Impressive
I think Anth is confusing "top end talent" with "physical impressiveness". No, he doesn't carry it 320 like DJ, hit moon-shot long irons like Rory, or ridiculous flop shots like Phil. But, he's probably the most completely talented player on tour. He's very accurate, long enough to win on any course, incredibly consistent with his irons, has a rock solid short game, and is a very good putter, who is phenomenal on the greens when he really gets it going. Plus, he's got fantastic focus, and maybe the best game planning/course management skills of any player under 30 on the tour.

^That's a package that's going to win a LOT of major championships...
So he's got good talent and his strength is between his ears? Weird. Seems like someone said that.
Former Winchester Country Club head professional Craig Wood, to be exact...
No shit. That's so damn interesting. I wish i had known that the time i played that course. Also, interesting that 73's club held a major on that course in i think 1952. I have played on 3 major courses in my life and all were PGA championship events. Ocean, Valhalla,Big Springs.
So he's got good talent and his strength is between his ears? Weird. Seems like someone said that.

I think my main point of that post was that Spieth is the most "completely talented" player on tour. I wouldn't say is strength is just between his ears...that's one of his many strengths, which makes him so damn good.
So let me get this straight. Spieth is going to dominate to the point Tiger should retire and Lefty should head to the senior tour? That's what we're saying huh?

Faldo, actually he won most in a 5 year span and even at that rate still on won 5 of 20 tournaments.

That's my overall point.
It's gotten to the point where predictions need to be made on how many majors Tiger, Phil,Rory, Spieth will end up with. Put it out there. Let it ride. Pull the trigger.
Just last week we were arguing that Spieth and Rory were going to get to Tigers 14. If people that follow golf understand anything, it's that these guys typically go through really hot periods during their career but to get to even 5 or 6 majors puts you as one of the 15-20 best players ever. While what Spieth and Rory are doing is remarkable give it a rest with hyperbole for a few. They'll still lose most tournaments they enter. How the sport works.
According to you all Nibali is so dominate that Froome should just go back to Kenya, Contador should retire and go on the Gran Fondo tour, Wiggins already went to the Velodome, Quintana back to Columbia to mule cocaine via bike.

You guys are right. Kids the next Tiger. Everyone else is just playing for 2nd at this point. Yippee!!
Anyone here ever had vertigo? What an odd illness.
I get it with the worst of my migraines. Ive been lucky in the times ive dealt with it, ive been at home just about each time. It was much worse as a child, and with pills I can usually get out in front of it now.

I cant imagine that happening in public- its pretty embarrassing as it is. As far as the lingering impact- you dont experience the same dizziness for *that* long, but you get nausea and cant hardly keep anything down aside from fluids- so you can feel it for a couple of days for sure. I dont think it cost Day the tournament, but he probably felt pretty worn out the last couple days.
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