Enes Kanter - Nike cowardice

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Im not disputing your info. I appreciate it. but do you have a link?

The entire narrative created by that one "study" to say Nike sales were up....was just a headline passed as fact. Actual reading of the piece gave no evidence to back up the point. Your info is interesting.
I need to run a Nike store...
Turkey is a fairly progressive nation... more European than Middle Eastern. The rich are REALLY really rich, but of course there is a fair share of poor folks. It's not the United States, but it isn't Iraq.

I was stereotyping a little based on all the images/videos I have seen from the Middle East. Just don't see a lot of those folks rocking Nike gear.
lol. Oh something is over someone's head, for certain. As an unsigned free agent, teams are under no collective bargaining Obligation to sign anyone they don't want to sign, just as nike is under no obligation to ink a contract with Enes. Not only is blackballing extremely difficult to prove, it's doubly so when Kaepernick was offered a contract by the Broncos, and Turned it down. Did John Elway not get the "collusion" memo?

Umm...Kap was under contract with the Niners when a possible trade with Denver was being considered. Remember, Elway famously said he didn't pursue Kap as a free agent cause we offered him a chance (via trade) and he declined (because Denver wanted Kap to restructure his contract for less money), but then Elway resigned Brockweiler (sp?) when he left Denver high and dry for the Texans (which is the reason why Dever wanted to trade for Kap in the first place). Hence why Elway was deposed in the collusion case.

But don't let that little fact go over your head as well.
I took it from the Nike annual reports as well as this website -

Thanks. Just seeing if you had something different. The data is based on Nike fiscal year that ended in Sept when the ad ran.

As for Turkey...Im guessing their sales are in central and eastern europe which generates just 4+percent of Nike sales----for that entire region. I doubt that Turkey alone worries Nike that much. Just as likely EK rationalizing excuse why.
keep your mouth shut, if you can't change anything?

this board would not exist do you know you CAN'T cause change, if you don't try?

Kanter obviously doesn’t have a freedom of speech in his country. I never said not to try, but his dad had to disown him just to avoid the consequences of his sons actions. In the end, it looks like it still didn’t matter. It’s easy for me and you to say what Enes should or shouldn’t have done. But if it were one of our asses going to prison for it, I’m sure we might have a little different opinion on the matter.
keep your mouth shut, if you can't change anything?

this board would not exist do you know you CAN'T cause change, if you don't try?

Look, he's getting paid, and wants to get paid more to be a nba super star, not a political activist. He's free to do both obviously but each come with it's own sacrifices. He is has no room to complain about sponsorship when he is the one making himself unmarketable.

To say that Nike should be working with him is saying he in entitled to something he doesn't deserve.
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What do you wear? Adidas? Puma? If so, I've got some news for you. Both of them wanted to sign Kaep as well.

Enjoy your New Balances and Wranglers.

Actually all of the ones you mentioned are a bit below my quality expectations.

As far as your heresay, ehhhh maybe. Maybe your knickers are in a twist because you don’t like patriots.
You are not alone and the sooner UK drops them or Nike drops UK the better. I made a business decision not to buy their over priced junk. Like many companies they are now into politics and I can elect to go somewhere else with my business. I did.

The treatment of Enes Kanter should make all Americans upset but unfortunately it does not because many Americans agree America is the evil one. If Enes Speaks out against Islamic countries he is bad and must be punished. And he is.

Corporations are people my friend. Something tells me you didn't boycott Koch products
Dictionary. I recommend Webster’s. It’s written in the simplest terms. It will distinguish elementary terms like idol, worship versus symbols and respect. Trust me, you need this.

  1. an image or representation of a god used as an object of worship.
    synonyms: icon, representation of a god, image, effigy, statue, figure, figurine, fetish, totem;More
    • a person or thing that is greatly admired, loved, or revered.
      "movie idol Robert Redford"
      synonyms: hero, heroine, star, superstar, icon, celebrity;More
What do you think the reason is why shoe companies give athletes endorsement deals? As charity?

If signing Kanter would cause them to lose money, then why should they feel compelled to do it? They're not lacking "a pair", instead they're just making a smart business decision.
Thats the problem with this country. Instead of having "a pair" its all about the $.
Corporations are people my friend. Something tells me you didn't boycott Koch products

  1. an image or representation of a god used as an object of worship.
    synonyms: icon, representation of a god, image, effigy, statue, figure, figurine, fetish, totem;More
    • a person or thing that is greatly admired, loved, or revered.
      "movie idol Robert Redford"
      synonyms: hero, heroine, star, superstar, icon, celebrity;More

So you knew you misused the word.
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You need to go to wall street. You have made a sales projection that there is no way to predict the outcome. Just like everyone swore Nike was shooting itself in its foot by Kaepernick.

