Forde Trolling Again.

He's a loser for calling out Cal on his BS? Eh, OK. He substantiated it by pointing out the specific examples of statements that Cal has made about the NBA Draft status of his players being more important to him than team results and points out the ridiculous notion that Cal in some way accomplished something that these players wouldn't have accomplished if they had gone somewhere else.

Hey two coach how do our balls taste? Salty I imagine.... I certainly can't empathize with you, we've never gone 6-22 versus another school.
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First of all, shouldn't a national analyst be unbiased? It's one thing to say "I don't agree with his philosophy because......." But that article was the equivalent of an angry monkey flinging his feces at someone.

Second of all there is SO MUCH wrong with the criticism. I'm perfectly aware of what Cal said about his goal to get guys drafted. People will say what they will about the quote; I'm fine with it. Forde seems to think he had no desire to win a title, as he jumped all over this quote, but he didn't mention the quotes Cal made about how he was in disbelief when they lost or how heartbroken he was etc. Do people not understand that the coach's responsibility is BOTH to the university AND to the players. His goal toward the players was to see if he could get a certain amount ready to take their next step. I for one appreciate that he takes his responsibilities seriously as opposed to coaches that lie to their players and tell them to stay when they should really go. Roy Williams for instance told Harrison Barnes "you'll be ready when we win the championship". Really? So if a player doesn't win a championship, he's not ready for the NBA? Gee that wouldn't be pushing your own agenda would it? And of course Barnes stock dropped a bit by staying; not much mind you, but a bit.

For those who don't like Cal's style and the things he says to market the program, please remember; the fact that Cal gets players ready so quickly, and they can see and hear that he will be honest with them, and KNOW that their interests are his interests is why we have top level talent coming in EVERY SINGLE YEAR. They know he gives them the best shot. So for us fans, he will keep us elite as long as he's here and I'd bet dollars to donuts that '12 will not be his only title before he leaves.

P.S. I find it frickin hilarious that the Kansas fan with the top 3 player last year who went undrafted popped in to lecture us. That's pure gold.
This isn't a BIASED piece, just one that doesn't favor Kentucky. Believe it or not, but not everyone agrees that Cal's BS about the draft being the
Hey two coach how do our balls taste? Salty I imagine.... I certainly can't empathize with you, we've never gone 6-22 versus another school.

Ooooohh, BURN! Good grief. What are you, 12? Nothing to add to the actual conversation besides grade school level crotch humor?
Rock choke. So why does forde care so much he needs to even write that piece? What was the point besides crapping on a great night for kentucky players.

Cal wants to put players in the league and change their and their families lives. If in the meantime we go to the final four every year and when a ship now and then. So what's the problem?

No Problem just Jealousy!!
I understand what Cal's motives are, but are you trying to say he didn't say it? I saw the video and he did say exactly what's being reported.

So, if it was supposedly taken out of context, how can it be said that he did it for recruiting purposes? You can't have it both ways.

Again, just more negatory BS. Give me a quote where he explicitly states that the draft was "more important" than winning a national title." You won't find one.

As to the comment regarding goals, I have no doubt he said that. I support that as a goal for team. Helping kids succeed should be part of the mission. BUT . . . . Show me where he said that was the ONLY goal and that national titles and going undefeated were NOT team goals. You can't. You will fail.

On the other hand, I can offer you this:

NEW ORLEANS -- The questions will stop now about whether John Calipari can win the final game, the national championship.

So what's next for him?

"Before I leave coaching, I would like to coach an undefeated team," Calipari told ESPN after Monday night's 67-59 national championship victory over Kansas at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome.

"I would like to coach an undefeated team before I'm done with this. Why? Because it can't be done, so let's chase that."

Yeah, he's has one and only goal of putting kids in the NBA. Pure, undiluted, stinking, fetid, rancid, rotten BullCrap. Have a seat until you learn to put things in context. Basketball and coaching is a complicated process. No coach, no player EVER has just one goal. Takes a simple mind to believe otherwise.
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Unsubstantiated? didn't he give specific examples of when Calipari has made on the record comments that state exactly what he is claiming? It doesn't get more substantiated than that. Look, I get you guys don't like anything that isn't a knob shine of Calipari and Forde WAS a little over the top in making his point but he is right.

