Fayette County Schools to allow ALL grade levels to study Gender Identity, Expression , & Sexual Orientation

Your original post title not draw the rage you were looking for? Needed to spice it up to get all of the political posters with no school aged kids to rally together?

As a parent of a kid that just finished kindergarten at an FCPS school and an uncle to 2 older students at the same school I know none of this stuff is happening at their school.
Here is what actually happened per the article:

"Being removed from the proposed policy is a ban that prevents students of all ages from learning about gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation."

In short, they are removing the outright ban, which means for example, such topics might be broached in high school, without fear of a teacher violating state law. But it is NOT some mandate to teach gay sex ed to kindergartners like some of you are suggesting, and which 100% of us oppose. And I cannot imagine FCPS or any school would suggest doing such a thing for grade schoolers. I know it would have been bitterly opposed by all my friends, most of whom sent their kids to the FCPS.

As an aside, I know Henry Clay offers a class for juniors and seniors on credit, leases, checking accounts, loans, etc., because I was asked to speak there a couple of years ago. And schools should offer some classes on those types of real life issues, seems important to me.
True, it does not mandate it be taught, but gives the green light to schools to teach it to ALL ages. It allows gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation to be taught to kindergartners. Sounds like you don’t think this is a good idea. Why would they give the green light to that?
Parents can’t teach how loans works? You are pretty dumb for someone that thinks they have it all figured out.

And yeah, I have a 23 year old and a 15 year old.

Here is the fan you just walked into:

Parents can teach their kids about sex and gender.

The real question: what do most parents want the school system to teach their kids?

The system’s response: we know better than the parents and something about these are all of our kids.
True, it does not mandate it be taught, but gives the green light to schools to teach it to ALL ages. It allows gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation to be taught to kindergartners. Sounds like you don’t think this is a good idea. Why would they give the green light to that?

Seeing posts that actually describe the actual situation I think you’re a douchebag that put a fake sensational clickbait title. So ridiculous as that’s what “news” has become and you’re just as bad as the other losers that do it. Shame on you.
Seeing posts that actually describe the actual situation I think you’re a douchebag that put a fake sensational clickbait title. So ridiculous as that’s what “news” has become and you’re just as bad as the other losers that do it. Shame on you.
The original post title last night was “Something for Fayette County parents to be aware of” or something very similar and then changed it this morning when it only had 1 or 2 responses.
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My take is, while I don’t think kindergarten students should be learning about sex and they won’t be, I do know gay kids exist long before high school and college. I do think the topic of orientation/identity should be addressed when kids are learning sex ed somewhere between 4th and 6th grade. Everyone isn’t born straight and you can’t teach someone to be straight, gay or trans. You either are or aren’t. I know I never made a conscious decision to be attracted to women only.

Maybe lifting the ban is about promoting tolerance and acceptance of others so the rampant bullying of “different” kids won’t be as prevalent as it was in my day.

Anecdotally, I went to elementary school with two boys in my graduating class who were much different than the rest of us boys. They ate lunch with the girls, played with the girls at recess, were more interested in playing house with the girls than playground football with the guys, dressed more formal/feminine than most of us, etc. These guys both came out publicly as gay in their late 20s/early 30s and nobody was shocked. These two were bullied mercilessly and called “f-gs” literally every day all the way through high school. I would be lying if I said I didn’t participate in the name calling at times. I regret it, and can admit I was ignorant.

I also played youth baseball and basketball with a dude who was pretty effeminate as a kid and who used to like to dress in drag for Halloween as a “joke” when we were in high school. He never was a hit with the ladies, had a short, failed marriage shortly after high school and lived a miserable life for a long time. Now, this person has big fake boobs, wears dresses and lives happily as a woman. I think it’s weird and not something I’d do, but if that makes them happy, I seriously DGAF.

