Enes Kanter - Nike cowardice

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@DrH. Lecter looking real dumb right now. Took me all of one minute to find this evidence. To refute your nonsense. Try harder numbnuts.

Okay "numbnuts"... from your link.

In North America, Nike's biggest market, sales rose 9 percent to $3.78 billion.

China posted Nike's most robust growth, with sales climbing 26 percent to $1.54 billion.

Big Kapernick fans in China I am sure you'll agree.

Assuming you can read a graph:

Their 8 year average growth is 9% so at best CK in Sept had little or no effect. Except with the Chinese of course.

Most importantly from your link:

The company made no mention of its ad campaign starring Colin Kaepernick in its earning release, but it appears that the controversy did not negatively affect sales.

I didnt POSITIVELY affect sales either.
Your skirt is being lifted. Great or extravagant. Do you have great respect, honor and devotion for the flag?

None of those apply. You just choose to not like the etymology of the words I posted.

No I object to the falsehoods you need to misrepresent others who feel some obligation to their country. Clearly you do not feel this obligation. I think it tells many on this board all they care to know about your lack of character.
Look, he's getting paid, and wants to get paid more to be a nba super star, not a political activist. He's free to do both obviously but each come with it's own sacrifices. He is has no room to complain about sponsorship when he is the one making himself unmarketable.

To say that Nike should be working with him is saying he in entitled to something he doesn't deserve.
Please quote me where I stated or IMPLIED that he and Nike are entitled to work together. I was agreeing that Nike not sponsoring him on the premise of lost $ in Turkey is just hypocritical of some of their other marketing.

And, I am not stupid or ignorant to the business of business ... I own my own business.
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Pretty much this. Sign an NBA player that won't do anything for your bottom line and cause you to shut down hundreds of stores? Or don't sign him and keep the hundreds of stores open? Not a very tough decision if you are Nike.

This is as brain dead as it comes.
lol at the notion that signing Kaepernick is going to cause Nike's downfall in 10 years.

Who said it would? LOL at you for thinking this is done. Nike doesn’t live in a vacuum. And their corporate partners puked over that dumb-assed decision they made. You might note their signee is pretty quiet lately.

Wonder why?
What do you wear? Adidas? Puma? If so, I've got some news for you. Both of them wanted to sign Kaep as well.

Enjoy your New Balances and Wranglers.
Nah, Aisics and Carhartts! Also, Kap can suck it! Disrespectful piece of shit! Want to enact change then get in that hood and make a difference! Sitting on your laurels is just a lazy punk ass way to snowflake out!
No I object to the falsehoods you need to misrepresent others who feel some obligation to their country. Clearly you do not feel this obligation. I think it tells many on this board all they care to know about your lack of character.

Strawman. I accept your concession

Unlike you, I'm not trying to impress the board
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LOL. Declares victory and runs like a little squealing girl.

I don’t think concession means what you think it means, because I have made no concession.

You conceded when you resorted to ad hominem attacks.
Nah, Aisics and Carhartts! Also, Kap can suck it! Disrespectful piece of shit! Want to enact change then get in that hood and make a difference! Sitting on your laurels is just a lazy punk ass way to snowflake out!

Do you genuinely not keep up with this stuff, and then get fired up because you want to be fired up? Kaepernick is well known for his charity, both in terms of his own giving but also in getting others, like Steph Curry and Serena Williams and KD, involved. He has donated to dozens of organizations, including Meals on Wheels. Schools on Wheels, Black Veterans For Social Justice, and Appetite for Change. His Nike contract specifically includes further funding for his charity. He goes around the country speaking to kids with the message of “Do what you think is right, even if there are consequences,” which is a message not ONE of us likely disagrees with... that is literally key to being a good person, and is a message our youth desperately need.

I just don’t get it. I don’t get how rustled some folks get. Kaepernick is using what is ultimately a very American custom, peaceful protest, that has meant so much and achieved so much for ALL Americans, he has straight up said his protest is not about disrespecting our military, he actually WORKED WITH a veteran to ensure his protest was respectful (and the soldier said kneeling is acceptable because people often use the act of kneeling as one of deepest respect, which is how that even started!), and he is one of the more active athletes around in taking care of people who need help. Disagree *all you want* with his methods of protest or his stances or whatever, even see offense where it is not intended, but the completely ridiculous foaming at the mouth vitriol that some people throw at that guy, often supported by wild lack of understanding of stuff he does... its just out of proportion. Save the hate and disdain for people who really deserve it... a guy like Kaepernick, the worst he deserves is strong but basically civil disagreement.

I won’t even touch the hood comment.
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I was right. You got outed as ungrateful and someone that disrespects your country. Now you cry. Poor baby.

No, you were wrong in your believed etymology of the words idol and worship. Now you are changing the subject. I haven't giving any opinion on my country
LOL. Declares victory and runs like a little squealing girl.

