First three episodes did not disappoint.
I loved how they put “Sarah Conner” into the context. Pretty funny.
I loved how they put “Sarah Conner” into the context. Pretty funny.
It's funny how some actors can have a difficult time shaking a character they have played. I feel like the T-1000 Terminator was that for Robert Patrick. I can't watch him on any other movie and not think he is going to melt and reshape. 😂My wife and I watched them. I like it so far. I wish Robert Patrick wasn't the bad guy though......I've always liked him as an actor.
Caught that. That was funny.First three episodes did not disappoint.
I loved how they put “Sarah Conner” into the context. Pretty funny.
Bosch is really good. Did not see Lincoln Lawyer.Thought season 1 became redundant about 2/3,of the way thru.
May check out season 2 but 1 definitely did not leave me wanting more.
Bosch and The Lincoln Lawyer are exponentially better, especially Bosch.
Of course he used supplements. I think Hollywood doesn’t want actors to admit it because it’s a bad look and example I guess. But they all do for big roles, who wouldn’t for millions?Ritchson was 6'3" 205 lbs when he auditioned for Reacher. He added over 30 pounds of muscle in a matter of months and claims that it was all natural. I find that hard to believe. He admits that he is now taking testosterone to deal with injuries.
I do enjoy the show a good deal.
Ritchson was 6'3" 205 lbs when he auditioned for Reacher. He added over 30 pounds of muscle in a matter of months and claims that it was all natural. I find that hard to believe. He admits that he is now taking testosterone to deal with injuries.
I do enjoy the show a good deal.
Ritchson was 6'3" 205 lbs when he auditioned for Reacher. He added over 30 pounds of muscle in a matter of months and claims that it was all natural. I find that hard to believe. He admits that he is now taking testosterone to deal with injuries.
I do enjoy the show a good deal.
Alan Ritchson is in a new drama called Ordinary Angels, just saw the trailer and he's wearing a UK hat in it.
Take a sneak preview into ‘Ordinary Angels,’ starring Hilary Swank, Alan Ritchson
[...]"Ordinary Angels," starring Academy Award winner Hilary Swank and actor Alan Ritchson, ("Reacher") is based on a memoir of the same name written by Louisville's Sharon Stevens Evans.A single mother and hairstylist living in Louisville in the early 1990s, Evans read a newspaper story in the Courier Journal that inspired her to move mountains to help a family living in the Buechel neighborhood with a critically ill little girl.Courier Journal columnist Jim Adam's story, "Louisville family is bearing up under crushing burden of crisis," explained the local family's triple tragedy.Ed Schmitt had recently lost his 29-year-old wife to a respiratory illness and was now trying to raise two girls, both under age 5. The girls suffered from a deadly liver condition called biliary atresia and required liver transplants to survive. Adding to the family's crisis were heaps of insurmountable medical bills.[...]
Ashley Schmitt and her dad Ed Schmitt (Kirby Adams)
Season 3 dropped the first three episodes.
How was it? His 2nd season side kicks wore me out really fast. Looked like the worst one of them is back
How was it? His 2nd season side kicks wore me out really fast. Looked like the worst one of them is back
How was it? His 2nd season side kicks wore me out really fast. Looked like the worst one of them is back
Neagley was n season 1 as well.
This is more of a solo act.
Yes but only in spurts, which was fine. Not a fan of her or the weasel type guy at least not inong stretches.
Pretty sure i saw something that seemed like shes getting her own spin-off. Ya good luck with that.
Ok good. Maybe i will pick this one up again.
Season 3 is my favorite so far.
It's definitely a new character twist. Episode 3 had my jaw on the floor.
The acting is bad.
The dialogue is bad.
The story is dumb.
There's no chemistry between Reacher and Ms Pawk the Caw in Hawvad Yawd
I watch every episode immediately. It's an easy watch.
I do think Ritchson has charisma. I thought he was good in the last Fast and Furious movie as well. And theres quality direction, other than might let actors do another take. But it's a good looking show with no expense spared on location.