Enes Kanter - Nike cowardice

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You say this as if it's a revelation rather than what we already knew. Nike, like all these shoe companies, is a rapacious corporation. Rapacious corporations make their decisions based on whatever's best for the bottom line.

Nike chose to sign Koepernick because its market research analysts studied the issue and concluded it would not hurt them in the end, and probably even boost their worldwide sales (which has proven true). And it chose not to sign Kanter because the same analysts studied the issue and concluded that would hurt their overall sales.

It ain't complicated.

Kewl story bro.
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I do not feel one bit sorry for Kanter. He continuously let's his big mouth overload his ass. He knowingly put his own family in danger with his criticism of the president of his home country. I have zero respect for him.....hes a total moron. You protect your family under every circumstance ...especially when u are here living in luxury in the United States and they are left to deal with the consequences of ur comments. The moment that happened I no longer could stand the guy
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Thomas Jefferson & George Washington would be so proud of you.......

Spica Orbit

How long is his dad in prison for again? 15 years. Yeah, so worth it. I’m sure you wouldn’t mind doing the time.

Lets examine.

the sportswear company has seen a 31% increase in online sales, according to one outside estimate.

Nike sales grew 31% from Sunday through Tuesday over the Labor Day holiday this year compared with the previous year, according to Edison Trends.

Not reported by Nike and anecdotal at best. THREE DAYS worth of estimated online sales. READ. WORDs have meaning.

Now...lets look at the overall controversy and how it had a real negative effect on the NFL. Kaepernick was the start of the kneeling contro.

Television ratings for the NFL rose 5 percent from 2017 to 2018, the league announced Wednesday.

Average viewership for NFL games averaged 15.8 million viewers during the 2018 regular season, excluding London broadcasts. Additionally, average digital streaming viewership for all games was up 86% from last year.

Last season the Kaepernick kneel lost the NFL viewers by the millions.

This season...the Kaepernick keeling ended and guess what...viewers approved.

Conclusion: It is foolish to believe that the Kaepernick ad helped Nike sales while at the same time harming the NFL. But keep bouncing around that same 3-day anecdote.
People are using a lot of correlation = causation up in here.

NFL, Nike, the sports industry in general is multi-faceted with a lot of different factors leading to outcomes.
An even better indicator IMO is that I don't recall seeing Kaepernick on any other Nike adverts. I could be wrong but I think they will not trot him out anymore. They got their one time virtue signal bounce from it...long term effect still TBD.

Well yeah, He's not a professional athlete anymore, unless they think they're going to make money giving large contracts out to political activists. Can't wait for the David Hogg line. :uzi::uzi:

These Turkish-Made Slippers Are the Perfect Travel Shoe


"About an hour north of the Syrian border in Gaziantep, Turkey, one of the oldest cities in the Middle East, a unit of craftsmen (and two women, refugees from Aleppo) work leather and rubber and waxed cotton string into $195 slippers you’ll find in Jeff Bridges’ and Don Lemon’s closets. The footwear is a custom, higher quality adaptation of the shoes that have been crafted in Gaziantep for centuries, shoes Mickey Ashmore received as a gift from his Turkish ex-girlfriend’s grandmother when he was working in Istanbul for Microsoft in 2011.

“I loved them,” Ashmore says. After moving to New York for a hedge fund job in 2013, “I would wear them with my tuxedo and out and running around the office. I got connected to the family that made them to ask for another pair, but I suggested a few changes.” No curled genie toe. Better leather. Rubber on the sole, “because the traditional leather sole is slippery and got destroyed in New York.” The workshop sent Ashmore a new pair made to his specs, and he was elated. “A few months later, I ordered 100 more,” and the Sabah brand was born."

[laughing] Nike who?
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Lets examine.

Not reported by Nike and anecdotal at best. THREE DAYS worth of estimated online sales. READ. WORDs have meaning.

Now...lets look at the overall controversy and how it had a real negative effect on the NFL. Kaepernick was the start of the kneeling contro.

Last season the Kaepernick kneel lost the NFL viewers by the millions.

This season...the Kaepernick keeling ended and guess what...viewers approved.

Conclusion: It is foolish to believe that the Kaepernick ad helped Nike sales while at the same time harming the NFL. But keep bouncing around that same 3-day anecdote.

This is such shortsighted and flawed bunk.

Look, it's not debatable whether Koepernick helped or hurt Nike sales, the numbers speak for themselves. It helped. Sales went way UP--shooting up 31 percent--in the months after the ad, not down. That's just a FACT you can't spin your way around.

And, sorry, but what the hell do NFL ratings have to do with the Nike discussion? You do realize the NFL and Nike are two entirely different things, right?

There are very logical explanations for why supporting Koepernick helped Nike but hurt the NFL. The demographic that stopped watching NFL because of it were overwhelmingly conservative white American pro football fans. That block represents a huge portion of the NFL's overall customer base, but a VERY SMALL portion of Nike's.

Nike markets to a demographic that is immensely broader politically, racially, ethnically, and most importantly WORLDWIDE (as opposed to the NFL's, which is mostly confined to only one country). Those other folks tend to have a different take on the Koepernick story than the pissed off white conservative NFL fans.

Plus the Koepernick story was being followed by a ton of people who are NOT football fans, not only here, but also around the world. And international opinion on the story leaned hugely in Koepernick's favor. And thus non-football fans and non-Americans tended to react quite favorably to Nike's support of Koepernick.

These are the reasons why it helped Nike, rather than hurting as guys like yourself thought it would. It ALSO is what the Nike research analysts and executives had already figured out would happen, which is why they gave him the deal. Nike executives were thinking chess, guys like you were thinking checkers.
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This is such shortsighted and flawed bunk.

