Empty seats sending UK a message?

Just out of curiosity.. what schedule in year's past would you like to see?

The FIRST one I googled was 89/90.. At home, in OOC, we played Ohio, Tennessee Tech, Furman, Portland, Louisana, UNC and Louisville? Is that schedule any better than what we've seen in recent years (This schedule this year is admittedly not great).

In the very next season, we played Penn, Kansas, Chattanooga, WKU, Louisville.. Ok, SLIGHTLY better. But not sure I see THAT much of a difference between these home OOC schedules and the ones of today.

A better one than this putrid pitiful excuse of a home schedule. Last few years, cal continues to schedule key games at neutral sites. That's nice for viewers but noone should be shocked when people don't show to crap home games.

Tv only plays a part because of the other factors. Football comes on tv too but those games sold out.
Casino's have far less traffic then they did pre-covid
a lot of people are still scared to be in big crowds
i have a feeling it is going to take a couple more years for things to get back to normal as far as crowds are concerned
22 &24...will determine how quickly things get back to normal.
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Covid is a factor, especially for older fans. The schedule is a factor, play a couple of non conference games against someone besides a tomato can and you will see a big crowd. UK playing poorly in November and December is also a factor, I can watch us lose to Evansville at home. Finally UK having worst year last season in nearly 100 years is a factor. Some of these things will remedy themselves, some may not.
I think the lack of weekend games impacts attendance as well. There are many fans like myself that live 2-3 hours away. So Saturday games were ideal for the family. I am not taking my kids out of school to drive like a maniac to make a 7:00 pm tip on a Friday night. We used to come to the lesser opponent games because we could get tickets to those. We would come down for a Saturday game, spend the night and see family. Just much more difficult now,.
I'm not paying hundreds of dollars just for tickets, driving 80 miles to get there to watch them play Popcorn State while the cost of beverages is astronomical. Crazy I went to every home game Cals first year.

But I do go to every SEC tournament cause the crowds are infinitely better, especially in 2010 with Boogies shot getting off his fingers a millisecond before the horn went off.

I salute those that still go too Rupp for games.
I gave up my season tickets due to covid.I didnt feel it was safe and I'm vaccinated but I dont know who is vaccinated and who isn't in a large gathering so I watch from the comfort and safety in my living room and if that is a poor excuse then so be it.
You do realize that vaccinated people can carry and transmit the virus just like unvaccinated people can?
From 2019 article

Big Blue Nation has a secession problem. Some of its most devoted citizens have bailed — at least physically — on Kentucky basketball.
Attendance is down, so much so that a renovation that will reduce Rupp Arena’s capacity by 3,000 seats moves forward without protest.

No-shows are on the rise, so much so that more than 28 percent of the tickets distributed this season have not registered on arena scans.

Pricing, parking, scheduling, seating, supply, demand, the economic theory of marginal utility, one-and-done culture and television technology were all mentioned by Kentucky fans among contributing causes for the erosion of a fan base that has ranked first or second in college basketball attendance every season since Rupp Arena opened in 1976.

Jeremy Curtis, a UK fan from western Kentucky, says his family has four upper-level season tickets, but he has not attended a game since 2011.

“At first, the excitement of being able to drive up and back for a game was worth it,” he said, “but that was soon replaced with the ease of watching every game in front of a 50+ inch TV in the comfort of our home, not to mention the cost savings of parking and food.”

This is a common refrain heard within Kentucky’s uncommonly devout fan base. Spectators accustomed to backless benches in the upper level of Rupp Arena have been leaving a larger proportion of those seats empty, often absorbing the price of a prepaid ticket while the Wildcats plow through the cupcake portion of their schedule.


At the end of the day, few are going to pay the prices UK is asking to watching the men's basketball team play crap basketball against a no name team. Taking the big name games off the home schedule means season tickets are sales are dependent on SEC games being a draw.

