So is Coach K. So please tell me how winning the 2015 NC hurts him in doing this. And while you are at it, tell me how it hurts Okafor's, Winslow's, and Jones's draft stock.
I know we are all UK fans here, but Jesus Christ, what Cal said was unbelievably stupid. Stupid. Hell, he knows it. Yet, all you "above average fans" like to throw out that lame "marketing" BS , as if all marketing is good marketing. And BTW, was it really marketing? Bad or otherwise. Or was it a ham fisted attempt at Crisis Management? B'c when you have the most talented college BB team in ___ years( you pick the number of years) and fail to win it all, well, you can expect a big lipped pig with no lipstick to suddenly appear. So what can Cal do? I mean, he's got this pig who is in desperate need of lipstick and he's not going anywhere til he gets it. Well, he attempted to apply the lipstick and got crap all over him. It's that simple. Nothing more, nothing less.
Now, UK fans are trying to put lipstick on this other pig. Great "marketing" by Cal no doubt. The man is next level in this department.
BTW, why point out the obvious Forde troll piece and not mention the live national TV shanking Heather Cox put on Cal last night. Far more damaging of a blow than Forde could ever muster. In fact, her questioning Cal on his statement was all the go ahead Forde needed for his hit piece. She gets a pass?