Look, it's NOT debatable whether Koepernick helped or hurt Nike sales, the numbers speak for themselves. It helped, in fact it helped a LOT. The ad resulted in sales going way UP in the months after the ad, not down. That's just a FACT you can't spin your way around.

And, sorry, but what the hell do NFL ratings have to do with the Nike discussion? You do realize the NFL and Nike are two entirely different things, right?

There are very logical explanations for why supporting Koepernick helped Nike but hurt the NFL. The demographic that stopped watching the NFL because of it were overwhelmingly conservative/right leaning white American NFL fans. That block represents a huge portion of the NFL's overall customer base, but a very SMALL portion of Nike's.

Nike markets to a demographic that is immensely broader politically, racially, ethnically, and most importantly WORLDWIDE (as opposed to the NFL's, which is mostly confined to only one country). Those other folks tended to have a different take on the Koepernick story than the pissed off NFL fans.

And it's worth noting the Koepernick story was being followed by a ton of people who are NOT football fans, not only here, but also around the world. And international opinion on the story leaned hugely in Koepernick's favor. And thus non-football fans and non-Americans tended to react quite favorably to Nike's support of Koepernick.

These are the reasons why it helped Nike, rather than hurting as guys like yourself thought it would. It ALSO is what the Nike research analysts and executives had already figured out would happen, which is why they gave him the deal. Nike executives were thinking chess, guys like you were thinking checkers.


You should link to your evidence. Guess what... there is none. Your outside online estimate is meaningless. Back up your post with facts.

You should link to your evidence. Guess what... there is none. Your outside online estimate is meaningless. Back up your post with facts.

LOL. I'm the only one here who's provided any facts actually relevant to the issue. You now know you're wrong, but can't bring yourself to concede. So whatever.
LOL. I'm the only one here who's provided any facts actually relevant to the issue. You now know you're wrong, but can't bring yourself to concede. So whatever.

Seriously? You are wasting my time. If you are hanging your hat on that 3-day estimate of online sales never verified by Nike itself..

BTW.. where are all the rest of the Kaepernick ads? Why stop running a huge 3day money maker?

Fact...Nike revenues/income up because of international sales growth and current US tax policy.
Well no...the NFL players do not have a union contract with Nike that calls out collusion. It's probably a little over your head.

lol. Oh something is over someone's head, for certain. As an unsigned free agent, teams are under no collective bargaining Obligation to sign anyone they don't want to sign, just as nike is under no obligation to ink a contract with Enes. Not only is blackballing extremely difficult to prove, it's doubly so when Kaepernick was offered a contract by the Broncos, and Turned it down. Did John Elway not get the "collusion" memo?
Seriously? You are wasting my time. If you are hanging your hat on that 3-day estimate of online sales never verified by Nike itself..

BTW.. where are all the rest of the Kaepernick ads? Why stop running a huge 3day money maker?

Fact...Nike revenues/income up because of international sales growth and current US tax policy.

Nike domestic sales have been steady the last 3 years, before any current tax policy impact.
Seriously? Did you miss the comparison with the way Nike dealt with Kapernick. Based on that Enes would have fit in PERFECTLY with the: Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything. It sure sounds like Enes did the real sacrificing.
Mods, please move to the political thread.
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Like they sell sosoooooooo many shoes in Turkey ..

Well they have 40+ Nike stores in Turkey. Average sales per sq ft globally for Nike stores per year is $469. The average Nike store is 13,200 sq ft for average yearly Nike store sales of $6.2 million. Times 40 stores would be a little over $250 million annually in Turkey.
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The treatment of Enes Kanter should make all Americans upset but unfortunately it does not because many Americans agree America is the evil one. If Enes Speaks out against Islamic countries he is bad and must be punished. And he is.

Yes, I 100% agree. The way Enes has been denied the chance to earn a living is horrid.

I am not sure how he survives in America with the opportunity to only make $20.1 million this year and $73 million since 2012. I really feel his struggle.
pretty ironic that there are no doubt people on this thread that are pro corporate capitalism AND don't have the most positive views on Islam, are criticizing this.

just a little irony here.
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What do you think the reason is why shoe companies give athletes endorsement deals? As charity?

Seriously? Did you miss the comparison with the way Nike dealt with Kapernick. Based on that Enes would have fit in PERFECTLY with the: Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything. It sure sounds like Enes did the real sacrificing.
Nike domestic sales have been steady the last 3 years, before any current tax policy impact.

I referenced tax policy effect on income. Global sales up affected revenue. Yes sales are up in 2018 but the Kaepernick ad did not run until Sept. Long term effect tbd.
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Enes is responsible for sending his father to prison and basically ruining his life. On the other hand, their president is a piece of shit, and ultimately responsible for all of it. Probably a situation where Enes should have just kept his mouth shut, because he hasn’t changed anything.

As for Nike. Right is right. Wrong is wrong. Money > Ethics.
keep your mouth shut, if you can't change anything?

this board would not exist do you know you CAN'T cause change, if you don't try?
I don’t think the point is that Enes deserved a Nike campaign. The point is that they’re huge hypocrites for acting like they’re social activists, even in the face of adversity. It’s disingenuous. Nike doesn’t deserve any credit for serving as a platform for equality any more than Colin Kaepernick. They’re both frauds.
Well they have 40+ Nike stores in Turkey. Average sales per sq ft globally for Nike stores per year is $469. The average Nike store is 13,200 sq ft for average yearly Nike store sales of $6.2 million. Times 40 stores would be a little over $250 million annually in Turkey.

Im not disputing your info. I appreciate it. but do you have a link?

The entire narrative created by that one "study" to say Nike sales were up....was just a headline passed as fact. Actual reading of the piece gave no evidence to back up the point. Your info is interesting.
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