The large screen argument has merit, but were tickets sales an issue between 2010 and 2015? It doesn't appear to be. There was some decline I'm sure, but the secondary market was still strong to see Cal put a team of final four talent on the floor. Its only when the revolving door of OAD players who didn't accomplish anything at UK and the rep of Cal pushing player potential over player contribution during games did lack of butts in seats started to get noticed.

It doesn't matter where your political opinions are on this, the kneeling did have an effect to some degree. Kentucky , even with this democratic governor Ky is a solidly red state. Kneeling is a divisive topic that spans across both blue and white collar. The point is, during a time when people are actively choosing to stay home, you don't give a segment of the fan base another reason. And worse, you don't decide that a segment of the fan base isn't needed because of their political leanings. You're just making the potential pool of people smaller to go to Rupp, especially those who may be inclined to go to a cupcake game for the experience because they can't afford the "big" name games. Sports used to be the one outlet where politics didn't matter. The only Red/Blue that mattered was the color of the sports team you wore to the game. Now people are telling UK fans they shouldn't go to games because of who they voted for. Its counter productive to the program, and for the team to take a position they are asking for fallout. Come support the cats but ignore them taking on a hot button political topic during a game. Just doesn't work that way.

UK has made a calculated guess on the loyalty of the UK fans base. They were wrong. Ticket prices, scheduling, the make up of the team - collectively has pushed fans away from seeing the Cats play in person, something that was unthinkable just 10 years ago. The last thing anyone needs to be doing is coming up with more reasons to make attending games less desirable.
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Casino's have far less traffic then they did pre-covid
a lot of people are still scared to be in big crowds
i have a feeling it is going to take a couple more years for things to get back to normal as far as crowds are concerned
It will take a few years for these idiots to stop with mandates, until people say enough it will never stop. That’s why we are in year 2 of 15 days to slow the curve.
From 2019 article

Big Blue Nation has a secession problem. Some of its most devoted citizens have bailed — at least physically — on Kentucky basketball.
Attendance is down, so much so that a renovation that will reduce Rupp Arena’s capacity by 3,000 seats moves forward without protest.

No-shows are on the rise, so much so that more than 28 percent of the tickets distributed this season have not registered on arena scans.

Pricing, parking, scheduling, seating, supply, demand, the economic theory of marginal utility, one-and-done culture and television technology were all mentioned by Kentucky fans among contributing causes for the erosion of a fan base that has ranked first or second in college basketball attendance every season since Rupp Arena opened in 1976.

Jeremy Curtis, a UK fan from western Kentucky, says his family has four upper-level season tickets, but he has not attended a game since 2011.

“At first, the excitement of being able to drive up and back for a game was worth it,” he said, “but that was soon replaced with the ease of watching every game in front of a 50+ inch TV in the comfort of our home, not to mention the cost savings of parking and food.”

This is a common refrain heard within Kentucky’s uncommonly devout fan base. Spectators accustomed to backless benches in the upper level of Rupp Arena have been leaving a larger proportion of those seats empty, often absorbing the price of a prepaid ticket while the Wildcats plow through the cupcake portion of their schedule.


At the end of the day, few are going to pay the prices UK is asking to watching the men's basketball team play crap basketball against a no name team. Taking the big name games off the home schedule means season tickets are sales are dependent on SEC games being a draw.

The large screen argument has merit, but were tickets sales an issue between 2010 and 2015? It doesn't appear to be. There was some decline I'm sure, but the secondary market was still strong to see Cal put a team of final four talent on the floor. Its only when the revolving door of OAD players who didn't accomplish anything at UK and the rep of Cal pushing player potential over player contribution during games did lack of butts in seats started to get noticed.

It doesn't matter where your political opinions are on this, the kneeling did have an effect to some degree. Kentucky , even with this democratic governor Ky is a solidly red state. Kneeling is a divisive topic that spans across both blue and white collar. The point is, during a time when people are actively choosing to stay home, you don't give a segment of the fan base another reason. And worse, you don't decide that a segment of the fan base isn't needed because of their political leanings. You're just making the potential pool of people smaller to go to Rupp, especially those who may be inclined to go to a cupcake game for the experience because they can't afford the "big" name games. Sports used to be the one outlet where politics didn't matter. The only Red/Blue that mattered was the color of the sports team you wore to the game. Now people are telling UK fans they shouldn't go to games because of who they voted for. Its counter productive to the program, and for the team to take a position they are asking for fallout. Come support the cats but ignore them taking on a hot button political topic during a game. Just doesn't work that way.