TL;DR: I don’t approve of sex ed type discussions for kids younger than 10, but don’t mind acknowledging that gay and trans people do exist and should still be treated as human from late elementary through high school. And, if you’re someone who doesn’t believe all folks should be treated fairly and equally based on their sexual orientation/identity, private religious schools might be a better fit than public schools.
There’s a huge difference between the fear mongering, culture warring rhetoric that’s being used politically around this topic and what actually occurs 99.9% of the time in school classrooms. Most families no longer look like Ward and June Cleaver. A day in the life of public schools and its students no longer looks and sounds like the 1950’s. Kids themselves initiate a multitude of comments and conversations around what their own lives and experiences are. A classroom should be a safe place of inclusion and acceptance, otherwise content and curriculum can’t be taught and learning can’t take place. The current culture war society we live in has teachers afraid to to do things such as teach truthful history due to the CRT nonsense; there’s no agenda to make students feel guilty of their whiteness but a unit on slavery will naturally elicit that response in some kids. And, there’s no agenda to “groom kids to be gay or trans”, but teachers need to have the flexibility to tell kids that not all families look the same when a teachable moment occurs so the classroom can function as a place of safety and acceptance.
Acceptance is different than agenda. There’s not one single reason that sexual identity or preference should be given time in a classroom.
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Seeing posts that actually describe the actual situation I think you’re a douchebag that put a fake sensational clickbait title. So ridiculous as that’s what “news” has become and you’re just as bad as the other losers that do it. Shame on you.
Did you read the WLEX article above? What did I say was inaccurate?
Acceptance is different than agenda. There’s not one single reason that sexual identity or preference should be given time in a classroom.
Agree. I can accept not everyone is the same and each should be able to live their own lives yet still not accept it being taught in schools to elementary school kids.
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Fayette County is deciding to take advantage of a loophole. They are going to allow curriculum where students study gender identity, expression or sexual orientation for ALL kids kindergarten thru 12th grade. May want to be aware of what your kids are being taught at school…it’s not just math and science anymore. June 26 is the board meeting where you are free to voice your input.
Gender identity is a hoax. And it’s not a difficult thing really, just look in ya undies and if ya have a crank, then you be a boy. If it’s missing then only thing left is a girl. That’s how simple it is. Why society caters to these people is beyond me.
If there is one consistent thing we can all count on, it is that public schools will ALWAYS find a way to concentrate their efforts on anything BUT actually, you know, giving our kids a solid academic education.

I can go into the various reasons they do this, but they all really boil down to this: They know they can't and so the waters must stay muddied.

I can tell you this, having watched the inner workings of FCPS for almost 3 decades; the VAST majority of administrative time is spent on figuring out inventive ways to present, spin, repackage the absolutely sh*t job they're doing.

And the worst part is; most of them actually BELIEVE they're killing it.

Public education's primary job isn't education. It's marketing.
My children are grown , but if I had school aged children now, I would do whatever it took to home school them. Sending your kids into that absurdity is tantamount to spinning the GD roulette wheel.

To be clear; I am NOT denigrating teachers and school staff. The vast majority of them do the best they can. I'm talking about the policy wonks at the administrative district level.
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My children are grown , but if I had school aged children now, I would do whatever it took to home school them. Sending your kids into that absurdity is tantamount to spinning the GD roulette wheel.

To be clear; I am NOT denigrating teachers and school staff. The vast majority of them do the best they can. I'm talking about the policy wonks at the administrative district level.
I'd love the know the order you would rank all the superintendents you worked for at Fayette County Schools!
What's wrong with the thread title? It does look like it will be allowed to be studied in all grade levels...could be up to teachers discretion at any age level it seems.

Don't see "allow" as click baity.

Would see "mandated" or "will study" to be click bait and incorrect.

And for those who mention private/catholic schools being the saving grace...hearing the louisville catholic girls schools are nightmares regarding this stuff.
Here is what actually happened per the article:

"Being removed from the proposed policy is a ban that prevents students of all ages from learning about gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation."

