Trying to get jacked bro not healthy over here. Kidding.Favorite gym activity is just a simple HIIT-type workout. Yesterday was about a 25 minute deal rotating between burpees, dumbbell clean and press, kettlebell squats, etc. When I add that in after a run I feel amazing.
Running 20 miles in the morning with my Saturday 5:20am crew. Best day of the week.
I take Bucked Up on Leg Day and Super Human the other days. Creatine in pre and a protein shake later.
I eat 3-4K cals/day mostly protein.
Anth the biggest I got was #230 and I was on carnivore (besides PB and blueberries at night for dessert) eating about 6K/day. It was insane and impossible to do long term really.
S-Hot Yoga
-Abs and/or calves between sets to work the accessory muscles and keep the heart rate up since I HATE cardio, it’s so boring.
Walk the dog twice a day, 1.6 miles-ish morning and evening.
Like anth said I STRUGGLE not working out every day. So I take Sunday off weights and just do an hour of awesome killer yoga. Need that stretching to help muscle growth and it’s the hardest cardio I do, honestly one of the most challenging workouts I do.
The last month plus in KY before I moved I was pretty down in the dumps with all the family bs going on. Ate like shit, stopped lifting regularly and lost #15 pounds of muscle. Sad very sad. My short shorts aren’t as tight which sucks because I worked HARD this year to build my legs up.
Eating mostly chicken, rice, sweet potatoes, broccoli, cottage cheese and tomatoes with milk, sushi when I go out to eat. Water the rest of the day, not drinking, asleep on the couch around 9-9:30 before moving to bed.
We’re hardcore back on track now. Up at 4:30 at the gym at 5 for average of two hours before the morning dog walk. Gained #5 back since I moved to FL and that was a week ago.