UK has made a calculated guess on the loyalty of the UK fans base. They were wrong. Ticket prices, scheduling, the make up of the team - collectively has pushed fans away from seeing the Cats play in person, something that was unthinkable just 10 years ago. The last thing anyone needs to be doing is coming up with more reasons to make attending games less desirable.
We had been asking to get rid of those god awful bleachers for years. I’m so glad they finally did it. I’d go all the time if it wasn’t for the Covid stuff.
You do realize that vaccinated people can carry and transmit the virus just like unvaccinated people can?
Oh yes but I chose to give up my tickets because no matter how careful one might be and we can wear masks all game long as well in Rupp it's highly probable that someone who isn't vaccinated will remove their mask and if they are infected knowing or unknowing spread it so I have chosen to try to keep as healthy as I possibly can.Its not a money thing for me.I love UK...its all about my safety .
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times have changed,people would rather watch it at the house.
The college game in general sucks now. With UK it could be a function of no name opponents, poor play by a team that the fans do not know. Every year it’s a new bunch of kids trying out for the NBA. Really no need to pay attention to Cal’s annual shit show
Who though? Do you actually know people that have literally stopped watching UK to this day?

I mean the guy above has whined about Calipari here for YEARS! Probably spent days of his life hand-wringing over him.. and yet, he told us he still watches the games, still supports the team.

I think some people just got pissy about differing political opinions., but aside from the extremists, no one just gave up what they love, at least not for long.. My dad said he'd never watch the NFL anymore.. well, the kneeling stopped and there he is, enjoying his Buffalo Bills.
Bills fan, nice! Was he from around there? I grew up in Syracuse and my grandfather had season tickets. Strongest man I ever knew and cried when it went wide.
times have changed,people would rather watch it at the house.
Well if all we have to watch is Robert Morris and Mount St. Mary's yes I would rather save my money and time and watch the game at home on TV, now if they stakes were a bit higher I would not mind the expense of the tickets the drive etc and go to Rupp for a game.
Calipari and the team were cowards. When they did that during the National Anthem IN FLORIDA, they chose to disrespect the University of Florida, as well as all military/law enforcement officers who willingly risk their lives every single day. If that doesn't bother you, so be it. But it did upset a lot of people.

Why didn't they do it at a home game? We know why. They would have been booed off the floor and hundreds (if not more) would have left Rupp Arena right then.

I am a UK Grad. I want UK to win every game in every sport. That will never change.

And I will always remember what Calipari allowed on an opposing team's court. Do it at a home game and see how it goes over.
You kids get off my lawn. Why I ought to ….
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If anthem kneeling is a real reason for the lack of fans(news flash it’s not), then I say good riddance to those folks. With their apparent intelligence level it’s quite remarkable they ever made it to the arena anyways. Our veterans put their lives on the line so that our citizens can have the freedom to kneel down when they want to it’s a free country. This isn’t China we shouldn’t be scared of the state when we don’t obey.

But in reality it really is just a few yokels that keep bringing it up there’s no legitimacy to that claim what so ever
Excellent post
A better one than this putrid pitiful excuse of a home schedule. Last few years, cal continues to schedule key games at neutral sites. That's nice for viewers but noone should be shocked when people don't show to crap home games.

