Game of Thrones Thread

Robert had already claimed the throne before Jon was born, now that I've went back and looked at the timeline of the rebellion. I'm not sure what, if anything, that does to Jon's claim to the throne.

I also don't think Rhaegar's children became bastards when his marriage was annulled. Some medieval historians/ASOIAF geeks have been researching the topic and that doesn't appear to be the case.

Yeah, it only impacts their "claim" to the throne. They don't become king until they're actually crowned, so until then, they're the "heir" to the crown. I think there are examples of nobles going back 'ex post facto' and declaring legitimately born children bastards, but that's probably the exception, not the rule. And it doesn't matter in this case as Rhaegar's previous children died before Jon was born anyway.

Ultimately, I'm guessing the previous son would have inherited the throne. Jon would have been third in line. Since his older half-siblings died without issue, he became the heir.

None of them were ever king or queen (including Jon) however, because none of them were ever crowned.
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I could see that. Or Tyrion's.

Tyrion is GRRM's favorite character so it probably wont be him.... I'd say Jaime would fit the bill ...... because Bran would have the ability to confirm twincest and know Jaime would be able to get closest to Cercei plus the jerk tried to kill bran in season 1 in case people had forgotten. I dont think its said anywhere who is the older twin and younger twin which might be by design so everyone thinks its going to be Tryion and it being Jaime would be a surprise.

I can see it that way as they know the fans would jump up and down for it...... but I can see it just being Jaime or Tryion also
Read an interview with the dude who plays Bran that said they cut a scene where Sansa came to him (before the last meeting with Littlefinger) asking for help and Bran told her the lowdown on that weasel. Think that would have helped understand the Winterfell scene instead of it being implied at the "trial".. Also at the end of his interview he remarked that Dany wouldn't be happy when people find out who Jon really is - I just assumed they'd team as but love idea she might get pissed and push Jon away as ursurper.
A hint at the Night King's identity? This is the army of the dead breaching the wall.

A hint at the Night King's identity? This is the army of the dead breaching the wall.


first of all... is that supposed to be some retarded shape of a wolf?

If it is a sign..... it would be foreshadowing that the touch made Bran next in line to become the night king if the current was to fall. Because there are hints that the original night king isnt the one there is now which could hint that when one falls... the god thats the enemy of the god of fire creates another night king and it all starts over again.

There just isnt enough time in 6 episodes to set up everything and include making time travel possible by bran and then make him become the night king thats been on the show so far.
This may be slightly far fetched.. but when Tyrion met with Cersei, there was emphasis on her guilting him over the deaths of Tommen and Myrcella. Then she does the whole pregnant belly rub... and his demeanor changes when he says "you're pregnant." That's all we see.

When she talks to Jamie, she starts off with "I always knew you were the stupidest Lannister." Maybe there's more to that than just a minor insult. Either she's admitting that Tyrion is clever in his betrayal of her family (doubtful) or he has seen that the only future for Westeros is through the Lannisters and her future baby. She may have offered the chance to make things right for her baby, and thus the chance of redemption, to Tyrion... in exchange for not killing him on the spot and going on to betray Danaerys. In his mind he justifies it because Danaerys isn't able to have kids (so he thinks), so any success she achieves is short-lived. When Targaryen incest is going down, maybe he appears distressed because he's realizing that maybe Danaerys actually could have a kid, making his plan to betray her less sound.

Probably all BS...
What if Cercei dies like her mother giving birth the a dwarf.
Being Jaime's, her brother did kill her then by impregnation.
am I mistaken or is the guy who ran to the wall not cersi's bastard brother? if so he would also be her younger brother.
I'd like to see arya wear tyrions face because you either get taller skinnier Tyrion or arya just walking around on her knees like a goon
This may be slightly far fetched.. but when Tyrion met with Cersei, there was emphasis on her guilting him over the deaths of Tommen and Myrcella. Then she does the whole pregnant belly rub... and his demeanor changes when he says "you're pregnant." That's all we see.

When she talks to Jamie, she starts off with "I always knew you were the stupidest Lannister." Maybe there's more to that than just a minor insult. Either she's admitting that Tyrion is clever in his betrayal of her family (doubtful) or he has seen that the only future for Westeros is through the Lannisters and her future baby. She may have offered the chance to make things right for her baby, and thus the chance of redemption, to Tyrion... in exchange for not killing him on the spot and going on to betray Danaerys. In his mind he justifies it because Danaerys isn't able to have kids (so he thinks), so any success she achieves is short-lived. When Targaryen incest is going down, maybe he appears distressed because he's realizing that maybe Danaerys actually could have a kid, making his plan to betray her less sound.

Probably all BS...

This week at least I'm kind of leaning this way. To add to it I think Tyrion betrays Dany thus costing him his life. They'll be around Arya by then so she is the one that kills him then gets his face and uses it to kill Cersei.

That should about wrap the show up.
This week at least I'm kind of leaning this way. To add to it I think Tyrion betrays Dany thus costing him his life. They'll be around Arya by then so she is the one that kills him then gets his face and uses it to kill Cersei.

That should about wrap the show up.

That would be incredibly stupid and make zero sense for Tyrion's character. He seems more interested in breaking the wheel and bringing in democracy than even Dany at this point, so why would he all of a sudden side with Cersei, who represents everything he hates? I agree there is something weird with that look he gave on the boat at the end of the finale, but it would be freakishly stupid, more than any of the bone-headed things the writers did this season, if he was betraying Dany for Cersei.
That would be incredibly stupid and make zero sense for Tyrion's character. He seems more interested in breaking the wheel and bringing in democracy than even Dany at this point, so why would he all of a sudden side with Cersei, who represents everything he hates? I agree there is something weird with that look he gave on the boat at the end of the finale, but it would be freakishly stupid, more than any of the bone-headed things the writers did this season, if he was betraying Dany for Cersei.

Nothing is going to top sending seven men to fight ten thousand plus magical creators. The writers have trashed the Tyrion character.
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I think Aya takes down the Mountain, avenging the Hound... after the Hound gets slaughtered in a highly graphic disembowelment.
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Dany is the dragon, Jon is the wolf.

Also, Jon is the product of a dragon (Rhaegar) and a wolf (Lyanna).
IMO most people think it is about Jon and Dany but, and this is just my WAG I think the title is all about Rhaegar and Lyanna. They are the true Dragon and Wolf, Jon and Dany are both Dragons.

If the title was referring to specific people then it probably was R and L because of the big reveal about their marriage. When you think about it, this whole story is happening because of their relationship. Robert's Rebellion and all the trickle-down plots do not happen without it.
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When does the series get good? I'm stuck on episode 1. Plan on trying a 4th time to finish it this afternoon