Empty seats sending UK a message?

That's fine in your individual case, @IL Wildcat . Story is talking about aggregate numbers in the thousands here.
He's talking about roughly 1000 more empty seats than 2 years ago. Having to wear a mask in Rupp might be one issue. Covid concerns could easily scare off that many. Given that we're talking about mostly season ticket holders, it may be the level of competition. I don't think it has anything to do with Cal or the coaching staff. It seems Story here is thinking the weak competition is the main issue. It could be, but just try to go to UK Athletics and find a ticket for any upcoming game. There are a few tickets left here and there, but try to find 5 tickets together or 10 tickets together (which is what I would need), good luck. Like I said above, if people are paying for the tickets and then just not showing up, UK isn't getting that message. If they REALLY want to send a message, get rid of your season tickets, don't buy any tickets. Losing $$ is the only thing UK is going to hear.
Living 4.5 hours away puts you in a smaller category. There are many people still within the state even less than 1.5 hours away that, for various reasons, are no longer clamoring for a way to get to Rupp. I don't know how to explain you seeing almost sold out early season games but on TV the uppers especially appear rather empty around the edges. I do attribute shrinking attendance to a degree to what's happening nationally. Times are a changing.
Yes, I can agree with some of what you are saying here. Times are definitely changing. People just aren't attending sporting events as they once did. High Def television is hard to beat. I would still love to go to at least one game every year just for the experience, but I can sit in my recliner in my living room, watch the game in high definition, eat a meal with my family, and have a much better view of all the action. The truth is, attendance at sporting events is down across the board all over the country- pro sports, collegiate sports, high school sports. I'm sure there are multiple reasons for this but that is the trend.
It's just turning into an overall better experience to watch at home on a nice ass TV that the picture is so clear it lets you count the blades of grass.
Huge difference that people don't put enough weight on. Not only can i have drinks in the comfort of my home or at a bar....but look at tv clarity, especially for sporting events not a tv show in a studio, from even 10 years ago compared to today, much less 15 years ago. It is night and day difference. Use to going to a game meant you had a fun atmosphere and you could honestly see the game and players better. Now, I can see the game better and be comfortable at my house.
He's talking about roughly 1000 more empty seats than 2 years ago. Having to wear a mask in Rupp might be one issue. Covid concerns could easily scare off that many. Given that we're talking about mostly season ticket holders, it may be the level of competition. I don't think it has anything to do with Cal or the coaching staff. It seems Story here is thinking the weak competition is the main issue. It could be, but just try to go to UK Athletics and find a ticket for any upcoming game. There are a few tickets left here and there, but try to find 5 tickets together or 10 tickets together (which is what I would need), good luck. Like I said above, if people are paying for the tickets and then just not showing up, UK isn't getting that message. If they REALLY want to send a message, get rid of your season tickets, don't buy any tickets. Losing $$ is the only thing UK is going to hear.
Like I've said multiple times ... I really think it's a combination of these 3 things above all else:

1.) We've been playing pretty bad basketball in November and December lately. So bad that we have actually lost to some bad, bad opponents in Rupp. That sure doesn't help.

2.) Piggy backs off #1. Not only are we playing a pretty bad home schedule, we've even managed to lose to a couple of those teams in recent years. When you have a big group of the fanbase now saying "only March matters, who cares what happens in November!" don't be surprised if less people start showing up in November. We're being conditioned to not think these games matter much anymore and the attendance is reflecting that.

3.) The revolving door of players. It's just getting harder and harder to really get invested in a brand new team every year that you know is pretty much all going to be gone the next season. This isn't the biggest thing. If we were going to the Final Four every other year with a brand new team, I don't think it would be as much of a factor.

These are not controversial takes and I think probably the most accurate collection of causation to the drop in attendance that you are going to find. Then COVID might be a factor ... but I think a very small one.
I'll say this regarding watching in person vs. watching at home. Yes, I have a great home theater setup where me and my little 7 year old guy can sit and watch a game on a beautiful 65" TV with a bathroom 10" away and anything we want to eat and drink. And all in the comfort of our home, saving a ton of $$$ vs what it costs to attend a game.

