Empty seats sending UK a message?

The thing about this that keeps needing mentioned's not the overall OCC schedule. UK plays a tough OCC schedule in relation to other teams.

The beef with it is more a "we want more home and home series and less neutral site games". That's the gist of it I feel.

I mean 5 of our 13 OCC games are Duke, KU, UL, OSU and Notre Dame. You aren't going to find many teams with that kind of OCC schedule.

I just feel like not just with UK but overall, there's that shift to neutral site games. For better or worse.

Exactly.. and I don't see the next coach fixing the above photos. He'd have to schedule a seriously gauntlet of a schedule.. and that's something that won't happen and I don't want to see happen.
Yep. That’s true. This was 5 minutes into game and it didn’t get any better. Was trying to visualize while sitting there if everyone from top section sat in lower level if lower level would be full... I doubt it.

I'm certain the official number from UK is tickets bought and not necessary butts in the seats.

Having said that, outside of scalpers, my opinion is if people are buying tickets, they are buying them with the intention of going to the game.

I think it would be a way bigger problem if the tickets weren't being bought and the revenue was down.
Hey I'm all for Home and Home series..

.. The day the NCAA fixes it's officiating fiasco.

That is the one and only reason I don't want home and homes. No desire to go to Duke or deal with the IU fiasco again, just to get a home game with them.
I also think that there's still a sting from last year, and maybe even the year prior with the tournament being cancelled. I mean there are still some here who think we "didn't even make a Sweet16 that year", not realizing that NO ONE made a Sweet16 that year.. so there's definitely some people upset about the whole thing.

I do think if we start winning, and we must win these cupcakes, you'll see fans come back. We'll have a hot team, we'll have a resurgence of players that are "must see", like an Oscar or Wheeler. I think winning will help. Although, I personally, don't think we're ever going back to what in-person sports used to be.

I've always said, as long as Cal is here with an inexperienced team, give me the easier schedule to start. When he's gone, and if we get the next... idk.. Wright or Beard or someone who goes for experience.. then I'm fine playing the tougher schedules. I'd prefer us to aim for somewhere in the top50-top25.
yea, winning will help but its going to have be meaningful wins.

The easier schedule is tolerable if 1. they win those games, which lately isn't a guarantee. This year may be different and 2. that it results in March, specifically a final four or championship game.

and no I"m not saying every year, but regardless of Covid and tournament cancellation, you can't do this for 7 years and expect fan support. I'm excited to see John Wall , Anthony Davis, Devin Booker play no name U because they are going to play competitive games right from the start. The idea of us having to play bad teams for any chance of the team to rack up wins? Why would *any* fan want that?
See my other post for the edit. But yeah, that’s probably partially why. We were ranked #4 at the time.

As a WKU alum myself, I’m glad that never happened in my years there. I would’ve been pissed like you, but also kinda cool that your college won? I don’t know.

Its weird when your born and raised a UK fan and they play your instate alma mater. Now, I will pull for UK for obvious reasons, but, it’s still hard not to have a little alma pride.
I have a ton of pride in my alma mater. Loved my time at WKU. But yeah, going to school somewhere didn't wipe out the fact that I was raised by Cawood Ledford teaching me the game of basketball over the radio. Growing up with posters of Mashburn on the wall, along with Sky Walker, Joe Hall, Rupp, Ledford, Issel, etc ...

Going to college somewhere gave me pride for that school but it didn't wipe away what was in my DNA.
I have a ton of pride in my alma mater. Loved my time at WKU. But yeah, going to school somewhere didn't wipe out the fact that I was raised by Cawood Ledford teaching me the game of basketball over the radio. Growing up with posters of Mashburn on the wall, along with Sky Walker, Joe Hall, Rupp, Ledford, Issel, etc ...

Going to college somewhere gave me pride for that school but it didn't wipe away what was in my DNA.
Same. It’s just a weird feeling, especially when it’s in basketball. It’s like “I hope they do well, but not win” 😂
Exactly.. and I don't see the next coach fixing the above photos. He'd have to schedule a seriously gauntlet of a schedule.. and that's something that won't happen and I don't want to see happen.
I think its fixable. Again, it doesn't have to be a gauntlet. Bring in teams that people want to see, get a better mix of players that stick around and become fan favorites,
apparently alot of people don't.

The following rant isn't directed at you Nbacats, I'm just using your quote as a springboard.

ticket prices, TV size, etc have nothing to do with me personally not attending games.

I have zero connection to the team. I couldn't name all the players on the team at the moment. That doesn't make me a bad fan. I was all in on the OAD when the idea was there would be 2 - 3 obvious superstars on the team that would be game changers to the program in the little time they spent here. I was invested in them as a fan because of their immediate impact to the program.

