
If this stuff has merit, then she went to high school prom with him either while in a Masters program at University of Alabama or after graduating from the program. Is that correct?
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And how has it been working out for them since the start of the 2015 season? I'd make the argument that no one aside from Duke and Calipari are even really trying to 1AD talent these days. Sure, any team will take a top5 guy.. but coaches don't seem keen to court a 5-star player for months of even years, just to have to fork over $2mil and only have him for a year.

Go back to the Duke board. We know you're obsessed with what Kentucky fans think of Duke, doesn't mean we want you here.
You may be right but as of now, we have renewed offers to 6 of the top ten players in the 2025 class. Just lost Riley to Illinois a few days ago. I would say Pope is actually going to try and get 1AD players.
Did you all ever have an old guy at your prom? We did my senior year. Some girl brought her like 25 year old cop boyfriend. So weird.

Never seen an older female come back to a prom.
My girlfriend went to prom with me and she was in college. Not as big as of age gap though, 18 and 21. We started dating when I was 17 and she was 20. She hadn’t gotten to go to her own prom. Also not entirely relevant , but not entirely irrelevant, she was one of the top five or so hottest girlfriends/prom dates. I mention how beautiful she was because I know there’d be a few guys who’d read this and assume she was a hippo or a hag. She was also an exceptionally wonderful girlfriend, not some horrid B.

Her long time boyfriend before me was eight years older than her and they started dating when she was in high school. Age wasn’t thought of the same way in the 90s by kids or parents. Social awareness via the internet changed people’s perspective.
He made a massive amount of NIL and wanted to play for a national title. Isn’t that what college sports fans should want their guys to do?
Or is it just when it doesn’t fit your teams narrative?

When you're a top 5-10 pick, you go.

He'll be fine. I don't like him but he will be a good player. Too much size and skill to fail.
Not super related but there’s no way any other team has drafted more white players than the Jazz and Pacers have the most 20-30 years.
Seems like his brother ripping Scheyer and Duke is because they missed out on some of that NIL money. What is Scheyer supposed to do about that situation when it started at home under his parents watch. Place the blame where it belongs.
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Seems like his brother ripping Scheyer and Duke is because they missed out on some of that NIL money. What is Scheyer supposed to do about that situation when it started at home under his parents watch. Place the blame where it belongs.

You got some info or tweets on it? Would love to see it.
This. And it has nothing to do with her being Mormon. Predators come in every religion, in both sexes. And if the sexes were reversed in this situation, there would be a statutory rape investigation going on right now.
Something close to this happened to me. She wasn’t older, but I went to a college in the US (of the Protestant faith), but this church somewhat taught shunning non-faith members etc. It felt controlling, but I was too stupid and in love to recognize it. I got out of the relationship and out of that church. Never felt better.