I don’t think concession means what you think it means, because I have made no concession.

Except he was right.

Your response was a strawman. And resorting to that "you don't love your country" type BS is SO transparent. It's an argument technique used by slow-witted hacks who, not knowing how else to respond, send out that dog whistle hoping some other poster will rush to his aid.
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Do you genuinely not keep up with this stuff, and then get fired up because you want to be fired up? Kaepernick is well known for his charity, both in terms of his own giving but also in getting others, like Steph Curry and Serena Williams and KD, involved. He has donated to dozens of organizations, including Meals on Wheels. Schools on Wheels, Black Veterans For Social Justice, and Appetite for Change. His Nike contract specifically includes further funding for his charity. He goes around the country speaking to kids with the message of “Do what you think is right, even if there are consequences,” which is a message not ONE of us likely disagrees with... that is literally key to being a good person, and is a message our youth desperately need.

I just don’t get it. I don’t get how rustled some folks get. Kaepernick is using what is ultimately a very American custom, peaceful protest, that has meant so much and achieved so much for ALL Americans, he has straight up said his protest is not about disrespecting our military, he actually WORKED WITH a veteran to ensure his protest was respectful (and the soldier said kneeling is acceptable because people often use the act of kneeling as one of deepest respect, which is how that even started!), and he is one of the more active athletes around in taking care of people who need help. Disagree *all you want* with his methods of protest or his stances or whatever, even see offense where it is not intended, but the completely ridiculous foaming at the mouth vitriol that some people throw at that guy, often supported by wild lack of understanding of stuff he does... its just out of proportion. Save the hate and disdain for people who really deserve it... a guy like Kaepernick, the worst he deserves is strong but basically civil disagreement.

I won’t even touch the hood comment.



He plays football while wearing socks that depict law enforcement officers as pigs. That behavior is not a respectful form of protest, and I don't think he is seeking a respectful debate on the issues. I think he enjoys being provocative, and he is good at drawing attention to himself and the political ideas that he supports. While I disagree with his politics, I would fight to the death to protect his freedom of speech. I have no problem with his right to say things I disagree with. Likewise, I think it is appropriate to decide that I don't want to buy the products that he gets paid to endorse. I really don't think this is about hate. It's about people exercising their individual rights in one of the few countries that allows almost unrestricted freedom of speech. Even though I disagree with your support of Kaepernick, I like that you are passionate about this issue and articulate your view respectfully. I hope you can understand that people passionately disagreeing with Kaepernick aren't all motivated by hate as opposed to love and respect for the USA. The whole circumstance is really an interesting cross between politics and sports in America.

Also, I hope Enes gets a big shoe endorsement deal. He's a Wildcat.
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Except he was right.

Your response was a strawman. And resorting to that "you don't love your country" type BS is SO transparent. It's an argument technique used by slow-witted hacks who, not knowing how else to respond, send out that dog whistle hoping some other poster will rush to his aid.

No, I just exposed what he was. Maybe you are too?
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No, you were wrong in your believed etymology of the words idol and worship. Now you are changing the subject. I haven't giving any opinion on my country

Sure you did. Your little passive agreesive tantrum made your views quite transparent. No worries. This is the US. No matter how badly you trash her, you are still entitled to your opinion. Just, now we know what that opinion is. Transparent.


He plays football while wearing socks that depict law enforcement officers as pigs. That behavior is not a respectful form of protest, and I don't think he is seeking a respectful debate on the issues. I think he enjoys being provocative, and he is good at drawing attention to himself and the political ideas that he supports. While I disagree with his politics, I would fight to the death to protect his freedom of speech. I have no problem with his right to say things I disagree with. Likewise, I think it is appropriate to decide that I don't want to buy the products that he gets paid to endorse. I really don't think this is about hate. It's about people exercising their individual rights in one of the few countries that allows almost unrestricted freedom of speech. Even though I disagree with your support of Kaepernick, I like that you are passionate about this issue and articulate your view respectfully. I hope you can understand that people passionately disagreeing with Kaepernick aren't all motivated by hate as opposed to love and respect for the USA. The whole circumstance is really an interesting cross between politics and sports in America.

Also, I hope Enes gets a big shoe endorsement deal. He's a Wildcat.

Great post. Can’t disagree with any of it. In terms of specifics, the socks were insulting, for sure. I believe he wore them before he began his protests and before he became a “public figure” and from the statements he made afterwards, in which he pointed out that that was in the past and mentioned that he has family and friends who are cops, I have to imagine he at least understands that was a pretty general and inappropriate way to make his point. I’m glad he dropped it.

I do get your point, that the backlash he faces is at least somewhat born of love of country... and I am fine with people disagreeing... I guess I just cringe when it goes from “You know, I think that’s an insulting way to protest” to “F that guy! What a punkass snowflake who doesn’t actually try to help anyone!” and worse. It just feels over the top.