I remember you from the old CBS boards. All you did was trash UK and Calipari constantly, calling him scum among other things. Your agenda is blatantly obvious to me and I am calling you out on it so please don't slither in here to act like you are even remotely objective because you are far from it. You hate Cal and Kentucky and you made it known everyday on those CBS boards. Your passive aggressive trolling is getting quite old. Why don't you talk here like you did on the CBS boards?
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Do you think Devin Booker was a top 10 pick in high school. Was Eric Bledsoe the 18th pick coming out of high school? More importantly would either of those guys been that high at UNCA, South Dakota St or any other smaller school?

There is no way to know for sure, but if Booker and Bledsoe had monster seasons at UNCA, it's very likely they would have been picked up in the lottery.

The fact is, these top, 5 star kids are on the NBA radar while in high school and if not for the 19 year old rule, would be top picks right out of the 12th grade, certainly including Anthony Davis and Karl Towns.
There is much to like about Calipari's effect on UK basketball, for UK basketball fans, but he's doing no more to get them ready for the NBA than any other major program head coach in America.
He isn't recruiting the Average fan, he is trying to pull in All world talent.

So is Coach K. So please tell me how winning the 2015 NC hurts him in doing this. And while you are at it, tell me how it hurts Okafor's, Winslow's, and Jones's draft stock.

I know we are all UK fans here, but Jesus Christ, what Cal said was unbelievably stupid. Stupid. Hell, he knows it. Yet, all you "above average fans" like to throw out that lame "marketing" BS , as if all marketing is good marketing. And BTW, was it really marketing? Bad or otherwise. Or was it a ham fisted attempt at Crisis Management? B'c when you have the most talented college BB team in ___ years( you pick the number of years) and fail to win it all, well, you can expect a big lipped pig with no lipstick to suddenly appear. So what can Cal do? I mean, he's got this pig who is in desperate need of lipstick and he's not going anywhere til he gets it. Well, he attempted to apply the lipstick and got crap all over him. It's that simple. Nothing more, nothing less.

Now, UK fans are trying to put lipstick on this other pig. Great "marketing" by Cal no doubt. The man is next level in this department.

BTW, why point out the obvious Forde troll piece and not mention the live national TV shanking Heather Cox put on Cal last night. Far more damaging of a blow than Forde could ever muster. In fact, her questioning Cal on his statement was all the go ahead Forde needed for his hit piece. She gets a pass?
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There is no way to know for sure, but if Booker and Bledsoe had monster seasons at UNCA, it's very likely they would have been picked up in the lottery.

The fact is, these top, 5 star kids are on the NBA radar while in high school and if not for the 19 year old rule, would be top picks right out of the 12th grade, certainly including Anthony Davis and Karl Towns.
There is much to like about Calipari's effect on UK basketball, for UK basketball fans, but he's doing no more to get them ready for the NBA than any other major program head coach in America.

KAT was the number 1 draft pick coming out of high school? Wanna put some money on that?
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Obviously, Pat's wit is too much for some of you. His point is spot on...Anthony Davis, John Wall and KAT were projected top NBA picks when they were juniors in high school and would have been drafted the same had they played at UNCA or UK. With the exception of a few scrubs, Harrel..., it's a myth that playing for Cal at UK "makes a better pro". Pat is just pointing out what the entire NBA already knows.

Kat wasn't even ranked in the top 5 of his class in 2014. So he goes from being rated 6th in his class, to number 1 no matter which class in college. Great point, numb nuts. What about Devon Booker? You know, the 4-star kid? How does he go from 30th in his class to a lottery pick? Please fill us all in with your knowledge. WCS, another 4-star project out of HS rated in the 50s or 60s. 3 years later, he's 6th in the draft. Explain that one for us too, please.
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Kat wasn't even ranked in the top 5 of his class in 2014. So he goes from being rated 6th in his class, to number 1 no matter which class in college. Great point, numb nuts. What about Devon Booker? You know, the 4-star kid? How does he go from 30th in his class to a lottery pick? Please fill us all in with your knowledge. WCS, another 4-star project out of HS rated in the 50s or 60s. 3 years later, he's 6th in the draft. Explain that one for us, too please.