Now - really, who GAF about Brandon Boston? He did nothing here and bolted. 5 years from now I'm willing to bet 90% of the fans won't be able to tell you what year he played. Would I be invested in him as a player if he came back? improved? dedicated himself to the program and acted like it meant something to be at Kentucky other than a fast track to the NBA? Absolutely I would. And the problem is we've been fed a steady diet of Brandon Boston level players here for 5 years with Cal happily telling us he doesn't GAF about what the fans want , and a good portion of the fans saying it doesn't matter.

It does matter.

we've rationalized away so much to support Calipari's approach to basketball

November/December games don't matter
Players not returning and transferring doesn't matter
All time wins doesn't matter
Home advantage at Rupp / Sold out games doesn't matter
Kentucky high school players don't matter
SEC tournament doesn't matter
Indiana series doesn't matter
I'll even throw in the 3 point shot in a row , it was a source of pride. but it doesn't matter

all we talk about is what doesn't matter to UK basketball anymore
and all that does seem to matter is what is important to Cal

I'm over it. I'm not willing to continually give up what used to be important to Kentucky basketball under the excuse of me being an out of touch boomer.

I don't care if Cal stays or goes, but until people start prioritizing Kentucky basketball over what Calipari thinks is important, I'm not going to support him as coach based on what he has done to the program in the last 5 years. Maybe he's changed, maybe it took a 9-16 season to humble him, maybe Mitch finally stepped in and told him there is no shortage of coaches that can lose to Evansville. I don't know but I do know Cal needs to change, not me as a fan.

and no, I'm not going to go cheer for someone else, I'm not going to stop posting, I'm not going to listen to someone who joined this site 6 months ago lecture me on what being a fan is. That's just how it is.
Testify brother Testify!

And youre not an out of touch Boomer. I'm in my 30s. A millennial. And I agree with every damn word!
yea, winning will help but its going to have be meaningful wins.

The easier schedule is tolerable if 1. they win those games, which lately isn't a guarantee. This year may be different and 2. that it results in March, specifically a final four or championship game.

and no I"m not saying every year, but regardless of Covid and tournament cancellation, you can't do this for 7 years and expect fan support. I'm excited to see John Wall , Anthony Davis, Devin Booker play no name U because they are going to play competitive games right from the start. The idea of us having to play bad teams for any chance of the team to rack up wins? Why would *any* fan want that?

Yeah it will take time. We need to take this easy start and roll it into some wins over OSU and ND, and then have a solid OOC. And we might need a F4 THIS year, to get people back.. but yes, shouldn't be expected every year.

I would put Oscar right there with those guys. We ARE thumping the easy teams, despite a slightly slow start to last game. And I'm not sure these guys beating the cupcakes by large margins should be treated any different than Wall and AD's team doing it. We forget Wall's team was a last second FG away from losing to Miami of Ohio.
Yeah it will take time. We need to take this easy start and roll it into some wins over OSU and ND, and then have a solid OOC. And we might need a F4 THIS year, to get people back.. but yes, shouldn't be expected every year.

I would put Oscar right there with those guys. We ARE thumping the easy teams, despite a slightly slow start to last game. And I'm not sure these guys beating the cupcakes by large margins should be treated any different than Wall and AD's team doing it. We forget Wall's team was a last second FG away from losing to Miami of Ohio.
I was highly inebriated in two keys when they lost to WV. We had an easy path to the championship game. Just wasn't in the cards. But they get a pass because they followed Gillispie and Eric Bledsoe said "we're gonna get sh!! right this year", plus Boogie is my favorite player in the Cal era
After cupcake city there's some very interesting games coming up.

We are currently a 1 point dog at ND, on a neutral site vs OSU and away to LSU. If we can win say 2 of those 3, we could start to roll.
I was highly inebriated in two keys when they lost to WV. We had an easy path to the championship game. Just wasn't in the cards. But they get a pass because they followed Gillispie and Eric Bledsoe said "we're gonna get sh!! right this year", plus Boogie is my favorite player in the Cal era

Yes, it does have the allure of Cal's first few years and after some bad seasons before. But I do believe this team has two guys that look to be players that we should want to come out and seed. Maybe not as flashy and lack a bit of the NBA potential.

But they might be the two best "must-see" players since... since.. Herro? PJ or Maxey? Unsure.
After cupcake city there's some very interesting games coming up.

We are currently a 1 point dog at ND, on a neutral site vs OSU and away to LSU. If we can win say 2 of those 3, we could start to roll.

