Well then, by the heavens man, we should discuss the thing then, right? This goes for everyone who is critical of Cal's coaching in that game or anyone who has dismissed the criticism as nonsense.
I have seen all-encompassing criticism in this thread spewed without substance. In fact, and perhaps I've simply missed it, I cannot recall anyone in this thread offering substantive critique of Cal's coaching in the Wisconsin game. There has been no game breakdown, no minute-to-minute analysis, no actual objectivity; just vague references that have slowly become nothing more than mythology (like the idea that Cal didn't call a timeout in crunch time when in actuality, he did - two times, in fact, plus a TV timeout).
So yes, we should discuss the thing, but if we do, all of us should use actual events from the game, not revisionist history or mythological analysis based on memories whose actualities haven't been analyzed since the emotional construct that came with the April 4th loss and subsequently has remained cemented in place without scrutiny.
Again, I challenge anyone who has made mention of this game with any sort of fervor - for or against Cal's coaching - to actually re-watch the game. If any of us haven't watched the game since April 4th with an attempt at objectivity, I deny such a person's credibility in this discussion as it should be rendered hollow.