I did explain it, above, but I'll be happy to give you a refresh..."There is no way to know for sure, but if Booker and Bledsoe had monster seasons at UNCA, it's very likely they would have been picked up in the lottery." It's called talent...did you notice all the non UK players who went in the lottery last night? How about the year before? How did they get there?

Be naive, all you want, but keep the stupid name calling to your high school buddy's. It doesn't impress me.
I did explain it, above, but I'll be happy to give you a refresh..."There is no way to know for sure, but if Booker and Bledsoe had monster seasons at UNCA, it's very likely they would have been picked up in the lottery." It's called talent...did you notice all the non UK players who went in the lottery last night? How about the year before? How did they get there?

Be naive, all you want, but keep the stupid name calling to your high school buddy's. It doesn't impress me.

Devin Booker going lottery after his freshman year at UNC- Ashville. Keep living in your dream world. [laughing]
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Agree with almost everything, just don't get the Racist comment, please explain.

I'll try it this way: When you observe the media and other organizational objections to what can be generally characterized as early entry to professional athletics and associated access to wealth, when is that objection not connected to young adult black males?

Nobody in the media has a problem with it when a white Jordan Spieth quits his University of Texas golf team in the middle of the NCAA golf schedule (his sophomore year) to become a professional on the PGA tour. And when middle and late teenage white and Asian girls are finding success in tennis and golf, the same media that objects to John Calipari's "player first" approach for 18 - 20 year olds will celebrate those female children for their beauty and for their talent and for their sacrificing of a "normal" life in order to share with the viewers at home a chance to witness their skills and athletic abilities.
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This isn't a BIASED piece, just one that doesn't favor Kentucky. Believe it or not, but not everyone agrees that Cal's BS about the draft being the
This isn't a BIASED piece, just one that doesn't favor Kentucky. Believe it or not, but not everyone agrees that Cal's BS about the draft being the

Dude, you are clueless. Pat Forde has had an agenda against Cal for as long as I can remember. Seth Greenberg and Jay Bilas have said so as well.

Why are you even here throwing this crap around? I'm fine with other fans coming here and adding their .02 but you just seem like you're trying to feel better about your top 5 prospect sucking it up and going undrafted. Does it make you feel better to put down teams whose players did well?
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KAT was the number 1 draft pick coming out of high school? Wanna put some money on that?

He wasn't even the projected #1 draft pick in middle of this season.

I think some people commenting in this thread need to see what even Karl's coaches and high school team mates said about his development this year at UK.
Drew Franklin ‏@DrewFranklinKSR 3m3 minutes ago
Hey @YahooForde, I fixed your column.

Awesome MWes11, that's good, ha ha:fistbump:[thumb2][roll]
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I'll try it this way: When you observe the media and other organizational objections to what can be generally characterized as early entry to professional athletics and associated access to wealth, when is that objection not connected to young adult black males?

Nobody in the media has a problem with it when a white Jordan Spieth quits his University of Texas golf team in the middle of the NCAA golf schedule (his sophomore year) to become a professional on the PGA tour. And when middle and late teenage white and Asian girls are finding success in tennis and golf, the same media that objects to John Calipari's "player first" approach for 18 - 20 year olds will celebrate those female children for their beauty and for their talent and for their sacrificing of a "normal" life in order to share with the viewers at home a chance to witness their skills and athletic abilities.

I think people object because they want the players to stick around, not because they are racist. How many Texas golf fans are there? How many fans are there of any tennis team at any level?
When your entire argument is based on what may have hypothetically happened somewhere else, instead of the actual facts of what did've already lost.
Just shows there are no editors mining the store these days. So many post-draft stories and this was his topic.
Forde makes a lot of good points..I know we don't like it, but the truth hurts...not sure about you, but the fact that Calipari publicly said that his team's goal wasn't a national title, but instead getting 8 players drafted, is sad and sickening..if you're too blinded by your UK fandom to realize that, then you might need to take a step back

sad and sickening?