Maybe sales in the US, GBR and the rest of the EU where they hate the Turks will offset the loss in Turkey..... and it is TURKEY for gods sake. But that too is not the point. If Nike is using its "conscience" like it said it was doing...then why worry about the very Adidas Turks?
If there is only one thing I know about this Erdogan, it's that his ego is massive. YOu really think he is going to allow Nike to operate in his country when they have signed one of his most high profile enemies that he considers a traitor?
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Reading is fundamental. I used it as intended

So is comprehension and context. You fail massively at both. By equating worship with respect you either read below 4th grade level or you were intentionally misusing a simple word with the intent to deceive. In this case it seems both are applicable giving your persistence at pushing a stupid comment after it was exposed.
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If there is only one thing I know about this Erdogan, it's that his ego is massive. YOu really think he is going to allow Nike to operate in his country when they have signed one of his most high profile enemies that he considers a traitor?

This is true. But all decisions have consequences. They signed an individual with a well publicized record of trashing his country and disrespecting its symbols. Hopefully they suffer greatly for that decision. Nike placed political correctness over its bottom line. I hope they are destroyed over it.
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Umm...Kap was under contract with the Niners when a possible trade with Denver was being considered. Remember, Elway famously said he didn't pursue Kap as a free agent cause we offered him a chance (via trade) and he declined (because Denver wanted Kap to restructure his contract for less money), but then Elway resigned Brockweiler (sp?) when he left Denver high and dry for the Texans (which is the reason why Dever wanted to trade for Kap in the first place). Hence why Elway was deposed in the collusion case.

But don't let that little fact go over your head as well.

The little "fact" that he was offered a job but turned his nose up at the offer? Or better yet, that his imbecilic lawyer was hinting in Sept.that 2 AFC teams were interested in signing Kaepernick. Yes, the very same "lawyer" attempting this asinine "collusion" case.
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This is true. But all decisions have consequences. They signed an individual with a well publicized record of trashing his country and disrespecting its symbols. Hopefully they suffer greatly for that decision. Nike placed political correctness over its bottom line. I hope they are destroyed over it.
They are doing quite well over the decision to sign Kaepernick so good luck with that.
Lets examine.

Not reported by Nike and anecdotal at best. THREE DAYS worth of estimated online sales. READ. WORDs have meaning.

Now...lets look at the overall controversy and how it had a real negative effect on the NFL. Kaepernick was the start of the kneeling contro.

Last season the Kaepernick kneel lost the NFL viewers by the millions.

This season...the Kaepernick keeling ended and guess what...viewers approved.

Conclusion: It is foolish to believe that the Kaepernick ad helped Nike sales while at the same time harming the NFL. But keep bouncing around that same 3-day anecdote.
Nike shares are up 8 percent in premarket trading Friday, after the athletic apparel company turned in quarterly earnings and revenue that beat analysts’ expectations with the help of strong global sales and improvements to its digital business.

Although there had been concerns early in the quarter that a controversial ad campaign could dampen sales, there weren’t any signs of that in the results, which were released late Thursday.

Executives also said they weren’t seeing any impact from friction on trade between the U.S. and China. Wedbush analysts recently estimated that the percentage of goods Nike sources from China is in the mid-20s.

Here’s what the company reported compared with what Wall Street was expecting, based on a survey of analysts by Refinitiv:
  • Earnings per share: 52 cents vs. 46 cents expected
  • Revenue: $9.37 billion vs. $9.18 billion expected
Nike said revenue grew in nearly every category, with footwear and apparel seeing growth in the double digits globally. Digital sales led growth across both the Nike and Converse brands.

@DrH. Lecter looking real dumb right now. Took me all of one minute to find this evidence. To refute your nonsense. Try harder numbnuts.
This. The sales of Enes Kanter apparel in other western nations would more than offset any loss in Turkey. (Unless they think they are going to lose sweatshops in Turkey?). In 2015, Pennsylvania had roughly the equivalent GDP as Turkey. To put things in perspective.
Does Enes Kanter even really push sales? He's a role player on a terrible Knicks team that doesn't play an exciting brand of basketball to most folks. I'm struggling to find anything online about him for his jersey sales, a lot of that is the NBA's fault though because they only publish the top 15 individual jerseys as far as I can find. I know Knicks gear is still amongst the most popular, but Porzingis is really the only guy they have that is a star name, and I imagine most of their marketing is going to be highlighting Porzingis, Knox, and Hardaway and not Kanter since Kanter has been pushed to the bench to make way for the younger guys.
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I need to run a Nike store...
Retail management for massively large national/international brands doesn't generally pay all that well for the # of hours you have to work. Any one store doesn't make a significant impact on the bottom line (relative to how big the bottom line is) so there isn't much incentive from corporate to pay these people well.