Tv only plays a part because of the other factors. Football comes on tv too but those games sold out.
You can’t compare football and basketball. Football is only 7-8 games, always on Saturday, and tailgating makes it a day long event. Basketball is fighting downtown for a two hour game on random nights
You do realize that vaccinated people can carry and transmit the virus just like unvaccinated people can?
You do realize over 90 percent of people in the hospital ICU for Covid are unvaxxed?
Not trying to argue....just trying to let you know that in case you didn't.
Some not attending may not wanna get vaxxed but also avoid crowds knowing the high risk of hospitalization they face if older or with underlying conditions.
Interesting. My congregation is back to 80% pre-covid but many people prefer on line. Basketball ticket prices are outrageous. High definition tv has spoiled us all.
I agree. Plus , every game is televised live . I remember when you had to wait till 1130 to watch the replay on some gAmes .I will admit some of my fondest memories are ,me in my pajamas and my Dad watching a UK game after midnight on a school night because he let me stay up .
I agree. Plus , every game is televised live . I remember when you had to wait till 1130 to watch the replay on some gAmes .I will admit some of my fondest memories are ,me in my pajamas and my Dad watching a UK game after midnight on a school night because he let me stay up .
scarcity increases value, so maybe we should add SEC Network as another reason

I remember watching tape delayed games where our local TV station would play them after the 10PM news. The sports anchor (WHAMMY!) would tell us ahead of time when he was about to give the score and give us time to turn the volume down. Every kid at school the next day would be tired
Oh yes but I chose to give up my tickets because no matter how careful one might be and we can wear masks all game long as well in Rupp it's highly probable that someone who isn't vaccinated will remove their mask and if they are infected knowing or unknowing spread it so I have chosen to try to keep as healthy as I possibly can.Its not a money thing for me.I love UK...its all about my safety .
But just to clarify...I completely understand the complaints about the pricing.I had season tickets for years.I can remember my wife taking a bag of popcorn and a few sodas in her bag and we would snack on that...of course it's hard to do that now...Concession prices are ridiculous but my primary reason for not renewing is covid.
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Us season ticket holders who live 3 hours away cannot make it to the games during the week. When we are able to go through the week, attendance has always been down. Games on a Saturday or Sunday will continue to be when the bulk of our fans will get to go. It has been like that for 20+ years...
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It will take a few years for these idiots to stop with mandates, until people say enough it will never stop. That’s why we are in year 2 of 15 days to slow the curve.
What mandates are you talking about? The only thing I can find is "encouragement" to wear a mask at Rupp Arena. Maybe quit watching 24/7 news and become more informative of the world around you. Every day life has returned to normal in most places.
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scarcity increases value, so maybe we should add SEC Network as another reason

I remember watching tape delayed games where our local TV station would play them after the 10PM news. The sports anchor (WHAMMY!) would tell us ahead of time when he was about to give the score and give us time to turn the volume down. Every kid at school the next day would be tired
Bob Domine?
From 2019 article

Big Blue Nation has a secession problem. Some of its most devoted citizens have bailed — at least physically — on Kentucky basketball.
Attendance is down, so much so that a renovation that will reduce Rupp Arena’s capacity by 3,000 seats moves forward without protest.

No-shows are on the rise, so much so that more than 28 percent of the tickets distributed this season have not registered on arena scans.

Pricing, parking, scheduling, seating, supply, demand, the economic theory of marginal utility, one-and-done culture and television technology were all mentioned by Kentucky fans among contributing causes for the erosion of a fan base that has ranked first or second in college basketball attendance every season since Rupp Arena opened in 1976.

Jeremy Curtis, a UK fan from western Kentucky, says his family has four upper-level season tickets, but he has not attended a game since 2011.

“At first, the excitement of being able to drive up and back for a game was worth it,” he said, “but that was soon replaced with the ease of watching every game in front of a 50+ inch TV in the comfort of our home, not to mention the cost savings of parking and food.”

This is a common refrain heard within Kentucky’s uncommonly devout fan base. Spectators accustomed to backless benches in the upper level of Rupp Arena have been leaving a larger proportion of those seats empty, often absorbing the price of a prepaid ticket while the Wildcats plow through the cupcake portion of their schedule.


At the end of the day, few are going to pay the prices UK is asking to watching the men's basketball team play crap basketball against a no name team. Taking the big name games off the home schedule means season tickets are sales are dependent on SEC games being a draw.