All this being said I took my 7 year old who loves watching the games on TV with me to the Vandy-UK football game Saturday night, and he can't stop talking about it. Something about that in person experience that is more inconvenient but you just can't replicate it at home.
It ain't covid and it aint the price, not saying theyaren't somewhat factors. It's more than they want to admit. Some things that happened last year turned fans off. Fans are also tiring of UK being a turnstile for players 8 months.
You are 100% correct ! Look at the attendance at FB games...60,000--80,000 in stands. Price may have some to do with it. Family of 4 that has to drive 2-3 hours has to pay for gas. tickets & food. Better just to stay home and watch. All of this WOKE crap they can shove it where the sun don't shine.
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Like I've said multiple times ... I really think it's a combination of these 3 things above all else:

1.) We've been playing pretty bad basketball in November and December lately. So bad that we have actually lost to some bad, bad opponents in Rupp. That sure doesn't help.

2.) Piggy backs off #1. Not only are we playing a pretty bad home schedule, we've even managed to lose to a couple of those teams in recent years. When you have a big group of the fanbase now saying "only March matters, who cares what happens in November!" don't be surprised if less people start showing up in November. We're being conditioned to not think these games matter much anymore and the attendance is reflecting that.

3.) The revolving door of players. It's just getting harder and harder to really get invested in a brand new team every year that you know is pretty much all going to be gone the next season. This isn't the biggest thing. If we were going to the Final Four every other year with a brand new team, I don't think it would be as much of a factor.

These are not controversial takes and I think probably the most accurate collection of causation to the drop in attendance that you are going to find. Then COVID might be a factor ... but I think a very small one.
If you can’t watch Oscar play for 5 minutes and not be invested in him then you are past the point of rescue.
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I think part of the reason is Covid. People don’t want to have to wear a mask. I’m a season ticket holder, and did not go to one game last year, and none so far this year. Having to wear a mask is why.
I think that's part of the reason ...but the 3 I outlined above are what I believe are the biggest factors that are driving attendance downward.
He's talking about roughly 1000 more empty seats than 2 years ago. Having to wear a mask in Rupp might be one issue. Covid concerns could easily scare off that many. Given that we're talking about mostly season ticket holders, it may be the level of competition. I don't think it has anything to do with Cal or the coaching staff. It seems Story here is thinking the weak competition is the main issue. It could be, but just try to go to UK Athletics and find a ticket for any upcoming game. There are a few tickets left here and there, but try to find 5 tickets together or 10 tickets together (which is what I would need), good luck. Like I said above, if people are paying for the tickets and then just not showing up, UK isn't getting that message. If they REALLY want to send a message, get rid of your season tickets, don't buy any tickets. Losing $$ is the only thing UK is going to hear.
My hope is that ALL of the ticket scalpers that buy up the extra tickets before the season starts get STUCK with enough that it NO LONGER becomes profitable to do that. I have a feeling that is EXACTLY what's happening since UK doesn't have any but ALL of the ticket broker companies DO.

So, if enough of those tickets go unsold, the SCALPERS will STOP buying them up and they will become available to the public at face value. The great seats are NEVER available, because the demand for them is ALWAYS high, but the not so good ones going unsold by scalpers, will hopefully make them stop buying them.

I am a UK football season ticket holder(30 years) and WAS a UK Basketball season ticket holder(now I use the money I spent on them to travel to Neutral Site Games in NYC, Vegas, etc. which is actually cheaper). UK Athletics needs to make it EASIER for FAMILIES to attend games. Instead of ALLOWING scalpers to buy up seats, why not have ENTIRE sections that are for JUST families? It would PROMOTE UK sports and introduce an ENTIRELY new generation to what it's like to actually attend LIVE. This younger generation has SO MANY options for entertainment, UK Basketball and Football needs to entice younger potential fans to come to games.

The drop off will continue until it becomes feasible to actually go in person.
I think part of the reason is Covid. People don’t want to have to wear a mask. I’m a season ticket holder, and did not go to one game last year, and none so far this year. Having to wear a mask is why.
So what do you do with your tickets?
Its just funny that you are insinuating that Mark Story knows exactly how millions of people are feeling at any moment. Mark's work is great but Mark has no clue why Nancy in Mt Vernon decided she should stay home tonight instead of heading to Rupp.
Mark Story is about a decade late in addressing declining crowds at sporting events. Even high school sporting events draw less than they used to. People have new ways to entertain themselves due to technology.
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Big difference between opposing views and disrespecting this country and the ones that have served and died in defense of this country.

1. The military doesn’t own or have a monopoly on the flag or the national anthem. We all own it equally.
2. Non-violent demonstrations are much more American in theory than advocating for mandatory or compulsory patriotism
3. Symbols are symbols and mean different things to different people.
Declining attendance is a thing nationwide at every level from high school to pro.