It's even worse for restaurants. I saw a job posting once for a Subway manager and it paid less than my last job that was a part-time job for 8 months a year and that was a fairly poor paying job at that. Salary was like $25K or some crap like that. :joy:
Does Enes Kanter even really push sales?

The market where foreign role players like him usually push sales is in their home country. Which is why you sometimes see mediocre foreign players get surprisingly lucrative endorsement deals.

But, of course, with Kanter, the OPPOSITE is true, signing him would destroy sales in his home country. It just makes no business sense at all for Nike to sign him.
I hate to break it to you, but far from suffering "consequences" and being "destroyed", the signing helped Nike. Their sales took a big jump in the months after the ad aired. Turned out to be a good decision for them.

If there's one thing I've learned from following this story, it's that angry white conservatives grossly overestimate the amount of consumer power they have. Y'all actually thought you had the clout to take down Nike. LOL.

Sorry, but you don't, because that's only a very small portion of Nike's overall customer base. And there's a far larger portion out there, not only in this country but worldwide, that not only supported the signing, but has been buying more Nike stuff in the time since.

You assume too much.

NFL much? They were overjoyed by the signing. A lot of Nike’s partners balked. Let’s see where Nike is in ten years. Dangerous to declare victory in the first 2 minutes.
So is comprehension and context. You fail massively at both. By equating worship with respect you either read below 4th grade level or you were intentionally misusing a simple word with the intent to deceive. In this case it seems both are applicable giving your persistence at pushing a stupid comment after it was exposed.

For the slow among us:


Definition of worship

2: to regard with great or extravagant respect, honor, or devotion

Definition of idol

1: an object of extreme devotion

The only thing exposed here is both of you idol worshipers
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For the slow among us:


Definition of worship

2: to regard with great or extravagant respect, honor, or devotion

Definition of idol

1: an object of extreme devotion

And who mentioned extravagant? You
And who mentioned extreme? You.

Use your new found skill to look up exaggeration, misrepresentation, prevarication and deception.
You assume too much.

NFL much? They were overjoyed by the signing. A lot of Nike’s partners balked. Let’s see where Nike is in ten years. Dangerous to declare victory in the first 2 minutes.
lol at the notion that signing Kaepernick is going to cause Nike's downfall in 10 years.
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And who mentioned extravagant? You
And who mentioned extreme? You.

Use your new found skill to look up exaggeration, misrepresentation, prevarication and deception.

Your skirt is being lifted. Great or extravagant. Do you have great respect, honor and devotion for the flag?

None of those apply. You just choose to not like the etymology of the words I posted.
Right now I'm wearing Sketchers and LL Bean. Not giving money to Nike.
I’m always Ariat or Merrell unless I’m working out and then it’s Under Armor or Brooks myself. If I have anything NIKE it’s because someone bought it for me. Not so much of a boycott as They have a crap product. Their stuff never lasted for me.

These Turkish-Made Slippers Are the Perfect Travel Shoe


"About an hour north of the Syrian border in Gaziantep, Turkey, one of the oldest cities in the Middle East, a unit of craftsmen (and two women, refugees from Aleppo) work leather and rubber and waxed cotton string into $195 slippers you’ll find in Jeff Bridges’ and Don Lemon’s closets. The footwear is a custom, higher quality adaptation of the shoes that have been crafted in Gaziantep for centuries, shoes Mickey Ashmore received as a gift from his Turkish ex-girlfriend’s grandmother when he was working in Istanbul for Microsoft in 2011.

“I loved them,” Ashmore says. After moving to New York for a hedge fund job in 2013, “I would wear them with my tuxedo and out and running around the office. I got connected to the family that made them to ask for another pair, but I suggested a few changes.” No curled genie toe. Better leather. Rubber on the sole, “because the traditional leather sole is slippery and got destroyed in New York.” The workshop sent Ashmore a new pair made to his specs, and he was elated. “A few months later, I ordered 100 more,” and the Sabah brand was born."

[laughing] Nike who?

I rather walk barefoot, F**k Erdegan the fascist, and Turkish murderers of 1,500,000 Armenians and who knows how many Assyrians, and Curds by the Barbarian Ottoman Turks little over a century ago.
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