- Mr. Pretzel is wearing a LifeVest defibrillator, which I realize is incredibly annoying for him but HUGE for my peace of mind. Did not know prior to his heart attack that the big danger in the immediate period after MI is going into v-tach or v-fib. He started cardiac rehab today and his providers are very positive, thank goodness. We shall see. He feels good. Neither of us needed that PTSD on top of the PTSD we both had from the high spinal epidural I had during labor, but I guess God didn't make us both strong as hell for nothing.
- In the wake of that, we have learned a tragic lesson: food requires sodium and fat to taste good. Thankfully, rehab cleared him to be slightly less restrictive about sodium than we had been. We did discover that Dan-O's seasonings are pretty excellent - I hadn't heard of them before, but every one we've tried has been really good, and 50 mg of sodium/serving (versus 250+ for most other blends).
- My workout consistency obviously went out the window since his ICU visit, but I did deadlift 315 from the floor for the first time since baby last weekend. That was a nice little milestone. It moved FAST, too. If I could just get a run of consistent training going...it'd be over for you hos. 🙃