In short, they are removing the outright ban, which means for example, such topics might be broached in high school, without fear of a teacher violating state law. But it is NOT some mandate to teach gay sex ed to kindergartners like some of you are suggesting, and which 100% of us oppose. And I cannot imagine FCPS or any school would suggest doing such a thing for grade schoolers. I know it would have been bitterly opposed by all my friends, most of whom sent their kids to the FCPS.

As an aside, I know Henry Clay offers a class for juniors and seniors on credit, leases, checking accounts, loans, etc., because I was asked to speak there a couple of years ago. And schools should offer some classes on those types of real life issues, seems important to me.
It should be banned all the way.
Let me put some thought into that and I'll get back to you.

I will say this though; The best superintendent, IMO, was a woman that has filled in temporarily over the years as needed. I don't know why she was never appointed full time, perhaps she wasn't interested in doing that, but Marlene Helm is/was head and shoulders above anyone that has had the job since Guy Potts. Her only focus was, "What is BEST for the students"
My children are grown , but if I had school aged children now, I would do whatever it took to home school them. Sending your kids into that absurdity is tantamount to spinning the GD roulette wheel.

To be clear; I am NOT denigrating teachers and school staff. The vast majority of them do the best they can. I'm talking about the policy wonks at the administrative district level.

Every single teacher I know agrees with this completely.

What a shitty job they have, trying to solve the worlds problems in the context of a 20x20 foot classroom, 45 minutes at a time. And yet here we adults are sitting around arguing on a gd message board, cluttering up social media, and influencing elections based sometimes solely on nonsensical, meaningless bullshit. CRT, gender issues, which bathroom people use, appropriate pronouns, who plays on which sports teams....

.... 🤮 🤮 🤮

I don't have kids, and haven't set foot in a classroom in decades, and many of the posters here are similar. My guess is that if you'd log off social media, quit living online all day, and go out and participate in the real world, and sit inside nearly any classroom in the country, what's going on is about the same as what's always occurred -- teach reading, 'riting, 'rithmetic, etc. NOT whatever the culture war fighting SJWs think is happening.
The OP once started a thread about a photo he saw on social media of a Celebrate LGBTQ authors or something banner in a school. He wasn't sure which school this banner was in but that the banner was in fact somewhere in Lexington. We used to have similar for Black History Month. The horror and trauma that caused. I had friends who fainted.

Since boards like this skew older I feel I should just keep repeating that whatever you see online doesn't mean there's a nationwide epidemic and all the childrens must be saved. We lived through the dumb gay panic shit and now folks are panicked over this. If you are concerned, here's a thought: talk to the teacher and/or administrator and get the low-down before hopping on social media to stir things up. Not everyone in life needs a boogeyman and this constant panic over everything is tiresome.
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The OP once started a thread about a photo he saw on social media of a Celebrate LGBTQ authors or something banner in a school. He wasn't sure which school this banner was in but that the banner was in fact somewhere in Lexington. We used to have similar for Black History Month. The horror and trauma that caused. I had friends who fainted.

Since boards like this skew older I feel I should just keep repeating that whatever you see online doesn't mean there's a nationwide epidemic and all the childrens must be saved. We lived through the dumb gay panic shit and now folks are panicked over this. If you are concerned, here's a thought: talk to the teacher and/or administrator and get the low-down before hopping on social media to stir things up. Not everyone in life needs a boogeyman and this constant panic over everything is tiresome.
It’s okay the thought process behind any of this is too much for you to comprehend go back to your echo chamber and hear what you want
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If not being panicked and mad over every little thing in society and obsessively posting about gender and woke is being in an echo chamber, then guilty. I'd just call that real life but you do you.

You guys gotta get off social media once in a while and actually talk to people, like, real life people.
My objection isn't talking about alternative lifestyles etc. I really don't give a f*** about that one way or another. I'm just aggravated about the immense amount of time and wasted effort that goes into hand-wringing and arguing about it.

Time and effort that could be spent trying to improve the condition of Kentucky's schools, because on the off chance that you don't know, Kentucky's public schools are not doing so well.