You are one of these people who think if Cal just said the words we want #9 first we would have won?

But he said something about the draft instead and we lost that one game?

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I did explain it, above, but I'll be happy to give you a refresh..."There is no way to know for sure, but if Booker and Bledsoe had monster seasons at UNCA, it's very likely they would have been picked up in the lottery." It's called talent...did you notice all the non UK players who went in the lottery last night? How about the year before? How did they get there?

Be naive, all you want, but keep the stupid name calling to your high school buddy's. It doesn't impress me.

Thanks for bringing 20 years of the worst cheating scandal in NCAA history's opinion of our coach.
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Forde is a prick, but most of this article was accurate. Cal values the future success of his players more than he values UK's accomplishments. He says so directly. Whether people like that approach or dislike it, that is Cal. Personally, I don't like it and don't really care if 1000 of you jump on me for the statement. I will state again, people tend to chase the goals they find most important. Cal clearly values player success above program success. That is his stated goal. He has said so time after time. I'm not sure why so many of you ignore the accuracies in this particular article other than the fact that it puts Cal in somewhat of a negative light. We have more and more Cal worshippers and fewer UK first fans. He is leaving one day and the flash in a pan player days will be over. We won 7 NC's without his approach and we'll be fine when he is gone. It's all about the program not the player. How about building a team rather than a pipeline.
Forde is a prick, but most of this article was accurate. Cal values the future success of his players more than he values UK's accomplishments. He says so directly. Whether people like that approach or dislike it, that is Cal. Personally, I don't like it and don't really care if 1000 of you jump on me for the statement. I will state again, people tend to chase the goals they find most important. Cal clearly values player success above program success. That is his stated goal. He has said so time after time. I'm not sure why so many of you ignore the accuracies in this particular article other than the fact that it puts Cal in somewhat of a negative light. We have more and more Cal worshippers and fewer UK first fans. He is leaving one day and the flash in a pan player days will be over. We won 7 NC's without his approach and we'll be fine when he is gone. It's all about the program not the player. How about building a team rather than a pipeline.

Once again, we are Cal worshipers because we do not believe that his one statement cost us a game?

That is one sad point of view. The truth is, had we won chuck and schwump would not show their faces and you wouldn't need to find a reason for the loss.
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Once again, we are Cal worshipers because we do not believe that his one statement cost us a game?

That is one sad point of view. The truth is, had we won chuck and schwump would not show their faces and you wouldn't need to find a reason for the loss.

I don't believe that statement lost that game either. I believe Cal's coaching did. The statement came in an attempt to deflect from that fact and unfortunately, it has put our BB program in a bad light nationally.
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I don't believe that statement lost that game either. I believe Cal's coaching did. The statement came in an attempt to deflect from that fact and unfortunately, it has put our BB program in a bad light nationally.

Getting all of those kids drafted put us in a bad light nationally?

Just because Forde writes an article doesn't make it true.

I hope you are not in the marketing and branding industry.
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Getting all of those kids drafted put us in a bad light nationally?

Show me were I said that.

Losing the NC with the most talented team in X amount of years , mainly due to Cal's coaching, and then trying to use marketing and branding slogans to explain that fact away, has put this program in a bad light.

Marketing. LOL OK.
Once again, we are Cal worshipers because we do not believe that his one statement cost us a game?

That is one sad point of view. The truth is, had we won chuck and schwump would not show their faces and you wouldn't need to find a reason for the loss.
You misunderstand me. Win or lose, I disagree with Cals philosophy and ideology in building a team.
So is Coach K. So please tell me how winning the 2015 NC hurts him in doing this. And while you are at it, tell me how it hurts Okafor's, Winslow's, and Jones's draft stock.

I know we are all UK fans here, but Jesus Christ, what Cal said was unbelievably stupid. Stupid. Hell, he knows it. Yet, all you "above average fans" like to throw out that lame "marketing" BS , as if all marketing is good marketing. And BTW, was it really marketing? Bad or otherwise. Or was it a ham fisted attempt at Crisis Management? B'c when you have the most talented college BB team in ___ years( you pick the number of years) and fail to win it all, well, you can expect a big lipped pig with no lipstick to suddenly appear. So what can Cal do? I mean, he's got this pig who is in desperate need of lipstick and he's not going anywhere til he gets it. Well, he attempted to apply the lipstick and got crap all over him. It's that simple. Nothing more, nothing less.