I live two hours from Lexington. Here are my reasons for attending fewer games each season:

Four hour round trip (gas money + late starts make it impossible to get a good night’s sleep before work the next day)
Parking sucks and is too expensive
Downtown Lexington sucks to drive in
Ticket prices are unreasonable, especially for November cupcakes
Have a nice home theater setup
Free parking
Much cheaper concessions
Can eat, drink and smoke as much weed as I want during the game without worrying about how I’ll get home.
Huge difference that people don't put enough weight on. Not only can i have drinks in the comfort of my home or at a bar....but look at tv clarity, especially for sporting events not a tv show in a studio, from even 10 years ago compared to today, much less 15 years ago. It is night and day difference. Use to going to a game meant you had a fun atmosphere and you could honestly see the game and players better. Now, I can see the game better and be comfortable at my house.
And you don't have to deal with the lunatics that seem to be everywhere today.
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I've had season tickets for 30 years..never missed a home game under Pitino.It was a fun atmosphere..missed a few under Tubby mostly late in his stay.Gillispie sucked and shouldnt never been hired but mitch wanted a Billy and got the wrong one.Under Cal it has been fun but prices have increased ridiculous but my main thing on not renewing my tickets is Covid.Much safer to watch on my big screen in the safety of my home.I love UK but my safety is more important than going to Rupp with 20000 people whom I know nothing about.Times have changed and that's just the way it is.
The fact that you think a person having respect for the flag and what it symbolizes (our freedom and the men and women who have died for it) makes them a “far right wing nut” tells me all I need to know about you.
Never said having respect for the flag and what it symbolizes makes you a right wing nut. I ALWAYS stand at attention for the national anthem and remove my hat. My brother was hit by a Taliban grenade in Afghanistan and lived to tell about it. I'm all about respect for our country. But I also respect our Constitution and the freedoms it guarantees. I am just not a fan of forced patriotism. That is more in tune with North Korea/China and the way they force their citizens to behave.
You and I can stand for the flag anytime we want....but I won't force others or condemn them if they have a reason for not doing so. We can differ on this but that is also your right as an American and I won't put you on ignore because of it. 😉
Yea the kneeling thing was beat with a dead horse last year. Think if people want to debate the angry kneeling crowd, go the political thread and they’ll be happy to post Twitter memes to reinforce their arguments.

For the record, my official take on it is this...
Players should now kneel every game to protest the ridiculous nature of the argument.
Never said having respect for the flag and what it symbolizes makes you a right wing nut. I ALWAYS stand at attention for the national anthem and remove my hat. My brother was hit by a Taliban grenade in Afghanistan and lived to tell about it. I'm all about respect for our country. But I also respect our Constitution and the freedoms it guarantees. I am just not a fan of forced patriotism. That is more in tune with North Korea/China and the way they force their citizens to behave.
You and I can stand for the flag anytime we want....but I won't force others or condemn them if they have a reason for not doing so. We can differ on this but that is also your right as an American and I won't put you on ignore because of it. 😉

Agree on all points. I’m certainly not for forced patriotism, or forced anything. However, my rebuttal would be that 90% of the people who have knelt for the anthem over the last couple of years don’t actually have a reason... they’re just doing it because somebody else (who they admire/respect/follow for whatever reason) also did it.

In your previous post, you said some UK fans “hate on the program for their stance on current issues facing the country”. But I can almost guarantee you that if you had asked the players who knelt last year what those issues actually were and what their stance on them actually is, they couldn’t tell you. They certainly didn’t explain their motives at the time. And that type of groupthink, heard mentality is just as much of a slippery slope as that forced patriotism you speak of.
I'm sure covid has something to do with it. But the product is not what it used to be either
Last year was a disgrace to the university and to the fans. A lot of fans are tired of the
double talk & BS that Cal continually spews. I personally lost all respect for him when
he did not defend Coach Rupp when there was talk of removing his name. Just a total
slap in the face of the man that built UK basketball. Once again, this showed his arrogance
and disrespect for the fans.
Personally, I wouldn't drive 2+ hours to get there, try to find parking & then drive 2+ hours
back home.

Agree on all points. I’m certainly not for forced patriotism, or forced anything. However, my rebuttal would be that 90% of the people who have knelt for the anthem over the last couple of years don’t actually have a reason... they’re just doing it because somebody else (who they admire/respect/follow for whatever reason) also did it.