I agree with PTI on this: You know what would honestly help as much as anything?
A huge ground swell of volunteers to pour into these schools. Tutoring, gophering, monitoring, mentoring, in essence, whatever the GD school needs done, so that the staff isn't stretched thinner than they already are. Don't like how something is going? Participate and DO something about it.

And in case anyone says, "What are YOU doing about it?" I retired, and then got my CDL so that I could drive a school bus. Yes, I needed a job, not so much financially, but because retiring at 58 and sitting home all day, every day is a sh8tty way to live your life, and good way to die in your early 60's. I had a lot of opportunities to do other things, but for a variety of reasons, one among them was that I WOULD like to help, I chose to do that. I'm not saying this to pat myself on the back, I just don't want to get into a "easy to say, but what are YOU doing" pissing contest."

(FYI - I've never had a more enjoyable or rewarding job in my entire life)
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The OP once started a thread about a photo he saw on social media of a Celebrate LGBTQ authors or something banner in a school. He wasn't sure which school this banner was in but that the banner was in fact somewhere in Lexington. We used to have similar for Black History Month. The horror and trauma that caused. I had friends who fainted.

Since boards like this skew older I feel I should just keep repeating that whatever you see online doesn't mean there's a nationwide epidemic and all the childrens must be saved. We lived through the dumb gay panic shit and now folks are panicked over this. If you are concerned, here's a thought: talk to the teacher and/or administrator and get the low-down before hopping on social media to stir things up. Not everyone in life needs a boogeyman and this constant panic over everything is tiresome.
I read the statement in the article from the board chair of Fayette County..the board who votes on the policy. And I saw the signs you speak of at my own kids school. If you had a kid in Fayette County, you would have seen them too. Sadly I don’t have to make up anything i post. If you went to schools, attended board meetings, looked at the emails Fayette County sends out, you would see the things I post. I can’t make you open your eyes or care. And that’s freely your choice.
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If not being panicked and mad over every little thing in society and obsessively posting about gender and woke is being in an echo chamber, then guilty. I'd just call that real life but you do you.

You guys gotta get off social media once in a while and actually talk to people, like, real life people.
Then why do you constantly post on threads that you don’t care about and think are silly? Maybe take your own advice.
If not being panicked and mad over every little thing in society and obsessively posting about gender and woke is being in an echo chamber, then guilty. I'd just call that real life but you do you.

You guys gotta get off social media once in a while and actually talk to people, like, real life people.
Again you have a comprehension problem - people are stating facts you don’t agree with yet you go on a tangent - it’s odd - must be a cold dark place you reside in!
My objection isn't talking about alternative lifestyles etc. I really don't give a f*** about that one way or another. I'm just aggravated about the immense amount of time and wasted effort that goes into hand-wringing and arguing about it.

Time and effort that could be spent trying to improve the condition of Kentucky's schools, because on the off chance that you don't know, Kentucky's public schools are not doing so well.

I agree with PTI on this: You know what would honestly help as much as anything?
A huge ground swell of volunteers to pour into these schools. Tutoring, gophering, monitoring, mentoring, in essence, whatever the GD school needs done, so that the staff isn't stretched thinner than they already are. Don't like how something is going? Participate and DO something about it.
Agree on getting involved/helping in schools. I am always surprised at the struggles schools have to get parents involved. My family is for the record but seems like it’s always a struggle to get volunteers. A lotta people disagree on issues but not many make the time to get involved.
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When we were watching a Maryland-Virginia college basketball game this year my 6-year old son, out of nowhwere, said, "I hate Maryland". I asked him why and he said, "because they had slaves". While I thought it was funny he didn't realize Virginia had a lot more, it pissed me off that public schools are teaching 1st graders about slavery. There is ZERO value in that because they can't comprehend what it means.
Parents can’t teach how loans works? You are pretty dumb for someone that thinks they have it all figured out.

And yeah, I have a 23 year old and a 15 year old.
Being able to and being able to do it competently are two different things.

