Gas Prices Where You Live

There's a Marathon in Covington at $3.64 just South of Mainstrasse.

Both Krogers near me are $4.29 now while the cheapest in E. Cincy is $4.20 and that's a Sam's Club.
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$3.79 most places in Somerset on Wednesday for regular. Walmart does have regular at $3.75.
Still nearly $2 per gallon higher than it was under Trump. The higher fuel cost is being reflected in sky high food prices and a huge jump in durable goods (appliances, lawn mowers, etc.) prices.
Personally, I think we're due for even higher food prices as the elevated cost of fertilizer will finally impact consumers a little later in the year.
Inflation is the double whammy. Any raise in pay people saw in the last 18-24 months has been wiped away by higher prices. Meanwhile my investment portfolio has lost roughly 22%.
Thursday's GDP report should be interesting. A second consecutive qtr of negative growth and we're officially in a recession...irregardless of what the Biden administration would have you believe.
Gas was $1.60 when Trump took over. It was $2.80 by the end of his second year. It stayed around that number til 2020 when Covid locked down the country and gas dropped. All these numbers can be verified on the Gas Buddy app. We’ve had back to back terrible presidents. That’s how we got here.
There's a Speedway off 5th St and I-75 in Covington that's $3.29, over $1 less than a Sunoco on 13th St. and most places in OH.
Gas was $1.60 when Trump took over. It was $2.80 by the end of his second year. It stayed around that number til 2020 when Covid locked down the country and gas dropped. All these numbers can be verified on the Gas Buddy app. We’ve had back to back terrible presidents. That’s how we got here.
America was energy independent under Trump. In fact we were exporting it. That's where I want to be again. When you are independent you don't need to beg to foreign thugs and despots like we are now.
$2.80 per gallon under Trump? Seems to me it was much lower for longer during his 4 years but, I'll take that number in a heartbeat.
I didn't agree with everything Trump did and said. If he had kept his mouth shut more often, things might have gone smoother. BUT...he was a political outsider who made his money in real estate development and business. When he started levying taxes on the Chinese it threatened a LOT of gravy trains on BOTH SIDES of the aisle in Washington. Pelosi, Shumer, the whole Biden family get their orders from the CCP. And it isn't just the Dems. Ol beady eyed Mitch's father in law was a shipping magnate in China. Who do you think he gets his orders from? Basically we're talking about the DC Swamp. Trump was a real threat to the status quo and therefore, he had to go.
$1 gap between Kroger Bellevue and Speedway Covington at $3.29. Cheapest in E. Cincy is still Eastgate Sam's at $4.19.
There's a Speedway off 5th St and I-75 in Covington that's $3.29, over $1 less than a Sunoco on 13th St. and most places in OH.
The Speedway went from $3.29 to $4.18 in a couple days! Two Krogers near me matched this price on a day oil is down 3% and now's below $88.
Traveled down to Morganfield this morning to visit my parents.

$3.63 on west side of Evansville

$3.15 (!) on the Hwy 41 strip in Henderson

$3.37 here in Morganfield
$3.56 in Kingsport TN today. It's $3.41 if you have a Food City card. We're going back home to Florida on Thursday. I heard it was $3.59 at the Wawa in Fort Pierce a couple of weeks ago.
I'm just glad we weathered the Putin Price Hike... although I guess Vlad should get the credit for recent drop as well.
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America was energy independent under Trump. In fact we were exporting it.
We're exporting it now too. We net-exported more oil in April 2022 than we did in any month under Trump. In fact, we were a net exporter under Trump 14 of his 48 months in office. We've been a net exporter under Biden for 11 of his 16 months (oil import data only runs through May 2022).
We're exporting it now too. We net-exported more oil in April 2022 than we did in any month under Trump. In fact, we were a net exporter under Trump 14 of his 48 months in office. We've been a net exporter under Biden for 11 of his 16 months (oil import data only runs through May 2022).
America is NOT energy independent. Did you miss the Biden fiasco's where oil producing countries refused to even take his call? His groveling to the corrupt Saudi's to increase production? His overtures to Venezuela?
Hell, Biden gave 1 million barrels of crude to the Chinese. WTF?
Just last week a judge sided with the Biden administration to halt coal mining on public lands. Instead, we're going to depend more and more on the CCP for solar and wind energy production? The Chi-Com's produce the valuable components necessary for both. The "Inflation Increase Act" even increases that dependence.
All designed to push America in wind, solar and EV's long before we're ready. Fossil fuels move the world's economies. China and India have embraced this. It's beyond foolish to wreck our economy based on very sketchy demands of the global warming religious cult.
$3.17 in Chattanooga yesterday.
The side benefit from lower fuel prices is lower transportation cost on everything else which we should start to see showing up in prices soon.
Covington/Taylor Mill is in the latest price battle with Wilder across the Licking River ranging from $3.41 to $3.47.

Many E. Cincy stations are finally down to $3.99 with Sam's Club at $3.75.
$3.35 this AM in Fort Pierce. There was another station about 1/8 mile away on the opposite side of the road where it was $3.53, and oddly, no one was getting gas there...
The cost of gas is dropping steadily here, and I've found a way to get rich. I filled up just yesterday, and the total was $1.80 cheaper than my previous fill up from 2 weeks ago. I'm going to invest the $1.80 in oil futures.

If my projected savings continues this trend for the next 5 years (my retirement goal) I'll be sitting on a small fortune.

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