In your previous post, you said some UK fans “hate on the program for their stance on current issues facing the country”. But I can almost guarantee you that if you had asked the players who knelt last year what those issues actually were and what their stance on them actually is, they couldn’t tell you. They certainly didn’t explain their motives at the time. And that type of groupthink, heard mentality is just as much of a slippery slope as that forced patriotism you speak of.
Wasn’t it reported the team went to Cal and told him they wanted to kneel. He sat down with them and had them tell him why they felt strongly about doing it. He then told them what ever they decided he would support. And honestly they didn’t owe you or any of the other OWG on here any explanation. They did it one time. They made their point. And went out and played the best game of the season. If anyone can’t get past that find something else to do. 10% of the fan base is dead wood that needs pitched over the side. Cal will be here as long as he wants and not a second less. Either get on board or don’t.
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A related question needs to be about TV ratings. I'll bet there's also a corresponding drop off in those. Fan interest in the program has declined and you can't say that it's because of high definition TVs.

It's the revolving door of players along with putting the players, NBA draft above the performance of the program. We don't give the impression of being all in on winning games and championships and it's difficult to get as excited about that. The mystery injuries, lack of opponent prep, lack of adjustments, not playing the players that give you the best chance to win, etc, etc, make it hard to get invested in a college basketball team.
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Is it mainly due to the Amazon deliveries?
a lot of it is because Amazon, but Mondays especially are awful because of the mail volume, along with the first of the month. We have started to come in at 5:30 AM to get packages delivered then come back and get all our mail sorted and loaded up then go deliver it.
At game will send pics later but only thing comparable to current attendance is like a KY Sweet 16 game. Many reasons...
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Agree on all points. I’m certainly not for forced patriotism, or forced anything. However, my rebuttal would be that 90% of the people who have knelt for the anthem over the last couple of years don’t actually have a reason... they’re just doing it because somebody else (who they admire/respect/follow for whatever reason) also did it.

In your previous post, you said some UK fans “hate on the program for their stance on current issues facing the country”. But I can almost guarantee you that if you had asked the players who knelt last year what those issues actually were and what their stance on them actually is, they couldn’t tell you. They certainly didn’t explain their motives at the time. And that type of groupthink, heard mentality is just as much of a slippery slope as that forced patriotism you speak of.
I have no interest getting into this here, but it should be pretty obvious why they were doing it, considering what was going on at the time.
In other news ripped from the headlines-

"People sweat when they do things ...." - NYT

"Babies Still Pooping Uncontrollably" - CNN

"We Think The Big Ten Should Be In the Playoff" - ESPN

Only message anyone will be getting is to raise ticket prices to make up for the seats that go unclaimed.
Wasn’t it reported the team went to Cal and told him they wanted to kneel. He sat down with them and had them tell him why they felt strongly about doing it. He then told them what ever they decided he would support. And honestly they didn’t owe you or any of the other OWG on here any explanation. They did it one time. They made their point. And went out and played the best game of the season. If anyone can’t get past that find something else to do. 10% of the fan base is dead wood that needs pitched over the side. Cal will be here as long as he wants and not a second less. Either get on board or don’t.
And I don’t owe Cal or you or anyone an explanation for not attending games or supporting. Works both ways Edward.

Weird... It seems that the people who don't really know what it means to work for a living, and can do their "work" in their underwear while drinking a beer... forgot that nearly EVERY COMPANY/employer ON THE FACE OF THE CONTINENTAL U.S. can't find enough workers. So it must be some "SIGN OR SIGNAL" maybe even an "ominous harbinger" of some kind that the upper level concessions are closed.

I was there a few times for exhibition like games in the mid 2000s and the upper level concessions were closed then, too. Do these trogs even go to the games anymore?
Wasn’t it reported the team went to Cal and told him they wanted to kneel. He sat down with them and had them tell him why they felt strongly about doing it. He then told them what ever they decided he would support. And honestly they didn’t owe you or any of the other OWG on here any explanation. They did it one time. They made their point. And went out and played the best game of the season. If anyone can’t get past that find something else to do. 10% of the fan base is dead wood that needs pitched over the side. Cal will be here as long as he wants and not a second less. Either get on board or don’t.
"As long as he wants." No. As long as some of the boosters will continue to tolerate him. But he's been teetering for a long time...