Enes Kanter's Family has Disowned Him

People making these statements is why our country has the president we have and will probably be the reason this mess in this country continues. They react to internet and media sound bites without finding out what is going on. Turkey is a mess and I am afraid that their democracy is over - unless you call Putin style democracy - democracy!

I have been to Turkey and most of their citizens are very friendly to the United States and people from the west. This is another example, IMO, of what is happening in the name of Islam from a political standpoint. Very, very sad!

Most people didn't realize that only 10% of the German citizens supported and where Nazi's - but look what havoc that 10% of the population did. Similarly we let the outrageously loud voices of a minority of our citizens determine who we vote for. Ask yourself this question - if you know people in Hollywood for example - how much history do you think they have studied? When your profession is acting and not much else - not many of them have a real clue about what it's like in the real world. Yet we see many people deciding to vote for someone because a popular TV or movie star supports them.

If you are a conservative - just look at the credentials of the people in the Republican party who are not supporting Donald Trump and the party. Nearly all of those important big wigs have ties to wall street, big companies and are self serving their interest by supporting the other candidate. Most of these people could care less about the average person - it's just a great way to keep making lots of money - for themselves!

In October of last year the biggest concern we heard from every Republican candidate, all 17 of them, and their supporters was the importance of the makeup of the Supreme Court. They told us the next President will probably be naming 3 to 4 Supreme Court Justices - this was before the death of Anthony Scalia. Have you heard any of them talk about it now? Even after Donald Trump presented a list of moderate to conservative judges. The Republican leaders are just as bad as the democratic leaders - they are in it for themselves. Please vote - but please read things for yourself. Don't vote for someone because Justin Beiber, Mark Cuban, Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, etc., etc. tell you to vote for someone - be an adult and be an informed voter.

READ real news and not opinions of media commentators or writers. Remember this old saying - believe NONE of what you hear and only Half of what you see!

Go Big Blue!

:clap::fistbump::raised_hands:[thumb2] Wish I could like this X100.[cheers]
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I read his comment to be similar to someone saying, "I swear on the life of my mother that....." Its not saying that you are going to sacrifice your is just emphasis to the statement being made.
He has 4 million family members here in Kentucky who would never turn against him. Kanter will always have a place to call home right here in Lexington and the state of Kentucky,

Read again. The article's writer does not say it is a terrorist group. Instead, is says that's what Enes' father's statement said. A significant distinction there.

And do you read the news outside the sports world? Your post suggests this is the first you've heard of all this. If so, here's a brief primer:

Turkey's current president, Erdogan, is megalomaniacal authoritarian Islamist who in the last month has been conducting a nationwide purge wherein he's been systematically firing, arresting, rounding up and persecuting anyone and everyone suspected of having the remotest anti-govt or pro-Gulen sympathies. Gulen is a Turkish writer/cleric living in the United States (in Pennsylvania) who has spawned a movement advocating a more moderate brand of Islam. Erdogan accuses him of orchestrating last month's coup attempt, which is why the Turkish govt calls him a terrorist, but nobody else does.

Enes has been a vocal supporter of Gulen, which makes him public enemy No 1 to the Erdogan govt. Now, luckily, Enes is on this side of the ocean, where Erdogan can't get at him. But, unfortunately, his family is not, which is why people suspect the statement may merely be something his dad felt forced to say to keep Erdogan's thugs off his doorstep.
Thanks, you just saved me from having to type all this. I have several friends from Turkey. All of them Christians. They can't go home anymore without being hung. I fear turkey is going to become another Syria.
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People making these statements is why our country has the president we have and will probably be the reason this mess in this country continues. They react to internet and media sound bites without finding out what is going on. Turkey is a mess and I am afraid that their democracy is over - unless you call Putin style democracy - democracy!

I have been to Turkey and most of their citizens are very friendly to the United States and people from the west. This is another example, IMO, of what is happening in the name of Islam from a political standpoint. Very, very sad!

Most people didn't realize that only 10% of the German citizens supported and where Nazi's - but look what havoc that 10% of the population did. Similarly we let the outrageously loud voices of a minority of our citizens determine who we vote for. Ask yourself this question - if you know people in Hollywood for example - how much history do you think they have studied? When your profession is acting and not much else - not many of them have a real clue about what it's like in the real world. Yet we see many people deciding to vote for someone because a popular TV or movie star supports them.

If you are a conservative - just look at the credentials of the people in the Republican party who are not supporting Donald Trump and the party. Nearly all of those important big wigs have ties to wall street, big companies and are self serving their interest by supporting the other candidate. Most of these people could care less about the average person - it's just a great way to keep making lots of money - for themselves!

In October of last year the biggest concern we heard from every Republican candidate, all 17 of them, and their supporters was the importance of the makeup of the Supreme Court. They told us the next President will probably be naming 3 to 4 Supreme Court Justices - this was before the death of Anthony Scalia. Have you heard any of them talk about it now? Even after Donald Trump presented a list of moderate to conservative judges. The Republican leaders are just as bad as the democratic leaders - they are in it for themselves. Please vote - but please read things for yourself. Don't vote for someone because Justin Beiber, Mark Cuban, Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, etc., etc. tell you to vote for someone - be an adult and be an informed voter.

READ real news and not opinions of media commentators or writers. Remember this old saying - believe NONE of what you hear and only Half of what you see!

Go Big Blue!
There's comedy, there's high comedy and then there is this post.

Here's a tip. You aren't actually "informed" when all of your information comes from the voices who tell you what you want to hear and also tell you to ignore all sources but them.
He has 4 million family members here in Kentucky who would never turn against him. Kanter will always have a place to call home right here in Lexington and the state of Kentucky,

Hell yes!!!!

I'm so glad Enes escaped those terrorist bastards. Cal is such a saint.