Global Climate Changes

Punditry ruins everything.

What’s true: humans are wrecking balls to our environment. Thousands of studies find that humans do impact climate. We also **** up the environment 100 different ways on top of that.

What’s also true: human expansion into seaboard regions also means that every hurricane increases likelihood to costing human lives and money. Hurricanes could have the exact same rate as 100 years ago, but we should also expect damage even if the rate remains the same.

What’s also true: warming is generally better the cooling.

What’s also true: the longterm effects of climate change aren’t really known. Humans will be able to cope. However, we also have cities with hundred of millions of people ( probably even higher) worldwide. Changes to climate patterns and rising coastlines very well may real havoc on humanity.

From a personal aspect, I vacillate on the impact. I don’t really do anything to stop global warming. However, regardless of that, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.
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Thanks for the rain Hurricane Helene...we needed it here in Louisville, especially since it's been a quiet season so far.
Iirc they also spew more carbon dioxide into the air than decades if not centuries of human activity.

Has anyone thought to carbon tax volcanoes?
Yes. And because this volcano happened mostly under water we didn't have the particulate in the atmosphere to block IR sunlight. The water vapor acted to hold in heat and cause "heat indexes" to rise.
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Thanks for the rain Hurricane Helene...we needed it here in Louisville, especially since it's been a quiet season so far.
Yea. We needed it all week and water just starting running off the yard today. The ground sucked up everything this week until today. LOL
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Helene’s landfall gives the U.S. a record eight Cat 4 or Cat 5 Atlantic hurricane landfalls in the past eight years (2017-2024), seven of them being continental U.S. landfalls. That’s as many Cat 4 and 5 landfalls as occurred in the prior 57 years. The only comparable beating the U.S. has taken from Category 4 and 5 landfalling hurricanes occurred in the six years from 1945 to 1950, when five Category 4 hurricanes hit South Florida.

With the U.S. taking such a beating from extreme hurricanes in recent years, it’s worth reviewing how climate change is contributing to making hurricanes worse.

Landfalling U.S. Cat 4s and 5s​

The eight Cat 4 and 5 landfalls since 2017: Harvey (2017 in Texas), Irma (2017 in Florida), Maria (2017 in Puerto Rico), Michael (2018 in Florida), Laura (2020 in Louisiana), Ida (2021 in Louisiana), Ian (2022 in Florida), Helene (2024 in Florida).
The eight Cat 4 and 5 landfalls in the prior 57 years: Charley, 2004; Andrew, 1992; Hugo, 1989; Celia, 1970; Camille, 1969; Betsy, 1965; Carla, 1961; Donna, 1960.
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The only comparable beating the U.S. has taken from Category 4 and 5 landfalling hurricanes occurred in the six years from 1945 to 1950, when five Category 4 hurricanes hit South Florida.

With the U.S. taking such a beating from extreme hurricanes in recent years, it’s worth reviewing how climate change is contributing to making hurricanes worse.

You don’t think these two sentences are contradictory?
You don’t think these two sentences are contradictory?
No, just true comparative analysis. Even compared to the previous most severe hurricane run on record, 5 cat 4/5 canes in 6 years, Our latest 8 cat 4/5 hurricanes in 8 years is a higher rate of destructive hurricanes for a longer period of time.
Whenever I see something like data for random 6 year time periods, I automatically think those random time periods were chose to tell a story the full dataset wouldn’t tell.

And does “climate change” dictate the path of the storm? Seems like you’d have to look at data for all storms, not just those that made landfall in the continental US.

Regardless, I much prefer global warming over any of the solutions proposed by the global elite at this point.
Whenever I see something like data for random 6 year time periods, I automatically think those random time periods were chose to tell a story the full dataset wouldn’t tell.

And does “climate change” dictate the path of the storm? Seems like you’d have to look at data for all storms, not just those that made landfall in the continental US.

Regardless, I much prefer global warming over any of the solutions proposed by the global elite at this point.
The data is clear. Hurricanes are stronger now than ever before.

Warming temperatures and Warmer seas strengthen hurricanes. Cat 1 storms are disruptive, but you can typically go on the next day, business as usual.

Helene was a cat 1. Then it strengthened to a 4, when it hit the warm gulf water.