I sure as hell don't want some parent drowning in so much debt that they can't even make their monthly payment to be teaching anyone a single ****ing thing about personal finance because they clearly don't have a clue.

It's a lot harder to correct learning the wrong way, so if you're not going to teach someone correctly, don't teach them at all.
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My objection isn't talking about alternative lifestyles etc. I really don't give a f*** about that one way or another. I'm just aggravated about the immense amount of time and wasted effort that goes into hand-wringing and arguing about it.

I wish we lived in a world where things that actually f'ing matter were way more important to people than things that don't. Our political system, our schools, our social media -- completely overtaken by nonsense like whether or not to remove a statue that nobody even notices is there, or imposing a ban on trans athletes that don't even exist. Completely pointless, meaningless bullshit that affects nobody's life at the end of the day.

But, here we are.
I wish we lived in a world where things that actually f'ing matter were way more important to people than things that don't. Our political system, our schools, our social media -- completely overtaken by nonsense like whether or not to remove a statue that nobody even notices is there, or imposing a ban on trans athletes that don't even exist. Completely pointless, meaningless bullshit that affects nobody's life at the end of the day.

But, here we are.
It is almost like politicians and the media (including social media) have a vested interest in finding issues that divide people into roughly equal groups and then fueling hysteria to get those two groups to hate each other.

Same thing that happens with abortion, guns, trans issues, BLM, and on and on and on.

It seems like a lot of people are finally getting sick of it. I think it got to a fever pitch during COVID when everyone was locked in their house and there was nothing to do but follow politics. Now that people are back in the world and interacting with each other in person, that culture war crap seems increasingly stupid.

(Or I hope at least.)
People say they're sick of it, but their behavior shows otherwise.

For funsies, go start 2 different threads.

#1 = "Catholic priest rapes 900 children."
#2 = "Trans athlete wins 1st place in middle school pickleball tournament."

Guess which one will turn into a 27 page culture war?
Culture wars all funny till your 6 year old boy comes home and tells you the teacher has told them it’s ok for him to wear skirts. But sounds like you are totally good with this scenario. As a parent, I would say, leave that part to me. And yes, my daughter had a class where the teacher told the boys this.

So should the teacher say, “no, it isn’t alright.”

Would you let a gay teacher teach your kids? Should gay teachers admit to having a same sex spouse if a kid asks?

Let’s say you are elected to school board. What is your stance on that?
This thread: Tell me you have no idea what's going on in an actual Fayette County Public Schools classroom without telling me you have no idea what's going on in an actual Fayette County Public Schools classroom.

We're up to our neck in national debt, our interstates and bridges are collapsing, millions addicted to prescription pills, people shooting each other up every week, but BY GAWD we're gonna give this culture war all we got before any of that!

The Economy
National Security

All the rest is team politics masturbation.
Yep. I’ve said since 2012 that the platform should be
-end foreign wars
-massive spend on infrastructure
-massive spend on true high speed internet in all parts of the country similar to rural electrification.
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Then why do you constantly post on threads that you don’t care about and think are silly? Maybe take your own advice.
When I see people online upset over a banner, or a beer can, or a flag and its position on a building, or mad at a chicken sandwich place, or obsessively talk about pedos and grooming, or how the side you hate is ruining life, my hope is that maybe if enough of us say "get out of your bubble because you don't need to try to save the world from boogeymen" that maybe one of you might listen. Real life isn't a Facebook feed. More people should learn and live the quote, "Life's too short to be pissed off all the time."

FWIW, take Wes for instance. I enjoy his takes in the Wrestling Thread. Now he keeps quoting me here and giving me an odd, aggressive attitude like I kicked his kitten against a curb. I would never do that since I like animals. People need to calm down and stop feeding into the never-ending culture war nonsense. Politicians want you forever pissed.
Yep. I’ve said since 2012 that the platform should be
-end foreign wars
-massive spend on infrastructure
-massive spend on true high speed internet in all parts of the country similar to rural electrification.

Looks like an awesome candidate that would get at least 1-2% of the primary vote.