FIT.Y.E.R.O. (Meathead, wellness, fitness, diet, exercise) Thread

Clocked in at 170 this morning. That's 25 pounds down since Feb 6th. Goal is 150.
If you don't mind me asking, are you a woman or a man? 150 as a goal for a man would be something.

I've been digging doing only kettlebells as a break. It hits different. Double kettlebell front squats with embarrassingly low weights absolutely destroy my core. The What The Hell Effect may be real.
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If you don't mind me asking, are you a woman or a man? 150 as a goal for a man would be something.

I've been digging doing only kettlebells as a break. It hits different. Double kettlebell front squats with embarrassingly low weights absolutely destroy my core. The What The Hell Effect may be real.
5 foot 8 male. On a BMI scale. 163 is the highest I could be in the normal weight category. Before crossing into ''overweight'' 150 is a nice middle ground.
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Also Prime Day is tomorrow. You can usually find some real good deals on protein products, beverages, supplements and snacks in general. I'll make sure to share what I find.
Tried that shit twice and threw it all away. Not only was it like Hank described, the mct oil got everywhere. My current coffee process is too spot on to add a bunch of shit in.

Man, after a hellacious 12 weeks of cutting... tough getting back in the saddle. I'm not FAnth, or anything, but my motivation to dial in the diet to 95% is LOW. Currently cruising at about 80%.