The large screen argument has merit, but were tickets sales an issue between 2010 and 2015? It doesn't appear to be. There was some decline I'm sure, but the secondary market was still strong to see Cal put a team of final four talent on the floor. Its only when the revolving door of OAD players who didn't accomplish anything at UK and the rep of Cal pushing player potential over player contribution during games did lack of butts in seats started to get noticed.

It doesn't matter where your political opinions are on this, the kneeling did have an effect to some degree. Kentucky , even with this democratic governor Ky is a solidly red state. Kneeling is a divisive topic that spans across both blue and white collar. The point is, during a time when people are actively choosing to stay home, you don't give a segment of the fan base another reason. And worse, you don't decide that a segment of the fan base isn't needed because of their political leanings. You're just making the potential pool of people smaller to go to Rupp, especially those who may be inclined to go to a cupcake game for the experience because they can't afford the "big" name games. Sports used to be the one outlet where politics didn't matter. The only Red/Blue that mattered was the color of the sports team you wore to the game. Now people are telling UK fans they shouldn't go to games because of who they voted for. Its counter productive to the program, and for the team to take a position they are asking for fallout. Come support the cats but ignore them taking on a hot button political topic during a game. Just doesn't work that way.

UK has made a calculated guess on the loyalty of the UK fans base. They were wrong. Ticket prices, scheduling, the make up of the team - collectively has pushed fans away from seeing the Cats play in person, something that was unthinkable just 10 years ago. The last thing anyone needs to be doing is coming up with more reasons to make attending games less desirable.
you're my favorite poster on here
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Ticket prices are unnecessarily expensive when you factor absurd concession prices to take a family of 4 or just your kid.
Last movie we went to over 2 years ago my wife wanted a water. $4. That cost the less than a dime. Popcorn was almost $10. It gets to the point where the prices are so absurd you don’t want to leave your couch.
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Bills fan, nice! Was he from around there? I grew up in Syracuse and my grandfather had season tickets. Strongest man I ever knew and cried when it went wide.
bruhhh I feel for this man knowing what he went through. Any Bills fan.

He was actually a Jets fan growing up on Long Island, but switched to the Bills when he moved upstate in the 70's.. and then proceeded to endure some awful super bowl heart breaks, and that was followed up with nearly 20 years of just bad football from Buffalo.

I, being the shit head I am, thought it would be funny to be a Jets fan when I was like 7.. just to spite him (out of love, not REALLY spite). I would make him Christmas cards that would say "BILLS: Boy I Love Losing Superbowls" lol..

.. Fast forward to present day, and I'm the one who's no longer laughing. Although, I'm a closet Bills fans. I don't root for other teams just to be that shit head kid, I HATE the Pats, and I generally want to see Buffalo win. They deserve it.
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A better one than this putrid pitiful excuse of a home schedule. Last few years, cal continues to schedule key games at neutral sites. That's nice for viewers but noone should be shocked when people don't show to crap home games.

Tv only plays a part because of the other factors. Football comes on tv too but those games sold out.

But really.. what are we talking here? Maybe 1 more competitive home game, 2 max? That's the difference maker? It's not like past coaches really packed the schedule with tough teams in November/December. They all had cupcakes.

I don't blame him for not wanting to deal with hostile environments like IU. With the way college officiating is set up, some of these hostile games become almost impossible to win. And I don't know if it's worth it to schedule home/homes just to endure that.

Football in person is just a better experience. Plus, we're having (or WERE having) one of the greatest seasons in history?

IDK, I just don't think the basketball schedule matters.. Or.. it's one slice in a pie, where there's nearly a dozen factors of why ticket sales are down. So hypothetical, Cal Schedules IU again.. and we get maybe a few hundred extra fans? Sorry, that's not worth it to me, to see our team have to go try and be 20pts better in their arena. I'll take the slight hit in capacity to make a first 1/3rd of a schedule that works for us. Fans always have the SEC play, the SECT, and the NCAAT.
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