We really need that 3rd option to step up. Not neccesarily to make shots.. just someone we can rely on night in and night out to play mistake free ball. IDK if we have that yet,
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Yep. That’s true. This was 5 minutes into game and it didn’t get any better. Was trying to visualize while sitting there if everyone from top section sat in lower level if lower level would be full... I doubt it.

Wow. That’s depressing.
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I think my biggest criticism of Calipari is the scheduling. I get why he does it, but I don’t see results supporting his point of view. I went to the UNC vs UK game in 2012 in Rupp. I believe if it was #1 vs #2 if I recall correctly (or close to that) and the buzz in Rupp was palpable.

I’d also bet the kids in the team absolutely loved it and it’s another feather for recruiting.

But we also played at IU that year. Also had a neutral game or two. And we won the title playing home and home games. I don’t see our odds going up replacing the home and home games with neutral games.
Why? Serious question. How can you not get excited every season? I don’t understand.
I can’t pinpoint it 100%. Believe me I wish I still felt the same way I used to.

If I had to try and pinpoint it, I’d probably say:

1. Cal

Watching his offense shoot contested shots all game long against any good team is exhausting.

So I guess I would say my excitement isn’t there because I don’t see much of a chance of a deep run again. Next year will be the test for me, because it seems like we have major, major talent coming in similar to 2011 and 2014. Talent that can score in his offense.

If I’m not excited going into next year, it might just be me. Getting older.
I can’t pinpoint it 100%. Believe me I wish I still felt the same way I used to.

If I had to try and pinpoint it, I’d probably say:

1. Cal

Watching his offense shoot contested shots all game long against any good team is exhausting.

So I guess I would say my excitement isn’t there because I don’t see much of a chance of a deep run again. Next year will be the test for me, because it seems like we have major, major talent coming in similar to 2011 and 2014. Talent that can score in his offense.

If I’m not excited going into next year, it might just be me. Getting older.
I’m with you. Don’t think it’s age though because I still get excited and look forward to UK football games . The only game I’ve watched this year is the Duke game . I’ll check back in when we play an opponent with a pulse because how we play against these cupcakes means nothing. For me , it seems like college basketball is just a shell of what it used to be . The one&done is a MAJOR factor. The NCAA turning a blind eye to what UNCheat and Duke do is another. I haven’t watched a non UK game in 2 years .I’ll also admit, that 2015 loss to Wisconsin took something out of my fandom . Ever since then it’s like the regular season doesn’t even mean a thing .
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Cal believes that low attendance at Rupp is a consequence of old people not wanting to walk:
He said that’s a factor and I agree renovation is a factor. He also said this, which I agree with. He’s not going to admit schedule sucks publicly (and I’m betting it’ll be better next year):

“But I think most of it is COVID-driven, but we sold a bunch of new season tickets, got a bunch of fundraising. I think the positive in this is: one, we needed our fans; and two, we’re still going to be one of the teams that lead the country in attendance. This COVID knocked everyone for a loop around the country, so you could have two guys say it’s this, two guys say it’s that; it doesn’t mean it’s what the majority of people think.”
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So you can't prove your own words? Gotcha. Thanks for playing though.

for different reasons, I feel like this started with two schools primarily

Duke and Syracuse

Duke was well known years past for playing no one until January, loaded up with cupcakes and having a gaudy win/loss record. Thats why you always heard about these nonsensical records - 27 straight non conference home wins, etc. Syracuse was notorious for never playing on a road until after Xmas.

It worked for Duke - they would be nationally ranked with like an 11-0 record before their first lost and they could absorb that loss and still stay in the top 10 because everyone else already had 1 or 2 losses.

One can debate on whether either approach actually improved the team in terms of being prepared to make a title run. Certainly a higher seed as a result helped.

might not be a big deal if its 10% fan cut, if that stays static. That is dependent on their approach working and getting results. Continue to not get results and its a double edge sword. Not only does fan participation drop but you get fired in 2 years.
The only rank of schedule I have seen ranks the UK schedule as 14th most difficult. Overall we have a good schedule. We are just in our development time of the season and the teams we play reflect that.
It ain't covid and it aint the price, not saying theyaren't somewhat factors. It's more than they want to admit. Some things that happened last year turned fans off. Fans are also tiring of UK being a turnstile for players 8 months.

If people can't handle people having opposing views they can leave this country any day. Flights leaving daily to oasis' like Venezuela where you can dine on the sill living Zoo animals. Or Austria where you can only leave your house to get groceries.
Send us a postcard.

I don't have a problem with opposing views. I have a problem with people only wanting their views allowed. Cal and the team chose to be political last year. People didn't like and still don't like it.

I don't care what their political views are and didn't want to know. But they told us. They chose to make it known so people chose to respond.