Anyway, I’ll drop it, because I know it is an emotional topic. Always like Enes (Im a sucker for a traditional 5!) and as a Duke guy I was sort of glad he was never cleared because I think he would have absolutely transformed that UK team into a title winner.
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I know that the thread ebbs and flows but the point I think I was trying to make is that Kapernick has lost NOTHING in comparison to what Enes Kanter has lost. If Nike REALLY was about supporting its corp conscience rather than supporting its bottom line then they would make EK the face of Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything..

Kapernick does not have to fear the govt taking away his liberty or his fortune as he protests. EK has to worry whether he or his family will die. Nike simply sits back and long as they spell the name right... they will be fine.
Do you genuinely not keep up with this stuff, and then get fired up because you want to be fired up? Kaepernick is well known for his charity, both in terms of his own giving but also in getting others, like Steph Curry and Serena Williams and KD, involved. He has donated to dozens of organizations, including Meals on Wheels. Schools on Wheels, Black Veterans For Social Justice, and Appetite for Change. His Nike contract specifically includes further funding for his charity. He goes around the country speaking to kids with the message of “Do what you think is right, even if there are consequences,” which is a message not ONE of us likely disagrees with... that is literally key to being a good person, and is a message our youth desperately need.

I just don’t get it. I don’t get how rustled some folks get. Kaepernick is using what is ultimately a very American custom, peaceful protest, that has meant so much and achieved so much for ALL Americans, he has straight up said his protest is not about disrespecting our military, he actually WORKED WITH a veteran to ensure his protest was respectful (and the soldier said kneeling is acceptable because people often use the act of kneeling as one of deepest respect, which is how that even started!), and he is one of the more active athletes around in taking care of people who need help. Disagree *all you want* with his methods of protest or his stances or whatever, even see offense where it is not intended, but the completely ridiculous foaming at the mouth vitriol that some people throw at that guy, often supported by wild lack of understanding of stuff he does... its just out of proportion. Save the hate and disdain for people who really deserve it... a guy like Kaepernick, the worst he deserves is strong but basically civil disagreement.

I won’t even touch the hood comment.
Racists will be racists. Doesn't apply to all the anti-Kaepernick people but does apply to some.
Racists will be racists. Doesn't apply to all the anti-Kaepernick people but does apply to some.

His right to peacefully protest does not insulate him from being protested. Naturally some, you, feel the need to silence their protest by calling them racists. That is lazy.

Enis has no such ability to protest his country or its nations police. He would quickly suffer the fate of Jamal Kashoggi. If Nike was being sincere with its Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything... they wouldn't care about Turkish blood money. Turkish money is is Nike's sham of an ad campaign.
When in the history of humanity has kneeling been considered an act of disrespect? Examples please.
Nike is a business entity. They lie, they maximize, they use slave labor to make his gear. The slogan itself is hilarious. More of a comedy bit. A black athlete raised by white parents sacrificed a tanking career by backing the grievance lobby. Oh my. Lol. Look he’s even got the perfect black guy hairstyle, with gray and black magazine cover. Mystical. Must be legit.

If it was cool to be racist, Nike would produce White Power kicks with lightening bolts and nazi symbols. They don’t care about truth, they care about dollars. And for whatever reason they think this helps.

Doesn’t mean anything Kap is doing is correct or worth two shits.
Seriously? Did you miss the comparison with the way Nike dealt with Kapernick. Based on that Enes would have fit in PERFECTLY with the: Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything. It sure sounds like Enes did the real sacrificing.
This is spot on. If Enes had said he hated DT, he would have become the face of Nike.

It’s called hypocrisy.
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. they wouldn't care about Turkish blood money. Turkish money is is Nike's sham of an ad campaign.

Even if they don't care about "Turkish blood money", they STILL have no business incentive to sign him.

Jeez, some of you guys act like these players are entitled to shoe contracts. Well, they're NOT. Shoe companies have no obligation to these guys. They choose to sign the ones who their analysts have concluded will promote future sales, and decline to sponsor the ones who won't. Enes happens to fall in the latter category. That simple.

Corporations, by nature, do not make decisions that they believe will cause them to lose money. It's not about politics, it's purely about business.
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When in the history of humanity has kneeling been considered an act of disrespect? Examples please.
Players do it all the time in numerous sports when a player suffers a bad injury and has to be carted off the field and stuff like that. Guess they are all disrespecting the injured player too smh.
Players do it all the time in numerous sports when a player suffers a bad injury and has to be carted off the field and stuff like that. Guess they are all disrespecting the injured player too smh.

Not to mention the disrespected wives whose husbands took a knee when they proposed. Don't get me started on being knighted. I'm starting a retroactive protest, who's coming with me?
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