Now, we have major devastation in 4 states

as the gulf continues to rise and warm, we will see more 4/5s. The cost of this will be huuuuge
They grew the best grapes for wine in Scotland in the Middle Ages. Roman expansion occurred during a warm period. More people are killed by cold than hurricanes. I for one welcome the warming. Assuming it is remotely accurate or caused by man.
Another aspect of global warming not usually discussed:

It probably is occurring, it probably is because of humans and it’s also probably too late or impossible to stop it.
Another aspect of global warming not usually discussed:

It probably is occurring, it probably is because of humans and it’s also probably too late or impossible to stop it.

Ha. Well of course you can’t say it’s too late to stop it. Who would fall for the tax schemes and sacrifice of sovereignty if it was a lost cause?

Obviously the alarmists need to keep throwing out arbitrary dates at which the world will end if we don’t act now (then keep making up new dates).
Ha. Well of course you can’t say it’s too late to stop it. Who would fall for the tax schemes and sacrifice of sovereignty if it was a lost cause?

Obviously the alarmists need to keep throwing out arbitrary dates at which the world will end if we don’t act now (then keep making up new dates).

Yea but back in reality I think “they” just don’t want to destroy the planet and maybe it’s time to talk about how to deal with it rather than reversing it.
Are humans causing climate change? It’s very possible, but driving electric cars and raising taxes won’t solve the problem. I try to limit my fossil fuel consumption by keeping my thermostat at 65 in winter and 74 in summer and I don’t throw my plastic straws in the ocean.

More than likely, it’s nature that regulates temperature. The sun mostly.
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Humans are definitely impacting the climate and that impact should be minimized as much as reasonably possible.

However the notion our carbon emission is destroying the planet is nothing more justification to usher in desired change unrelated to the climate.

Its really that simple. There is no power in a common sense approach so that's why its glossed over.
Humans are definitely impacting the climate and that impact should be minimized as much as reasonably possible.

However the notion our carbon emission is destroying the planet is nothing more justification to usher in desired change unrelated to the climate.

Its really that simple. There is no power in a common sense approach so that's why its glossed over.

How are humans impacting the climate outside of carbon emissions, to be specific?
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How are humans impacting the climate outside of carbon emissions, to be specific?

Dumping toxic waste materials into water and land. Noone seems to care about that.

Turns out that doesn't drive people towards the ev movement, the resources for which china just so fortuitously happened to buy up a few years before making the global push.
Dumping toxic waste materials into water and land. Noone seems to care about that.

Turns out that doesn't drive people towards the ev movement, the resources for which china just so fortuitously happened to buy up a few years before making the global push.
about pollution in our lakes and seas.

Most people are highly against pollution of any kind. Those who are ok with dumping pollutants into our water would be? Chemical companies?
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“You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before”
Rahm Emanuel
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The stories are tragic. I know people there, but to take this and then put climate change in the equation is pathetic. It isn't the time.
I’ve donated money to the Hendersonville church and I’ve called all the people I know in western Carolina. Luckily and by the grace of God, they have all been ok. There is nothing more I can do.

So, I’ll bring awareness to climate change.
Dumping toxic waste materials into water and land. Noone seems to care about that.

Turns out that doesn't drive people towards the ev movement, the resources for which china just so fortuitously happened to buy up a few years before making the global push.
What’s the causation between dumping and climate change?
You pay me to do a study connecting them, and I’ll give you one.

Even if I have to make up the data.
I wasn’t referring to you. I am asking how @bigblueinsanity intends for humans to curb global warming if fossil fuels aren’t a contributor. Since he stated that, I’d assume he has data showing a stronger causation between toxic dumping than carbon emissions.
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I wasn’t referring to you. I am asking how @bigblueinsanity intends for humans to curb global warming if fossil fuels aren’t a contributor. Since he stated that, I’d assume he has data showing a stronger causation between toxic dumping than carbon emissions.

Yeah I mean, what if it’s the sun that’s impacting climate like it has for billions of years? How are our carbon taxes and world governments going to solve that problem?

Thankfully we have all the studies bought and paid for by those governments and entities with vested interests in carbon being the only problem.
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