If you want to include politics into your sport, be prepared for pushback. Yet people get on here and want to disparage people for daring to not agree with the politics the team chose.

I don't expect everyone to agree with my view. But don't tell me I'm not a fan and can't celebrate if the team wins a title because I didn't like some things they did last year.

They have a right to express themselves. O have a right to express myself. That's how that works.
These are my posts you responded to. Don't see kneeling in any of them. Nothing about me not liking Cal.

Proves you're a liar.
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The only rank of schedule I have seen ranks the UK schedule as 14th most difficult. Overall we have a good schedule. We are just in our development time of the season and the teams we play reflect that.

Cawood86 said:
It ain't covid and it aint the price, not saying theyaren't somewhat factors. It's more than they want to admit. Some things that happened last year turned fans off. Fans are also tiring of UK being a turnstile for players 8 months.

Cawood86 said:
If people can't handle people having opposing views they can leave this country any day. Flights leaving daily to oasis' like Venezuela where you can dine on the sill living Zoo animals. Or Austria where you can only leave your house to get groceries.
Send us a postcard.

Cawood86 said:
I don't have a problem with opposing views. I have a problem with people only wanting their views allowed. Cal and the team chose to be political last year. People didn't like and still don't like it.

I don't care what their political views are and didn't want to know. But they told us. They chose to make it known so people chose to respond.

If you want to include politics into your sport, be prepared for pushback. Yet people get on here and want to disparage people for daring to not agree with the politics the team chose.

I don't expect everyone to agree with my view. But don't tell me I'm not a fan and can't celebrate if the team wins a title because I didn't like some things they did last year.

They have a right to express themselves. O have a right to express myself. That's how that works.
Click to expand...
These are my posts you responded to. Don't see kneeling in any of them. Nothing about me not liking Cal.

Proves you're a liar.
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for different reasons, I feel like this started with two schools primarily

Duke and Syracuse

Duke was well known years past for playing no one until January, loaded up with cupcakes and having a gaudy win/loss record. Thats why you always heard about these nonsensical records - 27 straight non conference home wins, etc. Syracuse was notorious for never playing on a road until after Xmas.

It worked for Duke - they would be nationally ranked with like an 11-0 record before their first lost and they could absorb that loss and still stay in the top 10 because everyone else already had 1 or 2 losses.

One can debate on whether either approach actually improved the team in terms of being prepared to make a title run. Certainly a higher seed as a result helped.

might not be a big deal if its 10% fan cut, if that stays static. That is dependent on their approach working and getting results. Continue to not get results and its a double edge sword. Not only does fan participation drop but you get fired in 2 years.
They had the cushion of playing in the ACC which nearly guaranteed some ranked in-conference opponents. For a long stretch the SEC did not add much to our schedule. Yeah any given night one of them could possibly beat us but when we beat them it did little for our ranking.
Yep. That’s true. This was 5 minutes into game and it didn’t get any better. Was trying to visualize while sitting there if everyone from top section sat in lower level if lower level would be full... I doubt it.

WOW! That is embarrassing for Kentucky basketball.
Never thought I'd see something like that in my lifetime. I recall a ice storm happening prior to a SEC game when Pitino was here and there were still 18K fans at the game.
Barnhart needs to take control of the basketball program he's paid to oversee. The message seems clear to me...SCHEDULE BETTER.
Last edited:
Another factor with the home series stuff is...........maybe other coaches are just like Cal and don't want to schedule them.

It's a college basketball thing, not a Cal thing IMO.
What? No way. Only stupid, egomaniac Cal is like that
WOW! That is embarrassing for Kentucky basketball.
Never thought I'd see something like that in my lifetime. I recall a ice storm happening prior to a SEC game when Pitino was here and there were still 18K fans at the game.
Barnhart needs to take control of the basketball program he's paid to oversee. The message seems clear to me...SCHEDULE BETTER.
Guess that kinda blows away the 18K present number .
So I just got an email from UK offering 5 game mini packs (something I've been a big proponent of) for 2 SEC weekend games, 3 SEC weekday games and the Central Michigan game for $280.

I clicked the link in the email to ticketmaster and there are 18,065 people ahead of me...dead serious. Makes no sense. Bots?

I would buy this in a heartbeat.

These are good games, two different has Alabama and the other has UT and Florida + Tubby game.

You are now in line​

Due to demand, you may experience an extended wait time. Once you reach the front, you may begin to shop.
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Like I said before, I doubt nearly as many people are watching on TV these days either. It's not just a live attendance problem. You used to be able to talk UK basketball with most everyone you met. Nobody talks about it anymore.