Now, UK fans are trying to put lipstick on this other pig. Great "marketing" by Cal no doubt. The man is next level in this department.

BTW, why point out the obvious Forde troll piece and not mention the live national TV shanking Heather Cox put on Cal last night. Far more damaging of a blow than Forde could ever muster. In fact, her questioning Cal on his statement was all the go ahead Forde needed for his hit piece. She gets a pass?

You sir win the stupid award. And that is saying a lot when you read through this thread.

You don't agree with what Cal says, that's fine, you don't have to. That doesn't make you correct though. If you refer to my earlier post I said "people like Forde" so yes that does include everyone who holds the same opinion as him and if Heather Cox does then it refers to her as well.

Losing to Wisconsin sucked, we all know that. None of us here truly believe that sending 8 players to the draft is more important that a national championship. If you talk to Cal privately I would be willing to wager that he would agree that national championships are the goal.

What you idiots are confusing is that Cal isn't saying these things to convince us, he is selling the program to impressionable kids. He knows that if he helps them reach their dream they will help us win championships.

Stop mixing the two issues. His speal has nothing to do with trying to make us feel better about losing i.e -putting lipstick on a pig. It has everything to do with getting kids into the program.

If you feel it was stupid then you clearly don't appreciate the man. You also take your fandom way too seriously when you are affronted by something the coach says regarding the direction the school is taking.
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Did anyone notice these UK "fans" who are agreeing with Forde joining the celebration the other day when we got Murray? Me neither.

I loved getting Murray. If we are going to play the "I have more talent so my odds of winning are better" game, then we needed him badly.
He's easy to dislike for opposing fans and for many Cat fans. I'm not in love with way he does things like many on this board, but he's our coach and the only one we have, so we have to take him...warts and all.

Chuck this is so easy if you don't like him don't watch him coach, wait until the next hire. That's about what I did with Tubby in his last few years.
I loved getting Murray. If we are going to play the "I have more talent so my odds of winning are better" game, then we needed him badly.

So, please list all the other coaches who, in their first 6 yrs at a school, went to 4 FFs, 2 title games, 1 title, and put a boatload of kids in the NBA. Should take you all of about, oh zero seconds.
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He's a loser for calling out Cal on his BS? Eh, OK. He substantiated it by pointing out the specific examples of statements that Cal has made about the NBA Draft status of his players being more important to him than team results and points out the ridiculous notion that Cal in some way accomplished something that these players wouldn't have accomplished if they had gone somewhere else.

It's not hard to tell that you are not a UK fan, come clean and admit it instead of pretending. lol
Show me were I said that.

Losing the NC with the most talented team in X amount of years , mainly due to Cal's coaching, and then trying to use marketing and branding slogans to explain that fact away, has put this program in a bad light.

Marketing. LOL OK.

I'm not going to disagree with the coaching the last 5 minutes but Cal did not put UK in a bad light with that statement.

Forde is trying to do just that, and looks like he convinced you.

Why do we look bad?
Such a stupid topic. You know, the two things - team success and individual draft success - aren't mutually exclusive. A coach can actually hope for both - in fact, you might say the two go hand in hand!

If Cal ever says "I don't want to win, is rather sacrifice team success for draft positioning" wake me up.

Point 2: for the vast, vast majority of coaches, KAT would've been content to float around the perimeter, shoot 3s, and display his ball skills. Most coaches wouldn't have had the balls to demand he develop in the post, or known how to coach that in him if they did. I once thought that getting Josh Harrelson drafted was Cal's crowning individual development achievement. But what he did with Townes, in just a few months, is nothing short of remarkable. Any of you saying it doesn't matter where these kids went to school suffer from a lack of imagination, lack of focus, or bias.....
I loved getting Murray. If we are going to play the "I have more talent so my odds of winning are better" game, then we needed him badly.

WTF? Why do schools recruit the best so hard? That is what everyone does at every level.

You are not making sense here.
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