Global Climate Changes

Don't build on land that could be subjected to erosion....this has been happening for many decades. Not a new phenomenon.
All that hair spray....damn.

We literally just had two volcanic eruptions in two months either of which spewed more carbon than humans in their total existence.

Should we do what we can? Yes. Should we tax or limit ourselves into the stone age? No.

The climate cult is just a nuanced power grab. Nothing more or less. It just so happens that right before the cult went into overdrive, china bought nearly every resource needed for the agenda getting pushed.

Wow such a fortuitous coincidence.
Area is prone to flooding. 2004, 1992. When there is a drought, it gets the climate change tag. Floods, the same.

Meanwhile, Louisville is expecting a high of 82 today, 77 tomorrow, 78 on Wednesday, and 82 on Thursday. Get your tee times booked!!
I was wondering why he was using a hurricane dumping 18 inches of rain as an argument for sea rise.
They compared it to a 1000 year flood. These happen all the time in the global warming era.

Florida is getting hammered by warming/rising seas
One thing is for certain. Those houses collapsing in Rodanthe are definitely collapsing because of global warming caused by the public. And since it’s a public problem, the public definitely needs to finance a solution. The investors who bought up all the properties in high risk areas, and insurance companies who didn’t evaluate risks, should not be expected to suffer for their poor decisions. We the taxpayer should help them out.
Semi-related to climate and national security. Saw an article in WSJ today where China is pulling back on exports of Antimony, used in weapon manufacturing and semiconductors. This is all happening while Idaho has been prevented from mining for the same minerals. File this one under, don't limit us into the stone age.
An “unexpected” 14 degree drop in temperature between 2003 and 2018. Neptune’s 40 earth-year summer is confusing researchers. They expected a gradual increase in temperatures. Then, between 2018 and 2020, there was a raise by 20 degrees. This kind of polar warming has never been seen on Neptune until now. Neptune’s average temp is a chilly -340 degree Fahrenheit. Researchers still don’t know what is causing the temperature shifts.
I think it is worthy to listen to what the climate scientists say but I think there are many factors at play. It just appears this way. I'm not an expert, but I think that there can be more factors than we realize that are at play. We do need to get off petroleum but just like a lot of other things that will be very difficult because a few people make a buttload of money off of that. Now, if we move into better technologies watch for the same people or their buddies be the ones getting their hands on any money that can be made and making sure I/we pay out the arse.
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Semi-related to climate and national security. Saw an article in WSJ today where China is pulling back on exports of Antimony, used in weapon manufacturing and semiconductors. This is all happening while Idaho has been prevented from mining for the same minerals. File this one under, don't limit us into the stone age.
I didn't know this. China does not want a war with the US. The smart people at the Pentagon or State Dept. don't want a war with China. The US could blow up the world a million times with what we have and China can blow it up 10,000 times. Continuing to invest in war making materials at anywhere close to the same levels as the past 75 years is just not smart. It does make the major investors in Boeing, Raytheon, or Northrup Grumman very rich though.
Until China and India and various Central America and South America countries cripple their economies with foolish regulations then Coal remains King.
Venezuela has major coal production and is using it for their own country primarily, with some exporting. What challenges their economy are the sanctions placed on them by the US government, sponsored by George Soros, Blackwater, Exxon Mobile, etc. But BRICS is increasing their influence which appears to be changing certain aspects of the global economy
Venezuela has major coal production and is using it for their own country primarily, with some exporting. What challenges their economy are the sanctions placed on them by the US government, sponsored by George Soros, Blackwater, Exxon Mobile, etc. But BRICS is increasing their influence which appears to be changing certain aspects of the global economy
If they would figure out a way to get rid of their communist government, a whole new world would open up in Venezuela
I didn't know this. China does not want a war with the US. The smart people at the Pentagon or State Dept. don't want a war with China. The US could blow up the world a million times with what we have and China can blow it up 10,000 times. Continuing to invest in war making materials at anywhere close to the same levels as the past 75 years is just not smart. It does make the major investors in Boeing, Raytheon, or Northrup Grumman very rich though.

China wants victory over the west
Abd they want to minimize fhe scope of conflict as much as possible

But they are most definitely preparing for war
Hurricane Heline is gonna be a major hurricane and heading for the gulf coast. As warms as it’s been this storm could really get going. Let’s pray for all those in its path.
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So does this mean we can stop with this anti human policy crap?
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From 1931 to 1960.....62 US hurricane strikes
From 1991 to 2023....55

Avg temp across the US in 2023 was 54.4 F
Avg temp across the US in 1934 was 55.3 F
The last 2 years have been the warmest on record and now we have a cat 1 strengthening into a cat 4 as it gets into the warmer gulf water. The hotter the climate, likely the bigger the storm.
Warmest where? Not in the US of A....I already showed you the numbers from 2023 and 1934.
Needless to say, picking two random years and holding them up as evidence of global warming occurring or not occurring is only a little less superficial than claiming every time it snows that it's evidence of global warming not occurring (or that every time it gets hot it is).

Climate, by definition, is defined as: the weather conditions prevailing over a long period of time.

There are two separate issues when it comes to warming.

1) Is it occurring?
2) How would it affect humans?

I have little doubt on the answer to question 1. I think there is more room for scrutiny on answer two.
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Are we arguing that the temps are rising or that we can do anything about it?

If we are arguing about what we as humans can do to slow it down, let me know what I can personally do to stop the flooding in North Carolina.

Most of the time, at least the people I know who complain the most about man made climate change are the ones who go on exotic vacations overseas and have gas guzzling SUVs.
The last 2 years have been the warmest on record and now we have a cat 1 strengthening into a cat 4 as it gets into the warmer gulf water. The hotter the climate, likely the bigger the storm.

The eruption of Honga Tonga in the Pacific released tons of water vapor into the atmosphere. That and heat island effect is what is responsible for "hottest years on record"
The last 2 years have been the warmest on record and now we have a cat 1 strengthening into a cat 4 as it gets into the warmer gulf water. The hotter the climate, likely the bigger the storm.
The weather is not the climate. Every single weather event isn't bc of some sort of climate change. This is where a lot of you guys veer off into it being a religion. Is Jesus the son of God, is Muhammed the prophet, is hurricane climate change.

Is climate change real? Of course. I know that's the usual shut down of "believe science!" But none of you are scientists, neither am I.

I do know in this hurricane season it's slightly behind the avg of named storms this year...the difference tho, more have just happened to move over land this year. But the largest number of landfall hurricanes was in the 1800s. The most intense hurricane in Florida was in the 30s.

My point, science isn't a belief.
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Iirc they also spew more carbon dioxide into the air than decades if not centuries of human activity.

Has anyone thought to carbon tax volcanoes?

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